June 2012

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January 19th, 2012

[info]golden_lyre in [info]themoderngodooc

Hiii everyone! My name’s Kate and I’m bringing Sam Carter into the mix here. J Sam’s 25, a resident doctor at the hospital, and just one of those blokes who find everything just easy enough to annoy everyone else. He plays a few guitar sets at bars and coffee places around town when he has (rare) night off, and is generally just a friendly, easy-going kind of bloke.

 Sam’s the vessel of Apollo, twin brother of Artemis and Greek God of light and also of healing, plague, disease, music & prophecy. Apollo is awake, and Sam lets him have free reign on occasion (Usually when he goes to play a gig or if he’s feeling particulary stressed out), but he’s subtly trying to nudge Sam out by degrees.

 I’m veeery excited to play with everyone! Give me a nudge for plot and things! My AIM and email are available in my app, in this journal.

[info]trickstergdloki in [info]themoderngodooc

Ahoy Hoy

Hey everyone, I'm Harry from Toronto, Canada. I'm here with only one character, but he's a handful.

Felix is 24, a part time model and full time con man, working as a team with Loki, the Norse God of mischief. Originally from Norway, he's new to the country, and has only met Frigg in terms of other Gods/Goddesses. Apart from being very mischievous, Felix is able to change his appearance and do some shapeshifting, as well as being incredibly intelligent and telekinetic. He uses his powers most often to benefit himself, and enjoys playing games with people, both for amusement and his benefit.

He is lonely though, his only real friend is Loki, and he needs other people to socialize with. He frequents coffee shops, parks, cafes, anywhere really, he doesn't stay inside during his free time.

Message me at tricksterlokilaufeyson if you wanted to plot at all, I'd love to play with anyone here!