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Aug. 17th, 2014


Filtered to Thor Odinsons (Both)
What do you do when you like someone, but not for your own personal gain?

I don't understand.

I mean, I assumed I just liked him because he was incredibly powerful and he could alter the fabric of reality, and that could be fun. And like-- yes, I did briefly consider stealing his powers and leaving him stranded. And I did sort of try to manipulate his boyfriend into breaking up with him once just because I thought it would be interesting. And --

But then he was gone for a week and I was sad about it.

I even tried to help him with a problem I didn't create. Just because. With no other objective. I just wanted him to not accidentally destroy the world or die or anything.

Is that normal?

Aug. 12th, 2014


[Filtered to Thor (both) and Sif]
I was told I must return to this Midgardian school. You said before that I did not have to attend, that I could focus my time in training with you.

Aug. 3rd, 2014


Who: Thor (616) and Torunn
When: The evening of the Avengers meeting.
Where: Lobby of the tower and then a pizza parlor nearby.
What: Thor makes an effort to get to know this daughter of his and may or may not be pulling the Dad card already.
Rating: G??

The outing, pizza and ice cream, was so typical of a father attempting to bond with a daughter that he was certain Donald would have been laughing were he still a part of him. )

Aug. 2nd, 2014



Are you attending the meeting regarding the Avengers?

After, would you like to join me for dinner in the city?


I am still trying to adapt the smallness of my room as compared to Bilskirnir. Truly, I think it is better to have something small and well used rather than entire palace with rooms that would remain empty for many years yet.

Jul. 28th, 2014


-- in what state do you exist currently?
-- be you younger, older?
-- nevermind. you are certain you had nothing to do with this?

Jul. 19th, 2014


Network Post; Inara Serra

I believe it possible that I am finally becoming accustomed to this world, the basic things for every day living, and even have become familiar with several places that make a delightful tea. I found a meditation center near here, and have been incorporating it into my daily ritual again. Plus, I put a notice for lessons up at a tea shop and have since taken on 5 pupils. I may need to supplement my income in some other way for a bit but it is a start.

I have to ask though, odd dreams - is that a typical thing around here?

I again thank you for the invitation. As soon as I get a little bit more settled, I shall return the hospitality.


Filter: Avengers (all)
For the record, I'm not dead. I'm just on an extremely extended vacation. Seemingly. What else do you call it?

At least I managed to stay caught up on Game of Thrones.

Jul. 18th, 2014


This tesseract thing has a weird idea about gifts. Either that or it's trying to tell me something. If it's the latter, I'm not sure I want to know why I suddenly need my body armor and my shotgun.

Jul. 16th, 2014


I know not how the cosmic cube so easily dictates the lives of so many, or how it seems to interact with worlds beyond it's own, but all shall rest easy this night for I will seek these answers and seek a way home not just for myself, but for all here.

I am Thor, son of Odin, and know this day that I will use all my power for this task!

Oct. 17th, 2013


I still do not understand what is so hallowed of this eve of the 26th that men must hide their faces.

Oct. 6th, 2013


network post: xavin

To my knowledge, the Asgardians do not take part in commerce with this world, but they could do well with it. My searches for Jay and Silent Bob revealed the sale, today, of a design claiming to be for Olde Odin Pale Ale.

Cut, not filtered )

If you wish to purchase goods with this design, you may look here.

Oct. 4th, 2013


Heads up, nerds. I'm going to be perfectly honest with you and I'm not going to repeat myself!

If anyone, and I do mean anyone jumps out from under a desk or hides in a closet while I'm working, I will hurt you. And then I'll try and get you fired. No, I will get you fired. I'm not completely opposed to Halloween stuff, but don't wear masks in the lab. Don't wear ghost costumes-- like, at all. AND NO FAKE BLOOD.

Thank you.

Sep. 24th, 2013


[Filtered to Nick Fury (Both)]

I would seek a moment to speak with thee. The Fury from my world can speak for the truth of my words. I have dealt with a tesseract before. Richards would refer to this item as a cosmic cube, a device of immense power. And rightly so, but I have destroyed one. If I may in some way provide aid, know that it is given freely. I would wish to see less pain from loss of loved ones.

I fear removing it from the Earth would likely lead to innocents in a dire place, but should you wish it destroyed entirely, it is within the power of Mjolnir to do so. Should you seek another solution, know that Thor is with thee.
[End Filter]

Sep. 18th, 2013


It would seem your disguise still works quite well, Fury. It is quite amazing that I can simply dress as mortals do, don a pair of seeing lenses, walk about calling myself Sigurd Jarlson, and no one is the wiser as to my true identity. A clever deception.

However, the content of most of the discussion I encountered on this day seems to revolve around a Hermione Granger and whether or not she is with child. I am unfamiliar with this Lady Granger. Is she royalty here? I understand there is a fascination with the marriage and breeding of those who hold old land and titles in the elder civilizations of Earth. I have attempted to search the internet and all I am finding are pictures of a girl who is unlikely of age to comfortably bear children. Thusly, I do not believe I am finding the correct Hermione Granger.

Whilst I have attention, I admit confusion on a dessert served to me. How exactly does one fry ice cream? Truly, a lack of magic is no obstacle for clever people and that is why I love this realm so very much, even if it is not the one I am used to.

Sep. 16th, 2013


Filter: 616-Avengers and other friends
I have a full fridge with groceries, pots and pans in the cabinets, and printed recipes for some very easy recipes off of the Martha Stewart website. Oh and guardianship over a spider kid (lol sorry, Miles). Guys, what? I think... I think I'm growing up!

Quick. Someone plan a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's again.

Sep. 12th, 2013


There is to be a contest of eating today involving a most delicious confection known as a 'cannoli'! There shall be much devouring of them and I am excited to compete against others in such the noble sport of eating vast quantities faster than those beside me! To all others of the tower who shall compete, I am glad to meet you in the ring of food honor!

Sep. 10th, 2013


[Filtered to 616 Avengers and allies + friends.]

I'm back. I come bearing gifts, which should make an appearance on your doorsteps at various times throughout the next week. What did I miss?


Three+ months of enlisting help and spending early morning hours and weekends on her and she's finally airborne. Next step, paint job.

Then to park her at a hanger and try not to spend all of my time in the sky.

How's the head, Cap?

Sep. 9th, 2013


The Warriors Three and I have found a new occupation for ourselves. There is a sport called Parkour and it is ever so entertaining. The Midgardians we sported with were quite impressed with our athleticism and skills, particularly when I vaulted over a moving elevated train. It was quite enjoyable. I think I shall partake in it again.

[Thor (616) and Torunn]

How are the two of you settling in? Is there anything I may do to make your time here more comfortable or to assist you? I do not confess to be an expert on things Migard, but I have been here over a year now and have become reasonably acquainted with this fine city.


Provided this fear gas thing is taken care of by then; anyone want to go binge drinking on Friday night?

That means clear your schedule.

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