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Rebooted YAY! COME AT ME BRO! [21 Feb 2013|10:47pm]

Who: Rose Tyler (AND YOU!)
When: Day One
Where: Main Lobby of Outpost
What: Arriving!
Warnings: none yet.
Status: open (threadjack welcome within reason)

'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles just to see you tonight... )

[12 Dec 2012|06:55pm]

Who: Dean Winchester and Castiel
When: Day One (backdated)
Where: Outpost lobby
What: Exchanging information
Warnings: None
Status: Closed, ongoing

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[11 Dec 2012|02:38am]

Who: Rose Tyler, The Doctor (10), The Master
When: Day One (backdated)
Where: Main Lobby of Outpost
What: Regrouping and Distracting, but not necessarily in that order.
Warnings: none yet.
Status: open(?- threadjack welcome within reason)

half asleep while writing this, hope it's okay... )

[07 Dec 2012|11:25pm]

Who: Jo Harvelle and Castiel
When: Day One
Where: Main Lobby of Outpost
What: Regrouping!
Warnings: None
Status: open(?- threadjack welcome)

I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Revelation, 1. 18 )

[06 Dec 2012|10:11pm]

Who: The Doctor (10th) and Castiel
When: Backdated to the 1st
Where: Outside the Outpost (?)
What: Meeting for the first time
Warnings: None
Status: Closed, ongoing

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