June 2012

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March 28th, 2012

[info]frigginserious in [info]themoderngodooc

Jsyk I'm at a party tonight so if for some reason I don't do adds tonight I will tomorrow after work, but I'll try and wait till 9pm CST for all apps to do them tonight. I just miiiight be too sauced to do adds proper. Also, I may not be able to tag atm.


[info]allthebeauty in [info]themoderngodooc

Hi there

I wanted to leave another note and just keep people in the know; I am still fighting this stomach thing. It's been pretty bad with a lot of dizzy spells and headaches. I have been absolutely exhausted, so writing has been pretty much on the bottom of my to do list. Keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow is better and that I shake this soon. It's all kinds if terrible. Appreciate the patience.


[info]golden_lyre in [info]themoderngodooc

Heyyy guys. Just a note to say I've changed Sam/Apollo's PB from Charlie Hunnam to Bradley James. Just so people don't get confused if his face pops up. :) It's just an OOC change, of course - IC he's always looked like this. :P

<33 Kate

[info]intolerans in [info]themoderngodooc

Alright. No self control whatsoever. This is Sally with character numero tre, Marceline Lancaster!

Marceline is mortal, twenty-eight years old and is the dean of Brownsville High School. Hardcore dean who has absolutely no tolerance for bullshit and is a raging bitch as far as disciplinary actions goes. Most of the time, anyway. She grew up in a really volatile, depleting environment so once she graduated high school, she was out of there. Her siblings stayed back since neither of them finished school, but eventually moved to New York where she is. Then her brother when all cray. Soon, Marceline discovered later that her brother had been burnt out by a god. Ever since then, she has had an intense odium against them. As far as personality goes, she’s very straightforward, speaks her mind, and again, has no tolerance for bullshit. She really does care about the students attending the high school though, and tries her best to help them out since they’re all growing up in rather hostile conditions. She’s pretty nice away from the office and has a raunchy sense of humor. No really. Has the humor of a teenage boy.

So lines anyone? I’d love, in specific, a roommate, and some gods she can be a total raging bitch towards. Friends in general, enemies, whatever. You know where to reach me!