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Apr. 1st, 2014


Good morning, New York.

I've never much been one for chatting on the internet; my good looks and charm are much more useful in person. But I suppose I'll have to lay that aside for a moment, and instead try to use my verbal and written skills. Maybe it'll make Syd proud, anyway.

ANYWAY, are there any other artists here? I'm wanting to take classes, but there are so many available I'm a little overwhelmed.


Are you sitting down? I have a job. Well. Sort of. Part time. At an art museum, guiding tours. It's only two days a week, but it's something, right?

Mar. 30th, 2014


Private to Hunger Games and Finnick and Annie's friends
Annie and I eloped. Party to follow this Saturday.

Private to Annie
Good morning, Mrs. Odair.

Mar. 29th, 2014


Monday, I'm going to be holding the first survivors' meeting on the 13th floor. We'll have the entertainment room to ourselves, so we won't have to worry about anyone just joining us without some warning. Anyone who is interested in coming, please let me know either through commenting here or sending me a text so I'll know the amount of snacks and beverages I'll need to bring.

And remember to never set up Google Alerts with your own name. I don't appreciate some of the names they've called me.

I could use a friend to vent to.

Mar. 28th, 2014


Does... any of this get any easier? Being here, I mean. Having everyone know more about your life than YOU do.

I get the whole concept of us all being in shows, or books, or movies in other realities. I really do. I mean, I know I almost squealed like a little baby when I saw that Sailor Neptune is here.

But how do you all deal with knowing that... nothing is private anymore? It hit me that being on a "show", that means people I've never even met know about Glory, about the singing, about what happened between Willow and I. It's like living in a fishbowl, and it's really... freaky when you stop to think about it.

Mar. 27th, 2014


Network Post: Sailor Neptune (Michiru Kaiou)

That dragon is no dragon. I can see her true form, and she's a woman.

Please get yourselves to safety if you aren't prepared to fight, and stay away from windows and exterior walls. I don't know how dangerous she'll become.

Filtered to Sailor Senshi:
Who is she? What does the black moon mean? I can feel her coming for us, but I don't know why.

Sailor Moon, I believe you should take the lead. If anyone can stop her, it's you.

Mar. 22nd, 2014


Would anyone like to accompany me to the Museum of Modern Art tomorrow? Today Google's home page informed me that today is Agnes Martin's birthday, and having looked at some of her works on my computer's screen, I find that I would like to see them in person, if at all possible. I would go today, but I will be at the tea shop all afternoon, so it will be impossible for me to visit today.

Filter to Clara Oswald
Miss Oswald, I was informed by Miss Mako Mori that it is possible to volunteer at the youth center. Specifically, to read to the younger children. I'd like to know what the process is for becoming a volunteer, if you would be so kind as to provide that information to me.

Thank you,
Miss Penelope Featherington

Mar. 17th, 2014


If I see one more person bitching about If there's anyone who's having trouble adjusting to their new body, I wouldn't mind talking you through it. I know a thing or two about it, and I've been told I'm a good listener.

I've also been told this shit is temporary. You should consider yourselves lucky.

Mar. 15th, 2014


[Michiru & Setsuna]

Would either of you like to come see movies with my roommate, myself, and whomever else shows up tonight?

Mar. 13th, 2014


Network Post: Michiru Kaiou

I am grateful that I had Haruka for my birthday, and I know we will find each other again-- we've done it across the centuries before. But I wasn't ready at all for this loss.

I think someone else may be gone, too. Has anyone seen Cher? She hasn't been by Pepper's Closet.

My students, I will still be there for our lessons, but please excuse my demeanor.

Mar. 6th, 2014


The breeze shifted earlier. The wind pressed hard against my face as if trying to force me to understand that which I could not. Almost in the same way natives yell slowly at foreigners - as if it will somehow help them understand what is being said. In my bones I know this is an ill omen…perhaps I am simply searching for meaning in this world.

Though the keyboard now within my possession can hardly be compared to the piano left behind in Japan it feels nice to create music once again. I have been thinking about offering piano lessons, but Michiru really is the better teacher. I would love to race again. First I need a car...

Mar. 5th, 2014


Has anyone else had the weird feeling of forgetting their birthday was coming? I just glanced at the date and realized it's tomorrow. I wish my family was here It just seems strange.

Feb. 13th, 2014


This is not where I expected to end up. Fascinating how things can surprise even I. However I find I cannot return, to home or to the Gate, and this has me somewhat worried. I was told my Lady and my colleague are here - Usagi? Michiru?

Feb. 11th, 2014


[Post made via phone just before leaving the tower.]

SPN People:
If you need to get away from crazy appliances, I've booked rooms. Last minute choices were made so I'm headed to a Comfort Inn - with two extra rooms, just in case. Just give me a heads up so I can meet you and give you keys in the lot or something.

Failed Filter to Santana Lopez made public:
Hey Santana, are you holding up okay? I have a hotel room if you need to get away from crazy appliances. Last minute thing so it's not a big bed, but I can't see that being a problem with the way you lay on me half the night anyway.

Failed filter to Sam Winchester, sent to [SOMEONE ELSE//Michiru]:
Resent filter. Sam Winchester:
I've been meaning to ask you...bachelor party?

Alright! My fellow tech!people, if you're staying in the tower, which I don't really recommend, shut down and unplug. My computer messed with some of my coding for fun, I guess, and I'm highly miffed now so...that's your friendly warning that shit is crazy and you should check your equipment. I recommend you SURRENDER TO YOUR NEW ROBOTIC OVERLORDS AND FIND COMFORT IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR NEW OWNERSHIP! - Nope! Did not write this, I recommended that you unplug your equipment or get to a hotel. More now that I see our filters and text can be hijacked without our knowing.


Accidental Network Post: Michiru Kaiou

[Fail!filter (meant for Usagi only) plus delete/backspace fail]

I've been meaning to ask you: have you looked at the manga, anime, and so on that's "about" us?


Why is there so much ecchi doujinshi of

Feb. 10th, 2014


I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

[Filtered to LGBTQ]
So if all the pink and glitter's not enough to make anyone with eyes vomit. I guess it's time to point out that holy day of heteros flaunting it and overpriced flowers is coming up. I intend to be wrist deep in Christopher Street for it.

So who's up for seeing how much of the Henrietta Hudson we can take over and for how long this weekend?

Feb. 3rd, 2014


I just got the cutest little friend for my bunny. I have no idea what it is, but it is small and cute and squishy!


You should get a little friend too! I saw these little things around while I was out to lunch just now and just had to get one.

Feb. 1st, 2014


What exactly is ground hog's day? Is it a day to honor ground hog's?


There's going to be a parade tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?


There was a little boy at swim class this morning who had never been in the water before. Four years old, and he'd never been in a lake or a swimming pool or a river or an ocean. It made me sad, really really sad that he'd never done that before.

Being in the water is so peaceful, and when you're under water all the scary things go away and you don't have to be afraid anymore because the screaming can't reach you there.

Jan. 29th, 2014


Free room and board in New York City, and a thousand dollars to use as I please? A girl could get used to this view.

And this bathtub.

The name's Sophia. Now who's going to offer to give me a tour?

Jan. 24th, 2014


Network Post: Michiru Kaiou

I have some more paperwork to finish before I start, but I will be teaching two classes with this "ESD", one that had an opening and one that will be new.

If you were taking Music Appreciation before, please give me the opportunity to continue your past studies.

If you've been interested in learning or furthering your skills in Drawing and Painting, please consider joining my new class.

If someone has an interest, I'd be happy to offer violin lessons as soon as I've borrowed a violin.

The Doctor (Tenth) (in Japanese):
Would you like to meet up sometime? Perhaps at Timeless Tea?

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