June 2012

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April 26th, 2012

[info]praelium in [info]themoderngodooc

I’m so sorry I haven’t been around guys. Last week was crunch time for the wedding, and this week, I had family over from the other side of the states and Philippines and was spending time with them 24/7. Giving them tours around New York and what have you, so I was super busy with them. And even when some left and I had a little time on my hands, I was just really bummed that I wouldn’t be able to see them for another year or two, that idea distracting me from RPing.

I’m planning to go back this week, but just recently, one of my best friends has been having trouble with her mother who just recently was suffering from hallucinations. So further emergencies may pop up that will make me absent for a couple of days at a time.

I really apologize for sucking so hard and not informing anyone of how busy I was. I’ll try to suck less, I promise! And, because I know I’m slacking here and my other games, if I have a thread with any of you/planned to thread any of my kids with yours, please let me know here? I’m remembering some, but something tells me I’m missing a few. To be honest I think what would be easiest is with current threads, we could perhaps drop them because they're so old and simply discuss what happened so we could move on with plots? YES, NO?