Mar. 7th, 2011


Plottery #1 results

Based on the post here, and the comments/ideas you all came up with, it seemed like a good idea to make a new discussion post regarding the possibility of going ahead with a plague plotline. The idea of a magical plague was suggested, with the possibility of "opposite talents" as a symptom. This link was an idea we had about what you guys gave us to work with. 

Here were the opposites we came up with so far:

Beguiling --> repulsing. Instead of drawing people in/looking more attractive, this talent pushes people away, makes them not want to be around you.

Elating--> being stuck in one place or unable to leave an area. (inability to teleport)

Firestarting --> Ice/water creating.

Flying --> sinking/subterranean travel.

Healing --> harming (attempts to heal hurt instead)

Moving --> fixing things to one spot, unable to be moved.

Necromancy --> life-giving/creation/resurrection.

Reading --> projecting. Instead of reading others' thoughts, you project your own into their heads.

Seeing --> instead of precognition, it’s retro-cognition. You see the past, not the future.

Shape-shifting --> mental change instead of physical. Instead of changing physically, you take on the personality of whoever/whatever you intend to change into. (This includes animals)

Storing --> instead of storing power for oneself, it is immediately given (involuntarily) to someone nearby who is attempting to use a talent the more power stored makes a person weaker so they have to give it away? (Yeah we like this better)

If someone has a different/better suggestion for any of these, please comment. If you choose to let this happen to your character they don't have to have ALL their talents affected (if they have more than one). But whichever talent it affects, it will continue to do so until the end of this plot arc aka when a cure is found. What do you all think? Feedback is love!

Mar. 1st, 2011


Plottage, plottage, anyone plottage?

Sooo... besides shamelessly campaigning for a husband and fiancée (male or female) for Dari here, I'm also offering her up for entertainment and other various plots. She should be making her appearance advertising (in city inns and the like) for the Wanderers who will soon be camping outside of Sapphire City. So if you are looking for entertainment (for detailed ideas, see Dareshta's bio), it would definitely be the spot to hit up! :) I'm also open for plotting with the Wanderers as a whole (since Dari is, as of now, the only one)

Also, besides perhaps having Aoife yell at Everil to cause her to have a life-altering, life choice second guessing, paradigm shift soon, I'm also up for anyone else to include her in other plots as well.

June 2011



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