June 2012



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Apr. 28th, 2012


OKAY ladies and gentleman. I AM LOOKING UPON YOU WITH MY EVIL PLOT HAT ON. I know I wasn't the only person to fail some of the new activity checks, and in general I would love to do MORE with my characters, especially Shiva. SO. UH. GIVE ME THREADS.

Things in particular I would like:

rabble babble rabble )

...Yeah. <3

Apr. 26th, 2012


I’m so sorry I haven’t been around guys. Last week was crunch time for the wedding, and this week, I had family over from the other side of the states and Philippines and was spending time with them 24/7. Giving them tours around New York and what have you, so I was super busy with them. And even when some left and I had a little time on my hands, I was just really bummed that I wouldn’t be able to see them for another year or two, that idea distracting me from RPing.

I’m planning to go back this week, but just recently, one of my best friends has been having trouble with her mother who just recently was suffering from hallucinations. So further emergencies may pop up that will make me absent for a couple of days at a time.

I really apologize for sucking so hard and not informing anyone of how busy I was. I’ll try to suck less, I promise! And, because I know I’m slacking here and my other games, if I have a thread with any of you/planned to thread any of my kids with yours, please let me know here? I’m remembering some, but something tells me I’m missing a few. To be honest I think what would be easiest is with current threads, we could perhaps drop them because they're so old and simply discuss what happened so we could move on with plots? YES, NO?

Apr. 23rd, 2012


Hey guys jsyk my internet will be cutting out tomorrow or the next day prolly and I'll be back on my old thing which is slow as fuuuuuuck, and wonky. ANYHOW I'll be on most of tonight (hello ~monster~ drinks) annnnd I want to thread with some people I have yet to thread with or characters I have had little interaction with!! SOOOO people that want threads or text things or something pleaaase hit me up and let's do it!!


Hey there, it's Emily as promised, bringing you Salacia, who is living and veeerrry slowly awakening in Eve here, so we thought we'd say hi and I'll introduce them.

Salacia is one of the lesser known Romans. She's the goddess of seawater (hence the name... well sorta) and probably of most interest is that she is the wife of Neptune. She's completely used to him whoring around, although she might be pouty if he does a lot of that in the first small period after she finds him again. Hmm.... otherwise, what to tell you? She represents the wild impetuous nature of the sea so she's prone to passion, tantrums and rages along the way, even though she tries not to let them ruin her plans. Oh yeah, she can be very manipulative and cunning when she wants. Ask any other questions or feel free to browse her bio.

Eve. She's a 21 year old singer/dancer sometimes working more as a dancer/singer. She's originally from England, but her dad lives in America and she has an American passport because she was born there. She's done a couple of cruises for work, with some training in NY between them. She's actually just come back from the end of her last cruise contract to find her bastard of a fiance in bed with another woman, so she's couch surfing atm. She hates people who complain life isn't fair, or even worse that performing arts isn't fair as if they think that will ever change. She's generally nice though as long as she likes you, and like Salacia, she will fight for her friends and those she cares about. If you annoy her though, expect her to either play nice but that's all or to just ignore you.

Ok I need to go to university now, but there you have my newbie! As ever any plot or connections would be loved!


Apr. 22nd, 2012


Two new characters added today!

Mags is bringing in [info]blugdeonjustice | Heracles


Emily is bringing in [info]aquamarinus | Salacia

Hit up the f-button!

Apr. 21st, 2012


Okay ya'll, I'm still on my mostly-hiatus. Last final (project) is Monday night and I've got a lot of work on it yet. I've also got a wedding today and I'm out of town tomorrow sooo... yeah, a lot going on. Sorry I haven't really been around.

I could use some mental breaks though! I know I owe a few tags but I've lost my tabs. If I owe you something could you possibly link me here? It would really help :) thanks!

Apr. 18th, 2012


This is Shoshana! She is my fav little crazy homeless roma girl that thinks she is a Seer and occasionally is possessed by two of those that walk from beyond. Ha. NOPE! She's got Desponia and Arion living inside her. Desponia is the Greek goddess of Mysteries and Fertility (and Rivers) and Arion is a divine immortal speaking horse. For more info go here, otherwise I need all sorts of things for her!


Okay did adds a bit early today but I don't see any other apps coming in and if they magically do I might just update this later tonight. ANYHOW, one new character! Hit it up over here at the friend button!

Mags with [info]redstallion | Desponia and Arion


Hey all -

It's Shae with her new kid, Bia. She spent most of her time hanging around good old Zeus back in the day, mainly because she's one of the cool kids. She's the Grecian goddess of Violence (so you can bet that A Clockwork Orange and Fight Club are on her movie shelf.)

As always, I love plots, so sock it to me, though I'll be a little less responsive - I'm sick as a dog right now. If I owe anyone for Bast or Rose, I will try and get to those things ASAP. <3 If you want either of my other girls (or this one) just screech at me on AIM or yell at me here. It's probably the best way to get me to respond in my stupor right now.




So finals are coming to an end, just some math and a paper and I'll be all set! Which is to say, I lost a lot of the tags I owe so if I owe you anything, please send it to me/post it here...I will get to them! Also any new threads or things to do? That too! <3!

Apr. 17th, 2012


Okay so try as I might, I'm not keeping up w my usual level of tagging. I also think I'm not getting notifications- joy. This is the first week of finals and basically the culmination of my schooling (yay for graduation!) so I'm slow. At least for me.

Apr. 16th, 2012


Also, I'm lame and decided I wasn't feeling it enough with Seth Rogen as Muninn and then it turns out Jay Baruchel is actually older anyway?? By a year but whatever, soooo I'm changing him. I'll talk to people I've played him with over AIM annnd I need to do more with him anyway so if anyone wants some threads with him lemme know!!


Again >:)


I probably owe a million tags to some people but have been feeling off this past week or so.. sooo if we have a thread that's super old and we need to end it lemme know so we can discuss it or do it. Otherwise if I have more recent tags to catch up on also let me know because I'll be around all tonight and hopefully tomorrow. :)



Hi everyone! My name is Kaylie and I'm new and so incredibly excited about this game that it's not even funny. I had been on rp hiatus for, like... a year or so and this is my first returning-from-real-life game. So needless to say, I'm really looking forward to playing with everybody here.

I'm bringing in Jörmungandr (a.k.a. the World Serpent/the Midgard Serpent). Jor is the middle child of Loki and Angrboða and back in his heyday, he was a giant snake who encircled the sea around Midgard and scared the crap out of most everybody who got the chance to run into him. Nowadays, he's a sixteen year old kid who doesn't really know how to fit in and be human. Jörmungandr's vessel died when his body nearly drowned when he was ten, so Jörmungandr's been the only one there for six years and hasn't been faring well alone. Previously, he was a foster child and is now a runaway who can, despite his youth, take care of himself. He can't yet revert back to his original form, but he's got some of his serpent-like abilities, including a highly venomous bite that he doesn't mind using on anybody who gets in his way.

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and can't wait to start playing! Feel free to poke at me anytime. <3


So, as most of you may (or may not!) know from my AIM statuses, I have been incredibly sick these past few days. Today is the first day since Thursday night that I could get up and out of bed without getting sick. I'm still not feeling 100% today but at least I can get up, walk around, and actually keeping something as simple as water down. Huzzah!

So, if I owe you tags or threads, please let me know. If I don't? Feel free to IM me anyway because you are all fantastic, and I missed you during my time of illness.

<3 Kellie


Hey guuuuuurls, and boys! We have one new player and character today so head over to the f-button and add em!


Kaylie with [info]jormungand | Jörmungandr !!

Just a reminder: If you have any concerns what so ever, be they little or small, please don't hesitate to IM me, e-mail me, or hit me up at the drop box and I will get to you ASAP!!!

Apr. 15th, 2012



Okay, here's all you need to know about the scene with Holt/Bragi and Fenrir, just in case you don't want to read through the whole scene.

- Holt was leaving work Sunday night and less than a block away from the hospital on his way to the parking garage to get his motorcycle, when he met Fenrir.
- Fenrir and Bragi recognized each other almost immediately.
- Bragi told Holt not to run, and they talked for a bit instead.
- Bragi took over, and Fenrir hit Bragi multiple times, but Bragi did not hit back, not even when he fell over from it.
- When Fenrir made a threat that Holt took as a threat against his family, he took over and fought back.
- Holt managed to get in a really good punch to the kidney, which caused Fenrir enough pain that he was delayed and started to transform into the wolf.
- Holt ran then and made it to the emergency bay at the hospital.
- Ash came out and hit Fenrir with her purse (LOL), and that's when cops and stuff started showing up, so Fenrir ran.


Now Holt is in the hospital being treated for his injuries, which look worse than they are. It's mostly surface stuff, but he does have a broken nose and some bruised ribs. He's also got a lot of cuts and surface bruises, and his face looks pretty fucked up.

He asked Ash to contact his family and Zinny and gave her his phone. So expect calls or texts! Also, a lot of people saw Fenrir, so this shit would end up on the news even if there's no video or photos. Plenty of eyewitness types talking about seeing a huge animal attack a doctor right outside the hospital.

Apr. 13th, 2012


ooc thingum )

Apr. 12th, 2012


Hello lovelies!

I will be a little MIA this weekend. I'll be flying to FL tomorrow to visit my sister and will be on and off back and forth for a while. I will be totally gone on Saturday through Monday, since I'll be at Universal, getting my Mardi Gras, Karaoke, and butterbeer on. :D

If you need me, drop me a line on anything! <3 I still check my email like a fiend!


Apr. 11th, 2012


Okay listen uuuuup... I'm doing adds tonight and REMOVALS! If your character has done absolutely nothing from 3-21-12 to TODAY then they'll probably be removed unless I know why they haven't done anything. You all know I am extremely cool about letting stuff slide if I know so make sure you contact me and let me know what is up if you think you are in danger of this!

Ugh and I'm now caught at a friend's house dealing with some stuff so for me, tags to threads will be slow, and I may not get to adds until tomorrow, sorry guys!!

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