The Dressing Room

September 16th, 2007

12:40 am - [info]filiuscorvi

The elections are tomorrow and everyone is getting all worked up and- Ugh. Even at school. If one more person comes up to me to bring them up for the one-millionth time...
Tsk. Did you need help on the Runes homework, Jules, or can I go devour the Hufflepuff twins now?

Erm. Oi, Ravenclaw- I brought you a present of sorts.

06:21 am - [info]audreyboot

Ally! I think I found it... or rather them. I borrowed several books from the restricted section, a couple by Kateri Eaglebright, like you recommended. This Clear Your Mind book looks really interesting for Occlumency theory, and I know that's not Legilimency but I thought since they're related it would help. Maybe even help me not care. Are these the books you've found?

09:09 pm - [info]ex_dreamcatc446

Hm! So is this Narnia or Wonderland?
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