The Mighty Boosh - January 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Mighty Boosh

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January 21st, 2008

KINKY [Jan. 21st, 2008|12:57 pm]


I'm pimping an anonymous Boosh kink meme over on LJ by emptypantry. The rules:

-- ANONYMOUSLY post a kink request you've always wanted to read about, but were too shy to ask for/write it yourself.
-- Others will ANONYMOUSLY reply to your request with a ficlet/drabble/whatever.
-- You can make and fulfil as many requests as you like.
-- Feedback is fine, but keep it ANONYMOUS, please. :>
-- No nit-picking, ganging up, dissing others' kinks, or whathaveyou. Be nice! >:O

I have to warn you that this post is both of an incredibly adult nature, and frequently hilarious.

Join in here

Edit: make that of a RIDICULOUSLY adult nature
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