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Feb. 12th, 2009


Helena and Rowan Sleep Together!! OMG!

Who: Helena and Rowan
What: Tucking in for bedtime
Where: The tree
When: After sunset, after everyone gets back.


Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done ....where ever we are

Who: Angelica & Alex
Where: a tree stump away from the group
When: Day 6, evening before the laughers come out
What: Angelica is bothered by the things she and Clay had found

Jewish people say that taking care of a deceased person is the greatest mitzvah a person can do, because it can never be repaid. )


Brief Conversation

Who: Rowan and Quinn
When: Mid-morning, Day Six
What: A little logistical problemsolving
Where: Beside the stream, under the tree.
Rating: G so far, and that's all that Quinn says he's good for.

...You Look Like Utter Hell )

Feb. 11th, 2009


Helena and Kenneth meet.

Who: Kenneth and Helena
Where: Base Camp
When: Early evening Day 6
What: Introductions and decisions
Rating: G

As soon as they were back at the camp, Kenneth had taken a look around and gone in search of Helena since he'd gleaned from Cross and Alex that she was nominally in charge. He was actually restraining his urge to just march in and announce that he was taking over, that would not win him any friends at all and this was not he military.

He asked a slight, blue eyed man who'd smiled cheerfully and pointed him toward a tiny Asian woman. Still fully armed, what was left in his pack on his back, he approached Helena and tugged the brim of his cap. "Ma'am. Colonel Kenneth Gibson, arrived this morning. I tracked Cross and Alex to the North and I hear tell you're the woman in charge of this crew. I was wondering if I might have a few minutes of your time." Despite his seriousness, the laugh lines around his eyes and mouth were obvious.

Feb. 6th, 2009


Who: Jeri and Quinn
When: Day 6 - dawn/early morning
Where: The field
What: Waking up
Rating: PG- minor swearing thus far

Is anyone here )

Feb. 3rd, 2009


Heading South

Who: Angelica and Clay
When: Day 6 the asscrack of dawn
Where: Heading South
What: Out in search of alternate places to stay.
Rating: PG-13 at the least

WE have our heading.... )


Go west, it is peaceful there!

Who: Arlo, Payne, Annie - closed
When: Week 1, Day 6, early morning
Where: The western path - through the forest.
Rating: Just language, but could become an R for gore. Gooooore!

((I'm sorry. I SUCK. I'm going to try and be more on it - apologies for the delay))

Read more... )


True North

Who: Cross and Alex, then Kenneth
When: Week 1, Day 6, early morning
Where: headed north
Rating: PG-13

Cross was ready to go extremely early. It hadn't been difficult for him to get up on time, because he'd barely slept. Somehow, the din of the Laughers was not conducive to getting rest, particularly when one was forced to sleep in a tree. He thought that the notion of a safer campsite was an excellent one, and he had high hopes that it would not involve living in trees. He'd definitely be willing to help with the building process.

Once daylight had stolen over the sky, he'd gone to relieve himself and splash water over his face and then he'd eaten the double handful of berries he'd put aside in one of his pockets. They were not particularly a taste treat, considering that their skins had hardened and become chewy in the time that they'd been off the bush from which they'd been picked, but he couldn't afford to be choosy, so he'd eaten them all. He found himself wondering if there were any native bugs here that were edible. Many people wouldn't consider eating one, live or dead, but Cross had always heard that they were an excellent source of protein. His mind was firmly on survival.

He waited for Alex at the far edge of the firepit, quiet and patient, hoping the morning mists would clear soon since he imagined they'd have quite a way to walk today.


Closed-Kenneth's Arrival

Who: Kenneth
When: Day 6 morning
Where: The field
What: Arrival
Rating: G

Awakening )


Who: Lauren and Open
Where: The Field
When: Afternoon
Rating: TBA

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. )


Thorne and Bazzer go exploring.

Who: Thorne and Bazzer
When: Day Six
Where: Going East
What: Finding food. Yay food!
Rating PG-there's a tiny bit of kissing

And they headed into the rising sun )

Feb. 2nd, 2009


Who: Ryan and Thorne
Where: not far from the climber tree
When: first light
What: nets and water
Rating: PG-13 (mild language, innuendo)

Ryan had awakened earlier than he would have liked with the urgent need to make a bathroom visit. Well, a tree visit, he guessed. It was like being on a camping trip that never ended with the constant trips into the cover of the woods to pee on the base of a tree somewhere. He'd reluctantly climbed down from his sleeping bag hammock-- reluctantly and carefully, needless to say-- and taken his memorized path to the nearest cover. Once he'd done that, he'd made his way back to the foot of the climber tree, glad that it was light and at least he could see a little bit. He knew that most of the people at their camp would be heading out to explore the various directions and see what could be found, and he'd be stuck here with the pregnant chick and the lady who'd kind of taken charge.

He wasn't going to complain about it, but he didn't like it, just because he hated feeling useless. Ryan stood quietly, trying to smooth his rumpled hair with his fingers and decide if he wanted to get back into his hammock or stay up.

nets, schmets )


Olivia's Arrival- Where did all the flowers go?

Who: Olivia, Payne & Seth
Where: The field
Week 1, Day 6, dawn
PG-13 (Language, Mention of self harm)


Day Six - A Day's Walk

The Laughers were in fine form last night and very little sleep was had. They seemed to be fully aware of the feast to be had, just out of reach within the trees. They almost seemed to congregate under the tree for a while, rushing along the run between the main climber and where Clay and Thorne were holed up.

Inevitably, the hilarity subsided and the monsters turned to shadows in the encroching, descending fog. The morning turned still, all of the world hushed in the glaring silence left behind the laughers as they retired for the night. With a whisper of moisture the field is wrapped in the obscuring gray mist, making any look outs blind as they attempt to watch for anyone delivering the day's arrivals.

The air feels heavy in the morning like the promise of rain. However, that doesn't mean that the heat lifts. The day feels oppressive, sticky, but a cloud burst is denied. If it rains anywhere in this world today, it isn't over the Field.