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Aug. 23rd, 2009


Who: Jasper and OPEN
Where: Wandering (very slowly) around the beach
When: Morning
Rating: TBD

Jasper, extremely glad that the pink pollen was gone and, in fact, embracing the general wetness of the weather that day, was limping slowly along the beach, trying to get used to the feeling of walking again.  Because with walking came running, and running was, of course, what she loved to do.  Her little tiff with Alex had been embarrassing but fruitful - if it weren't for that, she wouldn't have bothered even trying to walk.  As it was, the angry stomping hurt but it did give her the realization that she could walk... or, rather, limp... around on her own again.

She picked a few blades of grass and tossed them into the water just to see which way they went - though they didn't go in any particular direction, and kind of scattered, like you'd usually see in a lake.  That kind of annoyed her.  And she wanted to see that big eastern river that was on the map.  And she suspected, only a little bit, that one of those indecipherable squiggles on there meant a camp site - maybe even other people!  That would be exciting.  And extremely useful. 

Hm.  Maybe she should invest some time in making some rain gear, actually.  Jasper eyed the sky irritably.  If it was fall, there was going to be worse weather to come.

Aug. 12th, 2009


a tactical retreat is not a loss

Who: Alex & Jasper
When: Late evening, day 32
What: Alex owes Jasper an apology
Where: her lean-to
Rating: Pr0n for priests! (PG13 again)

You and me baby ain’t nothin’ but mammals, So let’s do it like they do on the Discovery Channel  )

Aug. 8th, 2009


This planet was dumb.

Who: Alex & Jasper
When: morning, Day 32
Where: Camp
What: awkwardness!
Rating: XXX for p0rn for priests.(PG)

'I... oh... ffffFFUUUUUUCK!' She shrieked )

Aug. 4th, 2009


Adnan Makes A Woman Besides Coop Incredibly Happy

Who: Adnan and Jasper
Where: At the nice rock outside her lean-to
When: Breakfast
Rating: G, prolly

Jasper was munching happily on her flatbread, since it was definitely a treat. You never knew how much you missed something until it was in your hand and you could feel it and taste it. And she was also keeping an eye out for that Adnan guy. The guy who had the map that Jasper wanted to see so badly. The kids, happily, were off harassing Kenneth or Helena or someone.

Of course, the moment she did see him and wanted to get his attention, her mouth was full. Brilliant. She chewed, swallowed, and quickly wiped her mouth so that she didn't look all crumby. "Oi! Ad... Adnan, right! Come 'ere!" And she gestured, hoping that would help.

Coop: Please don't kill Jasper for that title... )

Jul. 23rd, 2009


Free will!

Who: Alex & Jasper
What: evening in the camp, Alex goes to check on the healing Jasper
When: Day 29, evening

Read more... )

Jul. 14th, 2009


Defending The Homestead

Who: Coop and Jasper (and Tripper)
When: Mid-Morning
Where: Jasper's lean-to
What: The dogs attack the camp

Coop had been taking Tripper a little ways away from camp to find an acceptable place for him to relieve himself when she heard them. Rather, Tripper heard them and tensed up immediately. From the quivering uncertainty, Coop half expected to see laughers rushing the far shore but no, not at all. The shapes were far more familiar, sleek bodies and bunching muscle spurring on their speedy way. Half a dozen or more furred, barking bodies snapped at each other's heels as they cavorted down the beach toward the camp. "Oh...oh shit, Tripper." She nudged his shoulder to break him out of his anxious freeze. "C'mon buddy!" She gathered up her long skirt and knotted it up between her legs and around her thighs. The result was a set of ridiculous looking puffy bloomers but she didn't much care at the moment. It allowed her to run across the sand without getting caught up in her long dress. "Hey!" she called as she reached the camp. "Everyone, there's dogs on the island!" And what's more, they weren't too far behind her.

Jasper had been sitting on a nice rock that had another nice rock that she could rest her leg on. It wasn't far from the lean-to, and Jasper was just relieved to get the hell out of there that even a few steps away was a Really Big Deal. With capital letters. The kids had brought her some of the randomest things she could possibly imagine. There was a tab from a bread bag, some blades of very broad grass, a mussel shell, all sorts of stuff. While she had no idea what to do with the tab or shell, she'd been teaching Ash and Corbin how to use the grass to make quacking sounds. Ashwin enjoyed the attempts at making the soundmaker, but Corbin was too little to do it or something, and was having a grand time just listening to the sounds alone.

She looked up when Coop, she thought it was Coop but she wasn't really sure of the woman's name, came running and calling, and Jasper suddenly thought how nice it would be if there was, say, a horn or or a bell or something that everyone would be able to hear. But at the words 'dogs', Ashwin looked very deeply concerned. Taking that as a hint, Jasper did her odd scuttling-crawling thing that wouldn't damage her leg even more, herding the kids into the lean-to where there was at least a very small measure of protection, taking a wickedly sharp couple of sticks with her. She'd learned a good lesson about the uses of sticks when they saved her life before. Jasper knew better than to not have them now.

Where Did They Come From? )

Jun. 29th, 2009


Run Again

Who: Helena and Jasper
Where: Around and About
When: Mid morning
What: Just talking
Rating: G

Believe It )

Jun. 18th, 2009



Who: Jasper and Thorne
Where: Lean-To
When: Early afternoon
Rating: G-ish

Jasper woke up in a kind of hazy not exactly right sort of way; the sort of waking up you do when you just want to roll over in the night. She was hot - too hot - and she felt sticky with sweat. Of course, her body - mostly her leg, but her face, too - wasn't going to let that happen, and she groaned softly in the sudden rather nauseating agony that welled up and melted across her head and leg.

And so tired... )

Jun. 3rd, 2009


At Sunset

Who: Jasper, the npc babies, Kenneth, and then open to everyone!
Where: The lake
What: Badness
Rating: Oh, let's say somewhere between PG and R for profanity

Jasper had made a severe error. One she hadn't made in, oh, years and she was definitely regretting it now because this could very possibly cost three people their lives - her's included. But she wasn't used to being weighed down by two children and a bunch of things left at the prime camp; she was used to running for herself, with the things she was used to running with. But right now she was going much slower than she'd thought she'd been, there was a large tract of land that didn't have any trees, just open field, and on the other end of said tract of land was the lake. It was also sunset. Jasper could hear the laughers in the distance, but she knew how fast those could run and if she made it to the lake it would be by the skin of her teeth, and there were still the shallows that the laughers would undoubtedly be able to get through before it became too deep for them.

Laughers Are Not Friendly )

May. 29th, 2009


From the Mouth of Babes

Who: Jasper and the NPC Babies
Where: The grassy bit
When: Afternoon
Rating: G

Jasper sighed and fought the urge to punch the top of her nose, feeling something like a headache coming on. And she wondered if this was what her sister put up with on a regular basis. "No, Ash." She said to the girl, in answer to her question. "We're not there yet."

Comes the Glaringly Obvious )

May. 19th, 2009



Who:  Jasper, and the NPC kids (Ashwin and Corbin)
Where:  Field Camp
When:  Late Afternoon/Early Evening
What:  The exact opposite of a finding.  Would that be a 'losting'?
Rating:  PG (with a lot of muttered curses)

"Oh, you are fu.... um, goddamn well kidding me."  Jasper muttered to herself, and moved the sleeping baby to her other arm.  Everyone was gone.  Everyone.  Even that bloody tanning pit Bazzer'd made was emptied.  The baby made a sleepy protest and stuck his thumb in his mouth, settling back down as soon as she stopped moving him around.  There were dead laughers laying around, but they were obviously rotting and had a fair portion of

"Where's the people?  You said there'd be people!"  The six year old girl, Ashwin, demanded, stomping her foot in what Jasper recognized as an impending temper tantrum, thanks to a neice and two nephews.  Jasper didn't blame her, since she felt like having a minor meltdown herself.

May. 15th, 2009


We Aren't Alone

Who:  Jasper and a couple of NPCs
Where:  On the edge of the desert
When:  Late morning
What:  A Finding (sort of)
Rating:  PG (for language)

Jasper was never so glad to be out of a desert as she was five minutes ago.  Oh, it was still hot, there wasn't any question of that, but there was more moisture in the air, undoubtedly due to the fact there was more vegetation on the ground, and it continued getting thicker as she went on.  In fact, Jasper was pretty sure she'd get back to camp within the next couple of days, and she thought she might take her time about it because she had a pretty nasty sunburn.  Huzzah for deserts.  She loved them, except somewhere closer to the opposite of love.

But she was out of it!  There was definitely an increased amount of grass plants, like that sweetgrind stuff, growing, and single or stands of trees littered the landscape.  Jasper was heading towards one such singular tree, the closest one, in the hopes of finding fruit that wasn't more damn melon or cactus.

May. 1st, 2009


'Plan A'

Who: Jasper
Where: That bloody desert
When: Night and day and night again
Rated: PG, I guess

And Other Songs )


Camp Sanctuary

Who: Jasper
Where: That Damn Desert, the Oasis
When: Evening
Rating: G

Jasper had walked through hell and found paradise. Pure, unadulterated paradise. There was a wide pool of clean, sweet water that bubbled up from some underground spring and in the deeper pockets there were fish. There were trees just bursting with fruit. Small-ish animals darted through the undergrowth. The night was warm enough here that she didn't even need a fire at night. There was easily enough to keep their tribe alive for three, maybe even four weeks - assuming it hadn't gotten bigger while she'd gone following Arlo. And the view while the cool breeze swept in from the desert and made the tops of the trees dance? The stars, with the occasional meteor lighting up the sky with a temporary wound of light? That was an exercise in spirituality alone.

Welcome To Camp )

Apr. 18th, 2009


Sifting Through Our Minds

Who: Jasper
Where:  The Desert
When:  Morning
Rating:  G

When the sun came up fully, Jasper was still exploring the canyon, because it was so shocking.  A cross between a religious place and a massacre, almost.  There wasn't any bodies, but the canyon twisted, and turned, and in some places got terribly narrow and sometimes so wide six or seven people would walk with their arms stretched out and not touch fingertips.  But that wasn't the amazing part.  It was the names.

Apr. 13th, 2009


Golden Wine

Who:  Jasper
Where: the desert
When:  throughout the day and most of the night (it spills a bit into day four just for the sake of making sense)
Rating: G

Noon of Day 3
Jasper was hot, and tired.  She used a hand to scrub a little grit from her face, and she glared out into the sun scorched, sandy land.  At this point she was moving from stand of cacti to stand of cacti just to stay hydrated and keep looking for Arlo - whom she lost the tracks of in the middle of the night when a sandstorm blew up.  Jasper had found shelter with some rocks.  She didn't know if Arlo had found anything, and for all she knew he could be a slowly mummifying corpse in the hot, dry sand now.  That wasn't news she wanted to bring back to camp.

She used a flat, sharp stone to split open a cactus and started drinking the disgustingly warm, sweet, nearly liquid down.  After that, she found some shade that would last the entire rest of the day, and bedded down.  Insects didn't bother her, and she could travel easier by night.

Mar. 27th, 2009


I am a wonderlust king

Who: Arlo. OPEN if anyone wants to come South, if not, then cool.
What: Leaving camp
Where: Edge of the Southern wood
When: Sunrise
Warnings: It's Arlo?

I stay on the run. Let me out, let me gone. )

Mar. 26th, 2009


Closing Day Twelve

Who: Everyone
Where: Around the campfire
What: Catching Up and Discussing The Future
When: Sunset
Rating: G to PG, depending on how the language goes.

Helena returned to her log by the fire and settled down next to the pouch of yarnballs, taking them up once again. She worked at pulling them apart as people began to drift back in to the camp, pausing to breath in the smoking grazer meat and pop boiled pesk eggs into their mouths. Some of them chewed strands of sweetgrind or braided fieldgrass as they chattered and caught up. Once everyone had arrived, she stood up and cleared her throat. "I just wanted to say a few things before we pack up for the night," she said over the din.

"Firstly, welcome back Thorne, Cross, Alex, Kenneth and Jasper. We're really glad to have you back and it's nice to see that you found a few things on your adventure. The grazer hide and meat is especially welcome." She flashed a smile around at the more tanned and sunburned faces in the circle.

"Secondly, I want to pass on a bit of bad news before you hear it from others. We lost four women while you were gone." She cleared her throat, clearly upset by this happening and with good reason. No one had voted Helena as the leader of the group, it had just happened. She still felt responsible and she should, if she were actually the leader. "There's been no sign of Annie, Lauren, Nancy and Jeri."

"Lastly," and here her gaze lingered on Bazzer. He looked...not like himself. She wondered what was eating the younger man. Still, she moved on. "Bazzer and I were discussing the tribe's prospects the other day and I said I would bring up an option to the whole of the group when we were all together again." She clasped her hands infront of herself and tried to organize her pro opinion in order to deliver it well. "Plenty of small tribal societies living without large advancements in technology, much like we are, survived for generations as nomadic peoples." She felt more than heard a hum move around the circle. "I believe that becoming nomadic might be a good answer for us. We're stripping the food supply here nearly bare. We don't know how the weather might change here over the next few months as well. Also, how can we know if there is no city in this world if we don't forge farther out than we can do in a day's run? I think it is safer for the group as a whole if we travel together, look out for each other and move forward rather than wait around here for something to happen." That said, she waited for the questions and opinions of the others. "What do you think?"

Mar. 25th, 2009


Carlita needs hugs.

Who: Carlita and open
What: Being sleepy, homesick, and greasy
Where: The river
When: Afternoon
Ratings: idk. PG?

Take me to the river, drop me in the water... )

Mar. 13th, 2009


The discovery of the river...

Who: Kenneth and Jasper
What: Discoveries
When: Early morning
Where: In the Sweetgrind Plains
Rating: PG, I'm sure

And Kenneth proves he's in as good a shape as he says )

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