June 2012

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March 21st, 2012

[info]egyptianlawyer in [info]themoderngodooc

Me and Slow

I know I owe people tags, and I promise I'll get them all tomorrow. I did the stupid student thing and went on Monday "Oh look, 5 page paper due Thursday morning. Awesome, I should decide what to write about." and am paying for it now. :)

I can tag on journals, since I can do those on my phone in class or between classes, but since I won't be online today, I won't be able to tag threads. Promise, I'll make it all up to you guys!

[info]modernmod in [info]themoderngodooc

Hey gurls n boyz, what it do?!

We have some fresh meat and some new characters, per usual, totaling: three new players and EIGHT new characters! Which is going to be insane when people start doing intros haha but oh well. Head over to the F-BUTTON and welcome:

Brix with [info]lastwednesday | Odin

Glee with [info]featherbrain | Huginn

Mike 2 with [info]afterart | Alex Gallo

Kel with [info]elisa_is_betta | Elisabetta Cavalli

Scout with [info]heavenlycloud | Dodola

SC with [info]nectarofgods | Hebe

Sally with [info]libidinem | Himeros

annnd Mags with [info]aquiviering | Eros

PLEAAASE NOTE: I have changed the cast page like the fool that I am so that it's an easier code to deal with, however I need people to choose their favorite PB picture and it needs to be either cropped at 425 by 211 OR able to be cropped. PLEASE NOTICE that the info line crosses a certain point over the picture so if you want the best possible showage of face you gotta get me somethin' good. Unless you don't care, then that's up to you. If you don't link me something either here or by AIM I'll just do it for you, no worries!


i love you guys more than pizza <3


I know some folks don't have AIM or prefer not to use it, would people be interested in using: tinychat.com/moderngods ?? It's easy to use from a web-browser! Otherwise, per usual and so our new folks know: we tend to gather in AIM chats for collective bullshitting and plotting.

[info]heavenlycloud in [info]themoderngodooc

making this short and sweet

scout here, with my last: dodola has been awake since she was six. saturday is the vessel daughter of cali hippies, she has traveled a LOT, is attracted to most thunder/sky/weather/lighting/king gods and if you want to say she has met your god (regardless of their vessel gender) and had something with them briefly feel free, lemme know. she is currently living in nyc annnnd works part time at the same store demeter works at and helps out at a small gardening supply shop and floral shop

hit me up here or on aim at icethesun for plottinggggg

[info]elisa_is_betta in [info]themoderngodooc


Okay, it's Kelly again (the Y one), and this is my LAST chara. Seriously. I don't want to slack off on any threads or ignore any of my babies, so I'm gonna limit myself to four.

This is Elisabetta, or Lissa, or Betta, or Bet, or whatever really. She doesn't care what you call her so long as you kiss her ass when doing it. She's a 17-year-old brat. Internet addict. Totally inappropriate. Rich girl. Daddy doesn't pay enough attention. Yeah.. she's likely to piss most of your charas off at some point.

I'm open to any and all plots. Oh, and just assume she's been lurking around the message board for a long time, because she's online like crazy. She's probably been a bitch to a few of your charas, flirted with them, probably even posted a few naughty pictures because she's nuts like that.

[info]afterart in [info]themoderngodooc


Hey people, I'm Mike (number two it seems, I can go by Matt if it makes it easier) and I'm bringing in Alex Gallo -- aspiring artist with no idea on what his art really is. He sells his sketches in the park during the morning and then teaches fourth graders art after school at a local elementary school. Un-repenting hipster. Music snob but still overly friendly. Conversation is his bread and butter and he needs it to survive so he'll throw himself into any social situation.

Would love absolutely any lines, like I said he'll talk to anymore. Really looking forward to playing with you all. My AIM is coastinne if you need me or ever wanna just chat.

[info]libidinem in [info]themoderngodooc

Sally here with kid numero due! I know I just came back from a hiatus, but I really couldn’t help myself.

This is Bobby Valentine, vessel of Himeros who is wide awake. (Aptly named, I know). He’s 20 years old, an aspiring musician, and works as a music store clerk as well as occasionally performing at Le Chat Noir Jazz Club. Well, used to, anyhow. You can generally find him casually strumming at Central Park or bar hopping trying to get some stage performances in. He’s cohabitating very well with Himeros since his character is much more submissive in contrast to the god’s more lurid nature. He’s adapted much of Himeros’ personality, which is pretty much being a mischievous piece of shit that plays around with people’s libido for his own fun and games. He has a penchant to make people want him despite their “alleged sexuality,” as he likes to call it. If you didn’t already know, Himeros reins uncontrollable, generally sexual desire and what have you. So please don’t be surprised if your character’s lady parts go nuts or if your guy has an unceremonious boner.

So lines? Lines are good!