The Glorious Hellequin and Her Crew - September 30th, 2007

User: [info]thehellequin (posted by [info]herebemonsters)
Date: 2007-09-30 13:58
Subject: A Boil of Flesh [plot; open]
Security: Public

After days of bitter, still monotony, something finally happen.

Belowdecks, a younger crewman checking the salted pork for spoilage discovers it full of small, smooth bored holes, as unlike the nibbling of rats and insects as a mine is from a hole in the ground. Cursing softly, he leans in to examine the damage, which includes a handful of holes in the barrel.

He loses a chunk of his cheek, and that that's all is only because he's fast enough and panicked enough to rip the small, squirming creature that did it from his flesh before it could bore too deep.

He stumbles up on deck as the worms pour from nooks and crannies and the minute holes they chewed in the ship's hull, scenting the blood on their comrade. They roll over him, gathering the scent on themselves, and begin to writhe.

It's not a lot of worms- barely enough to fill a smallish bucket. The young crewman curses viciously as he staunches the bleeding and is surrounded by a curious group of nearby sailors.

"Summat down there bit a fuckin' 'ole in me!"

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my journal
September 2007