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Apr. 13th, 2014


I guess April's the new May. Just got notice that Willow's gone. Again.

Apr. 5th, 2014


I woke up this morning seeing weird color things around people. Not sure what it means, but usually eyesight or brain stuff means something wrong, so I think I might head down to the clinic either way. I hate hospitals and docto Don't really want this to get worse.

Apr. 3rd, 2014


Private to Dru

So.... we need to talk.

Apr. 1st, 2014


[Filtered to friends]

The comic about my life starts up again tomorrow.

So if you don't see me around for a while, that's why.

[ooc: feel free to assume you're on the filter if you want to be!]

Mar. 28th, 2014


network post: faith lehane

Next time I get captured by the bad guys and held in a cell for like a week, people had better miss me more than this.

As fun as that was, if I could go like a week without getting shot at, that would be awesome.

Meanwhile, I'm heading out to celebrate my freedom. Anyone wants to join me, just say the word.


Does... any of this get any easier? Being here, I mean. Having everyone know more about your life than YOU do.

I get the whole concept of us all being in shows, or books, or movies in other realities. I really do. I mean, I know I almost squealed like a little baby when I saw that Sailor Neptune is here.

But how do you all deal with knowing that... nothing is private anymore? It hit me that being on a "show", that means people I've never even met know about Glory, about the singing, about what happened between Willow and I. It's like living in a fishbowl, and it's really... freaky when you stop to think about it.

Mar. 25th, 2014


Don't mean to alarm you guys, but I think Xander's been sent back. Knocked on his door, his phone was sitting on the floor like he'd dropped it. Nothing else disturbed.

Will, think you could do a locator spell just to make sure?


Text to Lil Bit

Hey, Lil Bit.... I'm here. I thought I should say hi. Red told me you were here.

Mar. 23rd, 2014


That took all bloody day..... too many questions.... got inside just in bloody time. There's.... there's people here I know?

(OOC: Mentions of attempted rape in the comments)

Feb. 7th, 2014


Who: Spike, Darla, maybe Drusilla if she wants to come along
When: BACKDATED to Connor's leaving
Where: Starts at Potts Tower, brief road trip to the Catskills
What: A bear, a bear, you made a bear!
Rating: Maybe PG-13 for language and imagery?

Living in a fantasy but it's way too far, but this kind of loneliness is way too hard )

Feb. 2nd, 2014


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Lilah]
I think I owe you an apo Thank you.

[Filter: Angel]
How are you doing?

[Filter: Buffy]
Do you know if anyone has had contact with Darla today?

[ETA Filter: Faith & Spike]
Have either of you checked in with Darla today?

She may be fine, but with Connor's departure I'd like confirmation of that.


My son was sent home. What will happen t He was the only one who had

Jan. 31st, 2014


So this is what it's like to be a nearly-productive citizen. Feels... odd, let me tell you. Got a bank account opened online, got a possible job lined up (thank you, Will), and I've done some shopping. Got myself set up with one of the blood banks, least til I can make arrangements on my own. Sorry, institutions of this sort give me hives. Had a bad experience with one a while back...

Have to admit, this having things delivered is nice. Makes daylight a bit more useful, I'll tell you that. Blackout curtains are the world's gift to the sunlight-sensitive.


I think tumblr is beginning to grow on me.

Jan. 30th, 2014


Network Post; Dawn Summers

[Filter: Buffyverse girls & other female friends*]
I have a serious problem.


What on earth?

Nowhere in the Harry Potter books does it mention how Severus Snape is totally built.

[ooc: if you've chatted with Dawn you're probably on the filter, she's feeling pretty open, it's just not guy talk!]


To: Spike, Anya Jenkins
From: Buffy Summers
Subject: Getting back your stuff.
Attachment: Form 1290.docx

you have 1 new message )

Jan. 28th, 2014


Portals don't usually open up to alternate Earth realities. I'm used to the hell dimensions. This is my punishment, isn't it? Halfrek is An alternate Earth reality where I'm stuck in a tower with everyone I very strongly dislike. Except you, Spike. You're okay to look at.

Jan. 25th, 2014


So, it seems Anya is gone. And with Giles gone, who's going to run Widdershins? Willow? Dawn? Is there any sort of legal paperwork we need to look into?

Jan. 24th, 2014


If I am from a book, or one of the other entertainments that are offered in this world, how might I go about finding out? And how might I go about discovering the history of the world since 1824? There's so much I don't know and I hate feeling ignorant, especially when those around me know so much.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


TEXT TO ANGEL (accidental):Read more... )


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