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The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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Seriously. That is me right now. I am tagging back the two threads I have but...

tomorrow i have surgery. I will be in the hospital for a couple of days. I have no idea when I'll be back to the computer. I am SO SORRY to everyone I left hanging the last couple of weeks as I've been trying to get my shit together and then I remember I needed to tag all the things so!!!

Please wish me luck :D Tag me back :D And I will likely need to be occupied come friday so if you want one of mine for something, I'll be doing very little but web surfing for the next 2 weeks.

[09 Jul 2016|08:37pm]

Hi all! :D

I don't think anyone's ever fed off of Meerkat yet. Anyone have a hungry Lost Boy that you'd want to write that with?

Also, does anyone need Mercury or Remy the blacksmith for anything?

[20 Jun 2016|05:31pm]

Ok! Narci here. Snow has been successfully moved and I'm home (and pooped). Would anyone like to thread? I've got Mercury/Jack here, Jasper (currently a townie and eventually an Imaginary), and Remy, a blacksmith/townie.

Bueller? Bueller? :P

Speaking of weekends.... [18 Jun 2016|06:57am]

I'm moving today. Super fun times! I know you're all jealous.

Also, Narci is down helping me move. We'll be around tonight and exhausted most likely, but around.


[24 May 2016|11:43pm]

Hi guys!

Sorry for not being around today, the day just got away from me and now it's time to hit the hay.

Also, I won't be around as much Thursday to Saturday. We're buying a caravan and we'll have to drive quite a bit to get to the dealer, which means the bf will drive there while me and the little dragon will stay at my mom's (because it's a long weekend here and I really don't feel like spending three quarters of it alone :) ). I will have internet access there, but I'm not sure how much time I'll have.


[10 Nov 2015|09:09pm]

Sorry guys, I've been sick and have no voice, so it's been a lot of sleepy time. I'm startign to feel better so I'll be posting again soon!

[25 Oct 2015|11:22am]

OKAY GUYS! Sorry to keep you waiting, but we were working out some things.

First thing, we've become a PSL which means no more putting up ads and rando people that will stay only to leave a few weeks later. If you have friends who are interested in the game, PLEASE direct them to the game. If you have a character you'd like to bring to the game, please fill out the application, but know it's just a formality and letting us know who you are bringing in. Activity checks will be different, every month or so, we will simply post to the comm asking you to let us know you're around, and that's only if we see people not playing :)

The official mods are still Bo and Kerrin, so contact us in our mod email, or individual emails for any questions!

That said, the plot is changing slightly!!

Peter is going to come to Neverland as a kid who ran away from home as a young child, five or six, in the early 18th century. Fairies found him living him in the park, and took him to Neverland. Once in Neverland, Hook and Pan became insta friends, BUT on one adventure, they found the fountain of youth in Neverland. Unfortunately for Hook, there was only enough for one, and of course Pan took it. When he did drink it, it de-aged him back to the age of 17 (not from that old, maybe early 30s), BUT it had a price, it made him a lost. Hook, angry and desperate drank the dregs that was left. It KEPT him at his current age, but as a price any pirate that worked for him or the ship would therefore not age and be undead (how they have been, tied to the ship).

SO, who are you keeping, are you changing them in any way? If you want to bring someone NEW, let us know.

Read more... )

[20 Sep 2015|08:06pm]

Move out of stinky apartment...check!
Go to Korea...check!
Come back...check!

I'm jetlagged but my muses are so happy! Lets play~!


Ally (Demi/Lys/Del)

[01 Sep 2015|12:55pm]

RL is dumb! It's getting in the way of my rping :(

I need to call a hiatus until the end of September. Between moving and travelling and real life stuff I haven't had time to breathe much less post. Demi will be going to the games, as will Lys, and Del is still hopping between the fae circles and Fortunas and trying to lay low since Haakon is on her case.

I'm gonna try and check things because I am SUPER curious about this games/kidnapping plot so I want to stay involved. I just cant keep up with all three at the moment. Sorry I <3 you bbs <3 <3

-Ally (Demi/Del/Lys)

[17 Aug 2015|07:23pm]

I know I said I'd be back, but I'm the worst! I'm simultaneously cat-sitting, packing up my apartment to move out, and getting ready for my trip halfway across the planet in September. Super exciting and rather stressful. So I'm calling a slowatus for another week while I catch up, and then I'll call another in September when Im on vacation :)

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