March 24th, 2010

[info]pearlescence in [info]tiberiusswann

Thursday 24th April 08

Who: Pearl and Jacob
What: Pearl wants comfort
Where: Jacob's room
When: Wednesday evening.

It was stupid really. It had been four a half days since Will went missing and she knew that people were trying to find him, that she'd done almost everything she could possibly think of doing herself to help but still tonight she lay there in bed, unable to get to sleep. She hadn't been sleeping well really since Ophie mentioned seeing Will with his parents. Eventually somewhere in the middle of the night she'd drift off for a couple of hours but the worry and the lack of sleep was showing. She looked tired, her spells were going wrong, even some of the simpler ones that she normally barely had to think about, she wasn't paying attention in classes. She didn't realise quite how deeply she cared for her friend until this happened, and now she was terrified he wouldn't be coming back.

There really was no point in staring at the ceiling of her room for hours again tonight so, around midnight, she slipped out of her room and crept through the corridors until she found herself at her twin's door, not having really been sure where she was headed until she got there. A simple lock opening spell (which thankfully didn't blow up in her face) and she padded into Jacob's room in her pyjamas and socks, climbing into his bed without a single word.
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[info]somethingwitty in [info]tiberiusswann

THURSDAY; APRIL 24, 2008 - 08:45PM

WHO Mikaela & Cherry!
WHAT Stewing.
WHEN Thursday evening.
WHERE Hot tub.
RATING R for brief nudity mention.

Chlorine bubbles were still bubbles. )

[info]keaganunbound in [info]tiberiusswann

Saturday, April 26th. Mid morning

Who: Keagan & Rae
Where: Foxwoods Casino in CT
When: Saturday and Sunday
What: Escaping the school to gambol, have fun, and escape issues of the moment

Huh. You're like a character from Anne Rice but less gross and pedophilic. STILL IN PROGRESS! )
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[info]dizzyp in [info]tiberiusswann

Wednesday 4|23|08

Who: [info]dizzyp & [info]todd_wiley
Where: The Halls
When: Wednesday 4|23|08 Afternoon
What: Another run-in without the emergency situation.
Rating: A for Awkward, in Progress

Dizzy really hadn't seen Fox since the early morning when she'd collided into him in the halls in her panicked run after experiencing her most vivid vision in months, and only the second triggered by the firing of a gun. Fortunately, considering the urgency of the matter, there was no time for the possible awkward greetings or potential silences to fall between them. You know, considering their first meeting, when she'd drunkenly stumbled into his room, undressed and spent some time bouncing on his lap. Highly inappropriate for a first encounter, even by Dizzy's standards. Although she'd once upon a time sold her body to feed her stomach as well as her addictions, sex was hardly something to treat casually, and in her opinion, quite over-rated.

Finally done with classes, she lazily strolled through the hall toward the dorms. For someone getting back from classes she hardly seemed equipped. No bookbag or books, even, just a flimsy notebook and a pen, upon which she was gently gnawing the cap of. This was her favorite part of the day, when shit died down, people went off to their prospective extra curriculars or to their boy/girlfriends' rooms to make out or practice pro-creation. Busy halls irritated her and the annoying stupid chatter of the majority of the student body made her want to start wearing ear plugs constantly.

Slowing down her pace a little more, she seemed to hesitate in her path spotting the vaguely familiar blond male down at the other end of the long corridor. Normally Dizzy wasn't one to be shy, but considering she'd done a pretty decent job of avoiding a potential confrontation with Fox, trying to pretend like nothing had happened now would be weird. It took a minute or two to convince herself to just keep walking. If he greeted her she'd do the same, if he ignored her, she'd keep walking. This wasn't a big deal.
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[info]tigrrr in [info]tiberiusswann

Friday 25th April

Who: Tiger and Mikaela
Where: Arcaaade!
When: Friday after class
What: Mikaela is taking Tiger to the arcade - or is it the other way around?
Rating: F for Fun!

Tiger was hanging around the general entrance hallway of TJS waiting to see if he could spot Mikaela. He wasn't sure if they'd agreed on a place to meet, simply because he couldn't remember, so he figured that if he kept to the main hive of activity he might be able to spot her and set off for the arcade. He couldn't deny he was nervous, and not simply because he was making a new friend with an attractive wolf girl. He didn't care about that.

It had been years since he'd gone to an arcade. He used to be a regular until he reached his teens: teenagers weren't the most forgiving of people, they liked to pick on those who were different than themselves and after styling himself under punk fashion Tiger definitely went into the category of "weird". The first time he'd been beaten up had been in the middle of his best Pacman game ever. He'd never been able to look at it in the same way again and hadn't set foot in the arcades since.
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[info]sugarymagic in [info]tiberiusswann

Tuesday | April 22nd 2008

Who: Summer and Nick
When: Tuesday late afternoon
Where: Outside, then student lounge/entryway to dorms
What: Sebastian is a hot guy magnet!

Summer prided herself on Sebastian walking very well on his leash. The little terrier generally bounced merrily right beside Summer's sneakers, content to stay close and occasionally glance up at her for a treat or verbal piece of encouragement. Generally. Occasionally something snagged his attention and he couldn't help himself.

A little before supper time on Tuesday, Summer had her dog out on a longer walk, one hand loosely gripping his leash while the other scrolled through her phone text messages. Her aunt was too tech-savvy for her age; she texted Summer for every little thing. Not that the witch really minded it so badly --- her aunt was pretty darn cool.

Without warning, halfway through typing, the dog lunged forward, rudder-like tail straight, and barked off into the shrubbery nearby. Summer let out a little gasp, dropping her phone into the dirt. "Sebastian!" she scolded, crouching down to retrieve her cell.

'What the hell, man!' )
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