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Aug. 1st, 2013


I'm going to be doing another (planned this time) waffle open house tomorrow morning. For those of you who missed the last one (which was really the result of me not paying attention and making WAY too many waffles), this is when I make lots of waffles and anyone who wants some is free to come by. There will be plenty. If all else fails, I'll use one of my favors to get Loki to help me out.

I figure it's a good way to meet new people. Also, waffles. Who doesn't love waffles.


Network Post

EL MAGNIFICOI must introduce you to someone very special! His name is El Magnifico! He is the alt-world version of Ms. Kitty Fantastico; I couldn’t very well go out and try to find her here, so I did the next best thing. His adoption papers just went through, I’m a fit kitty guardian! His little facial markings are 100% real; he is a tuxedo cat and just so happens to aspire to be the fanciest of fancy cat Maître D' of all time. Can you just imagine him supervising your fancy dinner?

I am of the happy, and I hope he is as well, we’ll be happy here I think.

Filter: BtVS Verse )

Jul. 7th, 2013


Who: Stephanie Brown and Erik Lehnsherr.
When: After this conversation. Backdated.
Where: A diner.
What: Post-sparring diner food.
Rating: PG. Will update if necessary.

You know, I have to say, victory waffles are the best waffles. )

Jul. 1st, 2013


Of all the things I imagined my life being after the confrontation in Cuba, tedious isn't one of them. Nor did I imagine myself witnessing threats without being able to engage them.

Jun. 20th, 2013


So I was in the hall, figuring I'd deal with some Gremlins - like you do - when I found Gizmo.

Yes. Gizmo. Honest to god, actual Gizmo

Poor little guy was kind of traumatized, so I gave him a hug and took him back to my place. I'm totally going to keep him, Tesseract permitting. He's so cute and sweet.

Jun. 18th, 2013


[ Filtered to Steph ]
So, I thought I had made a new friend, and I was trying to take care of him last night, and he ended up getting the bathroom and making a mess so I tried to clean him up. And now there's... a lot more of them than I started with.

[ Filtered to Thor ]
Creatures are not supposed to multiple without the assistance of a mate, yes?

Jun. 17th, 2013



I like our apartment. I've gone down to find someplace to buy some stuff for us. So let me know if you want anything beyond the standard toothbrush and comb. But while I was walking I started thinking.

You don't think Larry's going to show up here do you? Because I suddenly started wondering if this is all his fault.

I understand this Network only goes out to Pott's Tower residents. It's probably a good thing, I can't imagine how many people would take advantage of it otherwise.

I'm Robin.

Jun. 13th, 2013


I came across this link today, and for some reason thought of this tower. Perhaps it's a little silly, but it's all in fun.

Then again, I say that and mine was Surprisingly Hairy Lion.

Jun. 2nd, 2013


I'm actually really starting to settle in here. I'm making friends even. It's pretty great, to be honest.

( Kate )
So, I was thinking.

I don't have a roommate right now. And I figure you could use a break from being the Clint's go-to grown up - not that he's not awesome. So what if you and I became roomies?

Just a thought.

May. 20th, 2013


These people know a disturbing amount about me. After all those years I spent keeping a low if nonexistent profile, and now, their system happily spits out my life history for anyone who asks.

I suppose that is what I get for willingly associating with the CIA.

Charles, they said you were here. And that I had only just left.

May. 16th, 2013


As good as it is to be back to myself, part of me misses not having the extra height anymore. It was really nice to not having to try and scale shelves for a few days there.

[ Stephanie Brown ]
So, this prom thing. What exactly counts as formal wear?

May. 12th, 2013


Text to Stephanie Brown

» Are you old enough to get drunk today?
» If you aren't, do you have a roommate lurking around?

May. 5th, 2013


Something is very wrong.

May. 2nd, 2013


[ Filtered AGAINST Avengers 616 ]
Lonely bowman seeks competent woman with domineering tendencies for one night engagement. Must be willing to tolerate awkward and hapless behavior as well as the occasional bout of verbal diarrhea. Presence of disorderly teenagers during the course of the evening will be likely. Transportation and meal costs will be provided for. Anyone under 30 need not apply.

Or, in other words, is anyone interested in going to this prom with Clint? He made a deal with Francis to get him to do normal life things and managed, in this truly graceful way that he has, to get it turned back on him for his own lack of being anything close to normal, so I've been tasked with finding him an escort. Unfortunately, him taking anyone I actually know would be horrible and sketchy and just no. So, more age appropriate ladies, any takers?

He looks like that guy from Game of Thrones, if it helps.

May. 1st, 2013


✉ Hi.
✉ So, you don't know me, but my name's Steph.
✉ I'm a friend of Kate's.

✉ Contact has been made.
✉ Which makes this sound like a secret agent thing.
✉ Which it's not.

Apr. 30th, 2013


Peggy's gone.

Thought everyone should know.

Apr. 29th, 2013


You know, I've been seeing an awful lot of posts about prom lately. And I just have to ask. What prom? Since when? Nobody told me anything about a prom.

Apr. 23rd, 2013


Text to Stephanie Brown

» Are you oversharing with "Bruce" yet?
» If you're in the mood to overshare with someone, how about telling me everything you know about this other "Selina Kyle"?

Apr. 22nd, 2013


Not the way I'd anticipated visiting New York.

Apr. 21st, 2013


By the waxing moons of the lilac planet. This is one of the most normal parallel dimensions I have seen yet. Though the arrival was certainly a bit atypical.

I have been processed by the governmental organization guarding the portal. And it was suggested that I introduce myself in case I am here for some time. It remains to be seen if I will be.

Hello. I am Dr. Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme.

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