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Dec. 3rd, 2013


Is anyone looking for a cat?

I've found one. Or he's found me.

Nov. 27th, 2013


This time of year is just making me miss my family even more. Granted I don't get Thanksgiving (among other things) but Christmas was always magical, especially in Narnia. But this can only lead to more adventures in the end.

But between school and working as a child minder (both at the PTYC and as a mother's helper for a lovely couple in the Village) I can't dwell too much.

Maybe that is a good thing?

Nov. 24th, 2013


Who: Will Parry & Susan Pevensie (well, first, Kirjava & Susan Pevensie)
What: meeting Will's daemon, then meeting Will.
When: Sunday
Where: Potts Tower, starting in the lobby, near the stairs.
Warnings: a talking cat? Otherwise, nah.

... )

Nov. 16th, 2013


Network Post: Caprica Six

The only ones left from my world are myself and Lee, but he recently lost his girlfriend and we just lost Laura. I wish I still had my angelic messenger with me, or some sense of God's plan in this. I feel far too unique right now and it's a lonely feeling.

I'm very uncomfortable with being the only Cylon here.

Nov. 12th, 2013


Cell Seven
Good work today, guys. How's everyone feeling?

Private: Dorcas
I need a drink. Worst part of active duty? Paperwork.
Actually I'll take a slice of a chocolate cake, yeesh.
I may have screwed up a bit today.


[Filtered to Cells Two, Three, Five, Seven, and Eight + Steve Rogers & Nick Fury (MCU)]
Phoenix Project was definitely rotten judging by their corporate office. But we were overall successful in our raid.
  • We were unable to apprehend Lee, and met a small force of either undercover agents or very feisty accountants. You know if one hesitates in killing himself, another one'll do it for them? There's teamwork for ya.

  • We took a lot of records, brought in everyone on site, might take a while to get through, but they should be in the pipeline. I'm not convinced anyone's entirely ignorant of what was going on

  • We have secured the scene. There's more to it than meets the eye, but we will have to go back. /li>

  • We did apprehend Cassandra Summer--no, Summer. S-A-M-A-R. Like the island you fucking piece of shit computer. Oh it transcribes that Samar. Not every day a charity rep's trained in kali wala. Doubt Samar'll say much, but I'd rather her here than there.

  • Carter, Spock. Fill in anything I left out. Other cells. I want prelim reports in what you found. We'll have the first post-mortem tomorrow at 1430 in Conference D.
    [Filtered to Peggy Carter]
    Have to take a rain check on that regroup.
    [Filter to VIPERFISH]
    So, we've been fishing for one. But guess who hooked a Viper today.

    Was hooked by one might be more right. Huh. How I post this th


    cut for image, not filtered )

    I miss the mountains already.


    As the Educational Lead for the Youth Center, it's important that I use my resources wisely. We're already collecting toys and living more sustainably by composting and recycling.

    Due to a couple of really nice patrons, we're getting ready to start a winter garden and its produce will be available shortly. It doesn't take kale and roots that long to grow.

    I'm thinking about doing a weekly tracking & naturalism class - with a monthly trip out into the woods - and just curious. Is anybody interested in something like that?

    [FILTER: Clara]
    Steve Rogers agreed to help with self-defense classes for the kids. Did I tell you that? I probably did.

    Nov. 6th, 2013


    Network Post: Public

    This may be an odd request, but is there anyone out there who would like a roommate? Mine is out and though it's been fun pretending to be an adult by myself; I'm actually really used to having at least two other people living with me. I'd settle for just one other person right now. There's got to be something a little wrong when your cat is the only other person talking back.

    Especially with the holidays coming up...things just feel lonely. Another face, voice, and body would be much appreciated. I'm clean and I totally won't touch your stuff (without asking) and I even make breakfast and pack lunches when the mood strikes. Magic makes life that much easier sometimes.

    So. Any takers?

    [Filter: Will Parry]
    Hey, how is the knife? How are you?

    Nov. 1st, 2013


    I had so much fun this past week! I like Halloween! Candy and sparkly outfits. I ended up going as Ariel because it meant sparkly clothes! picture )

    Some people thought it was a bit strange for a mermaid to be breathing fire, but I am used to being different. I think I may save the top to wear dancing.

    Oct. 18th, 2013


    After nearly being hit by cars twice today, I think it'd be safest if I avoided walking very far in this city until I'm used to the traffic patterns.


    After what happened to me last year during our little Prom, thing, ah think ah'll be avoidin' any and all Halloween shenanigans this year. Between trainin', workin' and working on the building, ah've kept really busy. it's helped me get over losing mah friend

    Anyone want to join me fer a dinner out sometime, so ah can remember ah'm not just a workaholic?

    Oct. 17th, 2013


    network post: public

    Wow. I had a bad case of home sickness, and apparently my magic loves to turn common things into hilarious spells. Home sickness was not fun, but thankfully the spell has broken and my finger isn't shot. Salem was a good cat and stayed in the apartment this time, I'll have to make him a lobster dinner or something later.

    So now that I'm not sick...anyone willing to do an interview on their time here and how it has been being a refugee?

    [Filter: Will Parry]
    Hey, I'm really sorry I kind of vanished after you helped me find Salem. I meant to send you something for the help, and then I started hearing my aunt's voices and just crazy things. Thankfully it's all over now, but I still feel bad.

    I can zap you something up, anything you'd like apparently - my once upon a time hardened rules seem to have gone out the window along with my version of reality. I just really hate feeling guilty.Just let me know!


    Can I ask about the situation with cell seven? Will we be receiving a new handler or will Steve Rogers return to his position?

    Is there something even worse going on Would it be problematic for me to take my vacation at this point? I don't want to leave my team shorthanded.

    There appears to be some rearranging going on with SHIELD, and although my handler has returned through the tesseract, I'm not certain he will be returning to the team. I've asked for more information, but just so you're aware, we may need to reschedule.

    Oct. 16th, 2013


    I'd like to say that this is new, but alternate universes are par for the course in my line of work.

    Discovering that I have seven months worth of belongings in a world I don't remember, on the other hand...

    [616 Avengers]

    I'm sure I've done this before, but: role call?

    Oct. 4th, 2013


    [Nick Fury (MCU), Maria Hill, Steve Rogers (616)]
    Requesting permission to take my two weeks leave for the last week of November and first week of October. I'll be going to Colorado with a friend. I'll bring my phone, but may not have a way to keep it charged up while in the wilderness. Willing to follow any other guidelines for being away if you inform me as to what they are.

    Sep. 28th, 2013


    I have learned my lesson. I would not recommend eating food without knowing how long it has been out.

    I appreciate those that were concerned for my well being. Especially Moya.

    In related news, I have gotten employment. I've been primarily doing odd things here and there, but in an ironic twist, I've landed a position as a food taster. A difficult job, but someone has to do it.

    Next human thing that confuses me. Someone explain "football". Is it a game that involves kicking a ball around an empty grass area or one in which players bash into each other while throwing a piece of animal skin? Both seemed to be called that, but the latter has to be something else? Animal skin chucking? Human smash? I'm stumped.

    Sep. 25th, 2013


    I need something to focus my attention on outside of work so I'm curious about something.

    Is anyone else from children's novels?

    Sep. 22nd, 2013


    Network Post; Byron Sully

    I used to think that the side walks and the pavement was an improvement on dirt roads and the mud that comes with them, but I got to admit that falling into a drawing ain't something I'm too keen on.

    I keep thinking this place has been as strange as it's going to get, and then something new happens.

    [Filter: Will]
    So, I've been doin' some research on trains here, and there's the possibility of takin' one out to Colorado Springs and I'm thinking that I'd like to do that.

    I don't know what your responsibilities for work are, but if you've got some vacation time and would like to come explorin' with me at some point, I'd enjoy the company.

    Sep. 21st, 2013


    [Filtered to Nick Fury (616), Nick Fury (MCU), and Maria Hill]

    We have a situation.

    [ETA: Filtered to Cell Seven]

    I told you that we'd be going up against a magical foe sooner or later. Turns out it's going to be sooner. The criminal is known as The Hood. I've sent you a copy of my personal file on The Hood from my world.

    We'll be collaborating with a handful of mages contacted by Agent Hill, including a powerful sorcerer named Doctor Strange, who has had dealings with the version of Dormammu that inhabits his world. In addition, Doctor Strange's apprentice will be housed in a safe room at SHIELD while she harnesses astral projection to determine Dormammu's -- and therefore The Hood's -- location. Suit up and stand by for a location.

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