June 2012

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March 15th, 2012

[info]artsybarkeep in [info]themoderngodooc

Okay, Mike here with my new kiddo, Steve. He's a pure mortal, so no pesky god soul thingies in him. He's 24, and a barkeep at Club Midnight, and is currently attending Columbia to get an MBA in Art, as well as a teaching credential to eventually teach it. He's a fairly good artist, especially with sketches, which he would do for random customers at Midnight upon request.

He's fairly easy going and always has a joke or smart ass comment to say, and is quite loyal to those who are his friends and family. He also enjoys painting, both with water based and oil based colors. Any other questions, feel free to ask.

Hit me up for ideas if anyone wants to have connections. Friends, rivals, customers, ex-girlfriends, one night stands, anything and everything.

[info]cbenharrison in [info]themoderngodooc

Alright.. I'm trying to sort through Cronus' family tree so I can keep everything straight when playing. Please tell me if I made any errors here:

- Father - Uranus
- Mother - Gaia
- Uncle - Erebus - [info]themidnightking
- Aunt - Nyx - [info]partofthenight
- Son - Zeus - [info]skyandthunder
- Son - Poseidon -[info]the_sea
- Son - Hades - [info]dead_as_a
- Daughter - Hestia
- Daughter - Hera - [info]_marriage
- Daughter - Demeter - [info]urban_wheat
- Son (a centaur) - Chiron
- 'Daughter' (he feels like he created her, even though she came from Uranus' sperm) - Aphrodite - [info]allthebeauty
- Grandson - Hermes - [info]wire_wings
- Grandson - Apollo - [info]golden_lyre
- Grandson - Dionysus - [info]inexcess
- Grandson - Ares
- Grandson - Hephaestus
- Granddaughter - Artemis
- Granddaughter - Athena - [info]eyesofgray
- Granddaughter - Eris - [info]notaplanet
- Granddaughter - Persephone - [info]maidenspring
- Niece - Selene - [info]lostmoon

Am I missing anything, or are there mistakes in this?