July 2016




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Jul. 15th, 2013


Filtered: Victor Mancha
I'm I had to Hi.

Filtered: Friends
I'm going to take my bike out for a ride upstate or to Long Island. I am not sure yet. I just need to leave NYC for a short while. Call it "stir-crazy".

Jul. 11th, 2013


Text to Molly Hayes

>> Mooooolllllyyyyyyy
>> When I'm off
>> (If I'm ever off)
>> Okay sometime today
>> I have arranged for us to do paintball
>> There is also (more) cake
>> And ice cream
>> And pizza because pizza
>> sorry the others can't be here :(

Jul. 10th, 2013


Are you freaking kidding me?

You're getting that bear now, Captain America.

Victorrrrrr, I have tacos for youuuuuuu, just like you like themmm

For anything else, matty's got all the stuff

I'll go sleepy now

Who wanted the fried rice?

Jul. 9th, 2013


[Filtered to Ken]

Maybe... maybe she's just lying low from the media, right? Cause dudes end up dead in hotel rooms all the time.

She has to be still alive. I mean she's Pepper Potts. This world wouldn't be so fucked up that she'd just die, right? This world is better than home

I don't want a new boss.

[Filtered to Victor]

Yo, Sparky. Do you think there's any way you'd be able to track down Pepper? You're still here right? Unless you've decided to up and disappear too.

[Filtered to Avengers Academy]

So... this all blows.

Jul. 8th, 2013


Text to Victor Mancha

» Hey
» Just in case we're not back before then
» Mind if I leave my bday present for Mol with you?

Jul. 9th, 2013


» Vic? Can I stay with you while they're gone?
» Chase says we might not be back
» And I kinda like it here.
» Please?

Jul. 8th, 2013


[Filtered to Runaways]


Jul. 7th, 2013


I'm sure you've both seen the news by now, or read Pepper's message. In her stead, I'm headed over to Stark Tower to help with the security protocols, and as her assistants, I could use your help getting access to portions I don't already have access to. Are either of you already there, or should we meet in the lobby of Potts Tower first?

Jul. 2nd, 2013


[filtered to: employees of stark industries]
friends! country(wo)men! … fellow nerds.

the rumours are true: i am back in sunny california, working on my vitamin d levels. i hope to avoid getting electrocuted during this time away. i also hope that someone on the payroll comes up with a witty riposte to the funniest review of all time. here's a tidbit:
Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trials
[Introduction] The parachute is used in recreational, voluntary sector, and military settings to reduce the risk of orthopaedic, head, and soft tissue injury after gravitational challenge, typically in the context of jumping from an aircraft. The perception that parachutes are a successful intervention is based largely on anecdotal evidence. Observational data have shown that their use is associated with morbidity and mortality, due to both failure of the intervention and iatrogenic complications. In addition, “natural history” studies of free fall indicate that failure to take or deploy a parachute does not inevitably result in an adverse outcome. We therefore undertook a systematic review of randomised controlled trials of parachutes.
your play, guys.

stark tower is up and running again after the recent hoohah. security protocols have been upgraded, and some of chekov's ideas have been integrated to optimize the power. labs are secure. JARVIS is happily humming around. blow things up in the name of technological improvement with my blessing.

Jul. 1st, 2013


[ Filtered to Laura ]

Hey there.

Listen, I just wanted you to know that I think some stuff's about to go down with the Runaways. Nothing like... world-ending or whatever, but they're talking about the Arena and I think y I know you're involved with that, or are there, or whatever.

I don't know what's gonna be said tomorrow, but I want you to know that you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, yeah? I want you to be comfortable with talking to be but on your own schedule. And that goes with everything, not just Arena stuff, you got me? I can wait forever.

So whatever happens... I'm not gonna bug. But I'm here whenever you're ready.

[ /Filter ]


Runaways [sans Molly]

not trying to step over your black polished toes, nico, but we need a meeting. molly wants to know what's up with the future. if she can handle killing her parents, i think she can manage this. she's one of us, and really, i don't like keeping shit from her.


I know there are a lot of you who are concerned about the bombings happening in other countries, and about the broadcasts that we've seen lately, and I know many of you are interested in helping. This is, as I'm sure you all know, a very delicate situation, and bringing this person in hinges on the countries investigating him being able to do so quickly at a moment's notice, before he knows what's going on. At this time, the best things we can do to help is to keep our eyes peeled for violence and threats to the city we're living in right now, and to join organizations such as the local law enforcement or SHIELD to be more involved in any take-down attempts. It won't help any of us to rush in unorganized. There are people here who are working on stopping him, and we need to work alongside them.

That said, I'd like to ask all of you who have experience with tracing signals and hacking to help us narrow down where this terrorist is, or anyone else involved in his organization. If you discover anything at all, please alert myself and Director Fury or Regional Director Hill. Anything we can tell them and share with each other is going to help us in the long run. When he is located, and he will be, I know that we'll be able to bring him in quickly. In the meantime, sit tight, do what you can to help us find him and don't do anything reckless. The rest of the city . No one can hide forever.

Are either of you in town? I'd like to talk to the both of you, if you have a moment.
What do you say to a kid who's lost another one of his friends? I don't know if I managed to say the right things last night.


network post: xavin

Pride reminds me of my beloved. If it were a celebration only in her honor, she would deserve it. Still, this was better, for it is what she believes in, and the world needs more acceptance of it. You are who you are, and all sexualities are acceptable for an individual. All genders are acceptable for an individual. They are more than acceptable. It is not anyone's responsibility to make the world accept them for something for who they truly are. If you have trouble with it, that is on you to figure out, not the rest of us.

And I'd like to see how that teacher likes to be on fire.

Jun. 26th, 2013


Pushed to Tony Stark (MCU)

[ Note: this update via Victor's internal power & server ]



Jun. 24th, 2013


I know not how it happened, but it appears that I've been abducted by a glowing blue box.

Father? Mother? They told me

Avengers, they told me you were here.

Jun. 17th, 2013


Has anyone ever woken up and gone "ALL RIGHT! IT'S MONDAY!"? Anyone? It's not that I hate my job -- I don't. But I've got a classroom that's half full, and half of that half is about ready to conk out. Apparently early morning chemistry isn't enough to perk 'em up.

So. How about a mindless question? Yeah, worst segue ever. Sue me. (Please don't.) If you were a dog, what kind of dog would you be?

Jun. 12th, 2013


[Private entry]
I haven't seen one single Harry Potter character yet. I have to learn to stalk the hallways better. And leave OL home. WHERE THE FREAK IS HARRY? I WANT TO SEE THE SCAR. AND I WANT TO LEVITATE LIKE A BOSS. Goal: entrap one of them with chocolate frogs. Maybe they all look different here????

There's too many X-Men around here, but at least Miss Frost's voice isn't ringing through my head anymore. About frickin time that got turned off. I came, I went. I had to get sucked through a cube to escape that and SHE'S STILL HERE. THEY'RE ALL HERE. Sjeesh. This place totally needs more of frickin Dazzler and Cloak. :(

Thor. I don't think he's dangerous. Funny man.

Gert. I knew superheroes always come back. Road trip with Chase , maybe? Away from the fish, and I'm going to eat raw fish tomorrow. That doesn't even frickin make sense.


I need a nap. Where do I get chocolate frogs?


» Do you think we can make this motorcycle trip longer?
» Perhaps both Saturday and Sunday, if you're able to get away from work?
» I feel like I need a break from the city.


“People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim. What I’ve learned is that a lie is an act of self-abdication, because one surrenders one’s reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one’s master, condemning oneself from then on to faking the sort of reality that person’s view requires to be faked…The man who lies to the world, is the world’s slave from then on…There are no white lies, there is only the blackest of destruction, and a white lie is the blackest of all.”
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

There are two things in life I put above all else. Honesty and loyalty.
& now I'm going for a jog. Then a milkshake, because why the hell not.

Jun. 10th, 2013


I officially have a fully-functioning motorcycle. I'm considering a weekend trip away somewhere, but I might need to save up more money since most of it went into getting parts.

Filtered: Ben Reilly and Steve Rogers (616)
Thank you. I love the color. It means a lot that you helped me with this.

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