May. 27th, 2020



Adds and Drops

Comment here with characters )



Any interest? )

Apr. 29th, 2020



A quick note )

Apr. 14th, 2020



Welcome to the game! )
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Mar. 8th, 2020



Welcome to the game! )
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Feb. 17th, 2020



Plot time! )
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Adds! 2/17/2020

Welcome to the game! )
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Feb. 5th, 2020





Feb. 3rd, 2020



A trainee confectioner at Mandy's Dandy Candies has accidentally mixed up a batch of their famous specialty truffles, dosed with a potent (yet absolutely legal and safe, their lawyers would like to assure you!) 24-hour love potion, with deliveries headed to Wizzywood for Valentine's Day. When your character bites into a sweet, sweet chocolate, they're unaware they may be taking a dangerous gamble... with their heart! To complicate the issue, the potion wasn't evenly mixed, and while some of the truffles have a normal dose of potion inside, others have a low dose and a few have a much higher dose than healers recommend. Whether a bite leads to a mild crush or a dark obsession is all down to a roll of the dice...

This completely optional gamewide event is open to all characters and will take place on Friday, February 14th. The potion will not override anyone's consent, just their better judgment. Effects of the potion will only last 24 hours, but we can't guarantee that the effects of your character's behavior while on the potion won't last a lot longer, so please sign up with possible long-term ripples in mind. :)
1. Sign up by filling out THE FORM for each character you'd like involved in the plot. You can sign up as a dosed character, a target of someone else's affections, or both/either. Please sign up for what you can realistically handle; you should be prepared to log or thread something with your assigned partner(s) over the next week or so for each character signed up.

2. After everyone's had a chance to sign up their characters and I make sure we have enough on each side, I (Calli) will roll the dice, do some random or not-so-random matching based on responses, and post the results on or before Friday, February 7.

3. Once you have your match, log/thread your scenario! If you need a prompt, let me know or ask in chat. Scenes should be set on Friday, February 14th, but because we're all busy people, feel free to start them in advance, forward-date, backdate, whatever you need.

4. If you have questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to contact me by leaving a comment below or DMing me on Discord.
General feelings of happiness and contentment to be around the target. Easily satisfied with casual conversation, being near the target, or even just thinking or talking about them to others. Honestly a fairly pleasant way to spend 24 hours, though if rejected they will be sad. :( If not, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship!
Warm fluttery feelings when around the target, an instant attraction and sense of romance, though not to the level of obsession or thought of as anything more serious than a crush. Desire to get closer to the target and flirt with them, satisfied by intimate conversation or casual touch.
Feelings of love at first sight, of being attracted to everything about the target and prone to waxing poetic to anyone who will listen about their many virtues. Dead set on the idea of the target being their one true love and certain that they're meant to be together. Mildly depressed when they're not around the target, and constantly thinking about them.
Strong feelings of adoration and love for the target, bordering on obsession. A deep yearning that is not satisfied by anything but emotional or physical intimacy. Will (probably) not go to uncharacteristically extreme measures to be around the target, but will be desolate without them and prone to weeping, writing lovelorn poetry, and/or plotting ways to "win" their love.
An overwhelming obsession with the target and no rational ability to function away from them, as the love potion has taken over their usual personality. Will likely engage in extreme, foolhardy, and/or stalkerish behaviors to gain the target's attention. Will resist anything or anyone that would get between them and the target. May be dangerous to themselves or others. May require medical intervention before the 24 hours are up.



Adds! 2/3/20

Welcome to the game! )
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Jan. 1st, 2020



Adds! 1/1/20

Happy New Year, everyone! Go check out the IC/OOC if you haven't already. I figure we'll play this through the weekend.

Welcome to the game! )
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Dec. 14th, 2019



Adds! 12/14/19

Hi, everybody! Hope everyone's having a good December!

Welcome to the game! )
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Dec. 6th, 2019



Adds! 12/6/19

Only one this week!

Welcome to the game! )
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Dec. 1st, 2019



December Merlinverse Plot

Attention, contributors to the Merlinverse!

I call this plot DARK SECRETS )
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Nov. 30th, 2019



Adds! 11/30/19

Alright, NaNo-ers! Time to come back and play now. 😉

Welcome to the game! )
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Nov. 10th, 2019



Adds! 11/10/10

Don't forget that, while there are no formal activity checks, the expectation is that all primary characters have at least one log each month—and everyone else should be doing something! We're all eager to play, so let's brainstorm and come up with some fun stuff to get on screen! If you're having trouble finding stuff for your characters to do, there are two good options for you:

1) Reply here and reintroduce your character with ideas for things you wanna do with them.

2) Visit the #log-planning channel on discord.

Welcome to the game! )
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Nov. 3rd, 2019



Adds! 11/3/19

If you're having trouble finding stuff for your characters to do, please use this thread to chat with other players and drum up log ideas! You're always welcome to re-introduce your characters or just generally chat about what sorts of things you'd be interested in playing. Also, check out the #log-planning channel on discord.

Welcome to the game! )
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Oct. 25th, 2019



heads up

We have a weather warning in our region for heavy rain and floods. Last time this happened we lost our Internet because we live out in the sticks. So myself, Jaleh and Calix might be MIA over the next couple of days.

Oct. 16th, 2019



Adds! 10/16/19

Egads, guys. This was a lot!

Welcome to the game! )
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Oct. 13th, 2019



Adds! 10/14/19

More adds! Feel free to also introduce any previously-added characters if you want to brainstorm connections here.

Welcome to the game! )
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