May. 23rd, 2011


Bringing the Fire

Who: Nila and Rivin
What: Have a conversation after a performance of Nila's
Where: The King and Queen's Inn
When: In the evening after the dinner rush
Rating: Probably not more than PG

The beats played by the Wanderer's drummers was primal. It resonated, mingling with Nila's heartbeat. )

Apr. 21st, 2011


The Hunt is On (aka Rivin's Entrance!)

Who:Rivin and Tegwaret
What: Rivin gathers supplies and prepares to take Teg in the woods.
Where: Briefly in town before going for Teg's hideout
When: After Teg's encounter with Aoife, late afternoon
Rating: Possibly PG-13 for violence

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