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just lyrics

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[08 Aug 2008|09:56pm]
i wanna be faithful, but i cant keep my hands out the cookie jar
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[02 Jul 2008|05:20pm]
never eat the stomach, no. because you never know what's your prey's prey and whats it's sign, astrological, anatomical, in the name of art hosanahs form. lipstick on the collar of a wed man, comical. mystery travels in pairs, i ride sidecar and i love company. and where is the daybreak? from this date rape. please step back as i placate. historys mystery fizzling, sizzling, shimmering, glissering, glistening, in the light. you'll get your rocks off but you can't stop girl tonight.
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[02 Jul 2008|05:15pm]
you see everything, you see every part. you see all my light, and you love my dark. you dig everything of which i'm ashamed. there's not anything to which you can't relate, and you're still here.
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[27 Jun 2008|04:03pm]
sometimes i feel like i'm running straight into the wind, you whisper three words and it's at my back again.
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[25 Jun 2008|01:45pm]
he stands there, then walks away. my god, if i could only say. i'm holding every breath for you. he'd never tell you, but he can play guitar. i think he can see through everything but my heart. the first thought when i wake up, is my god he's beautiful. so i put on my makeup and pray for a miracle.
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[23 Jun 2008|11:10am]
5,4,3,2- what are you waiting for?
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i will abuse this comm if no one else will~ [22 Jun 2008|04:15pm]
there's gone for good and there's good and gone, and there's gone with a long before it. i wish she'd been just a little more clear. there's gone for the day and gone for the night and there's gone for the rest of your doggone life. is it a whiskey night, or just a couple beers? now what kind of gone are we talking 'bout here?
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[22 Jun 2008|10:52am]

it was just another night, with a sunset and moon rise, not so far behind. it gave us just enough light to lay down, underneath the stars and listen to all the translations, of the stories across the sky. we drew our own constellations.
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[22 Jun 2008|10:37am]
this isn't where I found you.
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