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Dec. 22nd, 2013


Eddie Carmichael throws a good party. It was really nice to get out and meet some people. I'll admit, I didn't have much of a social life at home, but I have a little more time on my hands here. It was nice to make some new friends.

Dec. 13th, 2013


First decent snow of the season is rolling in, and it's on my weekend off. Wish it was more than a few inches, that way my excuse to stay inside in pajamas and drinking copious amounts of wine would be an acceptable practice rather than sort of sad.

But, still, I love snow. Especially when I'm not working. Dead bodies and snow isn't a good combination.

(Warning: Discuss of motives/acts for/of murder in the comments. Don't want anyone to be uncomfortable when stumbling across it)


Filtered to Bonesverse
I signed myself up for the mission to Asgard. Feeb represent I leave tomorrow.

Dec. 11th, 2013


I'm not certain what to make of this gift. Am I meant to believe that it is the same item Booth gave to me at home, or is this some kind of joke?

I've been sent a Brainy Smurf, allegedly by the tesseract.

Dec. 6th, 2013


Guess I hadn't had the chicken pox when I was a child. Could've sworn I had.


Network Post: Regina Mills

As far as years go this has been one I never expected. I'd just like my son to be

Nov. 24th, 2013


It's been a long time since I've had to write grant proposals, but my proposal has been accepted. As soon as the funding comes through, which it should do within the week, I'll be upgrading and significantly improving the laboratories within the medicolegal department of the NYPD. Additionally, my budget request included funding for up to three assistants who have a graduate degree in forensic science. Special exceptions may be made for students currently working towards their degree, less qualified but extensively experienced scientists, or the equivalent of such a degree from other types of qualification systems in other worlds.

I am now accepting applications for these positions. If interested, you may send your resume and cover letter to [email]. It should be noted that my standards are extremely high and, while I have no expectation or intention of being able to replace the assistants I had at home, I will not accept anything less than rational, empirical, intelligent minds with ambitions of a career in forensic science. Specialties in most scientific fields will be considered (anthropology being preferred but not required); individuals with backgrounds in multiple science fields are ideal. As much as I appreciate the tendency of scientists to organize their fields of study into smaller categories in order to gain a deeper, more precise focus on their subject, ridiculously narrow fields (such as forensic podiatry) are unlikely to be considered helpful.

You may visit the website of the NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner or contact me directly for more information. I look forward to working with the NYPD to make this city a safer place.

Nov. 12th, 2013


I am in discussion with New York University about a position on their staff. It looks like I may be able to use their available resources (which are considerable, although not quite what I've grown accustomed to at the Jeffersonian) for research beginning in the new semester, with the option of teaching courses when the summer session begins, but I'm not certain of their connections to the FBI or any other law enforcement agency.

As a result, I've been in contact with the NYPD and am considering their offer to join their Medicolegal Investigation Unit. Perhaps between the two, I can create a position that combines the same kind of laboratory and field work that I was doing at home. I would still like to be your partner, Booth, if we can find a way to arrange that.

There is also the possibility of relocating to D.C. in this universe, but as neither of you have mentioned it yet, I assume it's not high on your list of priorities. Nevertheless, it seems a possibility worth ruling out before committing to a job here.

Oct. 26th, 2013


I don't think I've expressed recently how nice it is to be working for an organization with a large budget. This is even better than the Jeffersonian at home.

No offense, Brennan - but it's true. Sorry. Dinner's on me tonight?

Oct. 25th, 2013


I am going to be able to go to a Halloween party for the first time in ten years. I am so excited!!

I am going to be Wonder Woman.

Oct. 23rd, 2013


So I accidentally burned down a church on TV this week. What did you do? Anything embarrassing? I'd love to hear it.

Filtered to Angel
I don't understand much of what's been happening recently. There's Darla, but I've got no frame of reference

You okay, buddy?

Filtered to Darla
Uhm, hello.

Filtered to Connor
Help me out here, buddy. What's going on?

Spoilers for recent Bones ep

Oct. 22nd, 2013


My transition from SHIELD science officer to SHIELD field agent is now complete.

Of course, I have no desire to abandon scientific research entirely, but if I may speak candidly, I found pure research to be somewhat less enthralling than my previous position, which entailed far more risk and exploration than laboratory work.

Perhaps SHIELD will benefit from the addition of a few such cooler heads.

Oct. 21st, 2013


[Filtered away from Darla]
[ooc: edited later and filtered to Buffyverse & people who've already commented!]

Now that I think I can do this without threatening anyone

Okay, I want to make one thing real clear here.

I know how dangerous Darla can be. Nobody knows that better than I do. And I don't expect anyone to trust her or be happy that she's here. I know she's hurt a lot of you. I get that, and you have every right to feel that way.

But this is my kid's mother. And there's no way in hell I'm letting anyone take her away from him before she's had a shot to prove herself.

You can tell me I'm not looking at things rationally, because of what she means to me and what I've been through with her, but I don't care. We've all made exceptions for other vampires before, both here and back home. She wouldn't be here if SHIELD hadn't decided she was safe. And I'll personally make sure that stays the case.

She isn't going to hurt anyone. She might not be the nicest person you've ever met, but in her defense, it's pretty damn hard showing up here and having your life immediately threatened she's overwhelmed right now. I'm not asking anyone to sympathize with her -- just realize that she has a lot to deal with. It's gonna take time. But I'll keep her out of trouble until then. I'll find a way to make this work, whether that means magic or a chip in her brain or something else. I'll find something. All I'm asking for is the chance.

Darla gave her life for Connor. She's earned that much.

And if she gives any of you a problem, come to me. I want to keep everyone safe here.

Oct. 17th, 2013


Okay, so to take my mind off the last several hours of the TV show I just saw that I'm apparently "from"....I'm trying to pick a Halloween costume for this party coming up.

Click for choices! )

Brennan, are you doing your usual?

Oct. 16th, 2013


Cut for big image, possible spoilers for those not up to date with the Bones fandom )

Did you know about this? Guys?

You know, this is just-

Is this the sound of my brain breaking? The- no sound at all? No coherent thought? The-

There is no way that is going to go as planned. Just because we're us.Or we're going to be called into a murder scene in our finery. Well, that's just- Us?

Did you know? And Parker's there.

Don't say it.

Oct. 12th, 2013


[Texts to Temperance Brennan]
✉ Put on something nice
✉ We're going out tonight
✉ And quite possibly getting very drunk, so tell Booth not to wait up

Oct. 9th, 2013


Has anyone calculated the average length of time that we can expect to stay here in this universe? I would be happy to calculate it myself, as well, if the data were available. I'm attempting to make decisions regarding what to do for the remainder of my visit here.

Did I mention that I met an angel?

Oct. 8th, 2013


[Booth & Brennan]
Something's wrong with me. I actually want some bizarre case I can help you two solve, or something.

Does anyone know of any galleries that may be looking for artists currently? I really need to build up my portfolio again


How can anyone logic this away

I'm not ever going to be a woman, that'd be ridiculous. How

I think my brain is breaking

I'm going out on a limb here and take a wild guess. Just another normal day here in the Tower?

Oct. 4th, 2013


Who: Castiel and Temperance Brennan
What: Literal and blunt meets literal and blunt.
When: Backdated to their original conversation or whenever's feasible.
Where: Brennan's room, presumably
Warnings: None

Read more... )

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