June 2012



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Apr. 24th, 2012


Who: Erebus and Eleanor/Diana (Guest appearance by Psyche)
What: An awakened Erebus takes interest in Eleanor
Where: Nyx
When: Tuesday Evening

Follow the golden fox, through the golden door. )


Aphrodite/Abigail you have ONE new message )

Apr. 19th, 2012


Private to The Gods )

Apr. 18th, 2012


Tobias you have (4) new text messages )

Abigail you have (1) new text message )

Apr. 3rd, 2012


Abigail you have ONE new message. )

Alex Gallo you have ONE new message. )

Apr. 1st, 2012


WHO Eros & Tobias/Psyche
WHEN 1 April 2012 | evening
WHERE Eros' flat
WHAT Eros invited Tobias/Psyche over because he doesn't want to lose them.

almost as if sensing the body on the other side, Eros was up and to the door opening it )

Mar. 26th, 2012


Eros you have ONE new text message. )

Mar. 25th, 2012


Who: Tobias and Roger [Psyche and Eros]
What: Somehow Tobias ends up agreeing to a sort of date but not with a man, a new thing for him. Secretly, Psyche knows what is happening here but is trying to let Tobias get used to Eros being said man.
Where: Central Park
When: Monday, 1pm

And when the wax dripped upon Love's skin, he jumped up awake at once! )

Mar. 22nd, 2012


WHO Eros/Roger & OPEN
WHEN 22 March 2012 | late afternoon
WHERE Central Park
WHAT a run in the park

Not as picturesque as Kensington, but it would do.  )

Mar. 21st, 2012


Who: Tobias and Mariana
What: Mariana drops by to put in an application and Tobias is good on his word to Abigail.
Where: Nyx
When: Tuesday mid-day

You're certainly pretty enough to work here, boss man will love that. )

Mar. 20th, 2012


Who: Tobias and Abigail
What: Tobias invites Abigail up to Nyx for the night for a casual visit.
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Nyx

Read more... )

Mar. 19th, 2012


Tobias Catch, you have ONE new message )

Mar. 14th, 2012


Who: Psyche and Lucas [Tobias and Athena]
What: Psyche decides to start making a more active search for others on her own.
Where: New York Public Library, Spencer Collection
When: Wednesday afternoon

She was eager to see pictures of what the mortals used to think she looked like. )

Mar. 11th, 2012


Who: Tobias and Abigail [Psyche and Aphrodite]
What: Tobias tries to explain what is happening to her.
Where: Nyx
When: Noon on 3-3-12

You don't remember, do you? )

Feb. 28th, 2012


Who: Tobias and Tara [Psyche and Zeus]
What: Talking while Tobias bartends at Nyx.
Where: Nyx
When: Tuesday after five.

Everyone was returning, but one of their kind was still severely lacking. )

Feb. 23rd, 2012


Who: EVERYONE? Basically anyone that can legit find a reason to be at this party!
What: Thanks to Abigail it's become common knowledge that Lydia has the apartment to herself until Saturday, so it's party time at the Apostolos place! Tons of people get invited and it may swing a little out of control when some gods begin to arrive with their vessels!
Where: The Apostolos Apartment above the Antique Shop and Showroom.
When Friday at eight!

Crush a bit, little bit, roll it up, take a hit... )

Feb. 17th, 2012


Who: Psyche and Kurt.
What: Two free beers.
Where: Nyx.
When: 9 PM, Thursday.

His past had the utmost decency to haunt him anywhere, everywhere. )

Feb. 12th, 2012


Who: Tobias and Sam [Psyche and Apollo]
What: Tobias minds the bar at Nyx and meets Sam.
Where: Nyx Bar
When: Sunday evening

Valentine's Day was coming and it gave Tobias major mixed feelings. )
