June 2012

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March 11th, 2012

[info]wellversed in [info]themoderngodooc


*WAVES* Hey, y'all. It's Kelly again with my THIRD chara. Can you tell I love this game?

This here is Holt, who is the vessel for the still-sleeping Norse god, Bragi.

About Holt:
He's an ER physician and single father of a six-year-old girl named Quinn. He has an apartment Brooklyn, and joint custody of Quinn, so she lives with him half the time. He and his ex, Molly, are on good terms and pretty easy going as far as Quinn is concerned. If one of them is super busy, Quinn spends more time with the other. The only times they argue are around the holidays when both want Quinn. He's one of Emmylee's big brothers, the second oldest in the family at 34, and he hasn't lived in NY all that long. He's only been divorced about a year, and recently Molly got a job here, so he agreed to move as well so that they could both continue to spend as much time with Quinn as possible.

About Bragi:
He's the Norse god of poetry and really well known for his linguistic skills. People have a VERY hard time saying no to Bragi. If he asks something of you, you'd have to be extremely powerful to say no, and you probably wouldn't want to. He's a convincing guy. He's also a musician who loves the harp and writes his own songs. Bragi is Iounn's husband, and their love is immense. He's sleeping right now, but now that he's in NY and just met Zinny/Iounn, he is starting to stir. He influences Holt in small ways.. the love of the spotlight and music.

Random fun:
Holt is Emmylee's OLDER brother, but Emmylee is also the vessel of Bragi's MOTHER! So much fun with that one. Also, Holt is gonna be REALLY weirded out by the fact that he's suddenly attracted to a seventeen-year-old.

It anyone wants to plot, hit me up! I'll be at work tonight (boo hiss), but I'll be on AIM on my phone: tehstarbuck. Oh, and I'm always open to plottage with my other boys, [info]_rube_ and [info]cbenharrison.

*waits to be mocked by Mike for PB choice*

[info]egyptianlawyer in [info]themoderngodooc

Just so everyone knows, and she tried to keep this information from yes, yesterday was Jess #2's birthday. So

Happy Birthday Jess #2

[info]owl_goddess in [info]themoderngodooc


Onto character #3 after swearing i was just bringing in one. Obviously I fail, but I couldn't be happier.

Ciaran is the younger brother of Reed Jensen, and the host to Minerva.

Ciaran is 26, and has been diagnosed as autistic with savant syndrome since he was four years old. While he has problems with communication, social situations, and numbers, Ciaran can produce the most absolutely stunning pieces of art without hesitation or error. Though he is close to his parents, it is nothing compared to his relationship with his big brother, who he sees as the person that understands him best. After going through special schools, Ciaran attended college with the help of a support worker, and began to work in the special effects industry. Asexual, Ciaran just left a 5 year relationship after being raped by his partner Charlie, which is why he came running for Reed to take care of things.

He is very sweet and kind, and is a reliable friend, though has a habit of pretending he's deaf to avoid awkward social situations. While it may take him time to speak, sometimes sitting in silence for a few minutes before replying, it is only because he wants his replies to be thoughtful. He doesn't want people to know he's autistic, hating to be defined by it.

Minerva is a goddess of many things, which has ensured her position as one of the most widely worshipped goddesses in history. She wants to be known for what she does best, and she wants the attention she once had. She is pleased to be in the body of someone so talented, but is frustrated by his unwillingness to seek fame. She awoke the night that Ciaran was raped, and tried to help him by assisting him in getting to his brother. The powers she bestowed upon him were ones that she thought would be useful to him, though she is frustrated when he doesn't seem to use them much.

If you would like to talk at all, drop me a line at tricksterlokilaufeyson

[info]urban_wheat in [info]themoderngodooc

Hey everyone! I'm L (or Lynn... Guess what the L stands for? I'm really bad at sticking to one name apparently) and I am bringing to the game Alice Dufort who happens to be hosting the goddess Demeter.

Alice is 26 years old and fairly down to earth. She is an urban farmer and into living the simple life. She works at an organic grocery store as well as a co-op where they sell the vegetables grown in the community plot. She really has no idea that she has a godsoul within her and thinks that the weird things that she does just make her... well, weird. She doesn't talk about them much.

Demeter has been slowly waking up for years and while she is gaining strength, she is still fairly dormant. She has been trying to exercise her powers but is not fully aware of her situation and she is certainly not aware that there are others in the same situation.

As for me... umm you can find my CDJ at ~anassa_eneri. To contact me I prefer email (which I respond to pretty much immediately as it goes to my phone which is always on me) at sugaredlemons on gmail. If you want to ping and see me on, feel free though- lttlglassvial. I think that's about it? I'm GMT -5/EST... and... I cannot think of anything else to say! So hello! and goodbye :)

[info]maidenspring in [info]themoderngodooc

Hey guys! Corri here with my fourth (and final for a while) character, Persephone. Her human vessel is named Juniper and she's not all that pleased to be sharing it when the realization comes out. Eventually, the two of them will work together but right now there's definitely some push and pull. Persephone is very, very recently awakened (to the degree that she's still not quite aware of what is happening enough to articulate it) and has a lot to catch up on in the world.

Juniper is a graduate student in biochemistry at NYU and commutes into the city quite frequently. Until recently, she had no idea that any of this was happening but -she keeps being drawn to Apostolo Antiques for reasons she can't explain just yet. Anyway, she should be waking up fully very soon! I'd also like to have her work at Nyx just to get her a few more connections, if there's an opening.

I've also got my other three (Raven, Athena, and Quetzalcoatl) available for plotting as well!

As always, catch me on aim!