June 2012

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March 7th, 2012

[info]healingmagic in [info]themoderngodooc

Sharing is caring?

Ok Mike says I should share the code we're using over in the riot thread (so that when you hover over the Irish stuff it shows you the translation). I'm not trying to teach anyone to suck eggs though, and I'm sure most of you who need it already know it, so this is mostly for Mike. :p I feel so condescending. I just thought it was nifty and if someone didn't know maybe they'd find it useful...

<.span title=."what you want the hover text to say".>Your normal text<./span.>

Obviously minus all the full stops though. At least I think that's what I've been doing.... Testing?

Thar we go.


[info]shimmering_ in [info]themoderngodooc


Hello! I come bearing new folkses.

This lovely lady here is Gerdhr, from the Norse pantheon, although she's unawakened as yet, so as far as she's concerned she's just Louise Cargill and she's a groundskeeper in Central Park.

I also come bearing Goibhniu, the (Irish) Celtic Smith god (as opposed to the other Celtic deities), one of the three gods of craftsmanship. Now he IS awakened, but will still respond to being called Joel Garrity. He runs a bar called L'Ambassadeur, which isn't nearly so well-heeled as it sounds.

Both of them have bios on their accounts so please have a poke at them and see if any of your lot would have any dealings when I'd be chuffed to be poked at for funtiemz and plottings.

As for me, I'm Alison. I'm English - born, bred and still living in Liverpool. I'm probably the oldest here by some years, but don't let that put you off. I can be got via email on black.narcissus[at]gmail[dot]com, or on AIM - Snakebittenraven.

Hello again, and I'm looking forward to playing with you all xxx

[info]earth_and_sky in [info]themoderngodooc

Hey everyone,

Erin here, just letting everyone know that I'm having some pain management issues that are leaving me with difficulty concentrating. My tagging might be slow for a day or two until I figure this out.

(Rhea, Badb, Dani, and Hermes)

[info]due_lati in [info]themoderngodooc

Hello fellow players in this game! I'm Jessica #2. You guys can call me Jess or #2 or whatever, really.. I don't mind!. I'm another one that has been brought here by Mike, but Steph helped too. ♥ I've been on a hiatus for awhile, so please bear with me while I get back into the swing of things...

This here is Anastasia, who is carrying around Sekhmet's unawakened god-soul. There is a very tiny bit of stirring going on, but not a whole lot. Anastasia is not at all happy with the strange onset of irritability. She's 22, was born and raised in Seattle and managed to score herself a scholarship to NYU. Currently, she's a grad student at Columbia studying Epidemiology (you can blame Sekhmet for that) and working part time at an Italian restaurant to pay the bills. She's friendly for the most part, but her workaholic tendencies leaves little time for a social life.

I'm hoshirules on AIM and I'm usually online as long as I'm home. If I don't answer though, I'm probably pvp'ing. You guys can also reach me through email and when I'm at work, I'm usually on gmail chat. Most of you, I don't know, but there are some familiar faces poking out. I really do look forward to playing with everyone!

[info]modernmod in [info]themoderngodooc

Hey guys we have two new players and two new characters in the game today!

We have Jessica 1 coming in with Anubis over at [info]guide_your_soul and Jessica 2 coming in with Sekhmet at [info]due_lati. Head over to the f-button and update your lists!

[info]guide_your_soul in [info]themoderngodooc


Hello all!

I'm Jess/Jessica/whatever variation you want to tell us two Jesses apart. I bring you Alexander Barker aka unawakened Anubis. He was born and raised in the Bronx and spends a lot of his free time hanging around Woodlawn Cemetery whether it's to study or look at the pretty flowers and statues or just be somewhere quiet. He's currently a junior at Fordham University and just declared a double major in Biology and Social Work (although he keeps wibble wobbling about whether he made the right choice). He also does volunteer work, especially where orphans are concerned. So, that's the gist of him! I'm up for plotting and friends and whatever else you can throw at us! If that is more places to find Munro Chambers icons, all the better!