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Sep. 30th, 2013


network post: izzie stevens

Since it's the day before October, it's not too early to try decorating, right?

Sep. 29th, 2013


Well I guess this place isn't that bad. Even with it's ancient medical equipment - stuff from the Dark Ages I tell you. I have no idea how I'm supposed to work with it but I guess I will have too. Once I secure myself a job that is.

Jim & Spock (his)
So. Now that I've settled in we should do something. I have to keep you two out of trouble as it is.


Who: Sam Winchester and Meredith Grey
What: Needing tequila and exchanging dark and twisty stories in a casual manner
When: Backdated, around the time Mer arrived
Where: Sam's bar
Rating: Low
Status: In progress

Read more... )

Sep. 21st, 2013


network post: izzie stevens

I'm not sure exactly how we're supposed to do this, but who would we need to get in touch with to see about getting our medical licenses here so that we could go back to practicing medicine like we did back home?

I mean. . .do I just walk into a hospital and say "hey, watch this tv show, you can see what I'm capable of" or. . .

I don't think I'd want anyone to watch a tv show about me. That would weird me out. It's bad enough that I know it exists.

[Filtered to Meredith]

So. . .I'm totally decorating for Halloween. Which means you've got like a week's peace before there are pumpkins and fake spiders and candy everywhere.

It's the holidays, Mer. You've been warned. :P

Sep. 17th, 2013


Network Post: Izzie Stevens

I had two girls on the street stop me a few minutes ago. One of them proceeded to go into a very long rant about how it was my fault Denny died and how Alex was better off without me. Oh, and that I'd deserved cancer.

Then as she stormed off in a huff, her little friend looked really embarrassed and told me that she was just jealous of me and that she really liked my hair and she took off too.

Does this happen a lot?? That was terrifying. I need a drink.

[Filtered to Meredith]

There is apparently a woman here who looks exactly like me. Apparently, it's Christine Chapel from Star Trek. I feel sort of honored and disturbed at the same time.

I also found a little shop with the most AMAZING coffee. Seriously. Better than the food cart at Seattle Grace.

[Filtered to Riley Poole]

How are you feeling? It should have passed by now, but I still thought I'd check. I don't know how illness works in this world.

Sep. 14th, 2013


so fucking sick

something goin around?


Oh man. After Pandora and Brick's attempts at cooking - hell, Roland's attempts at cooking - I didn't think I could get sick from eating anything. Guess I was wrong. I swear I just threw up my toenails. Hey Maya, chica? Wanna come take Blood Jr out for her fly? I ain't leaving the bathroom.

Sep. 11th, 2013


Network Post; Meredith Grey

So I'm texting. I'm texting because I have no idea what else I'm supposed to do here. There's a blue cube, aliens exist, I'm apparently not home anymore, and unlike Dorothy, I don't have any ruby slippers. I never wanted any, because I always thought Dorothy was an idiot.

Not the point. This is me texting. And saying hi. So hi. I'm Dr. Meredith Grey. I hope some of you are just as lost as I am. And I promise, I'm not as mean as this probably sounds.

Jul. 24th, 2013


[Filter: Meredith Grey]

So I know that we can move out if we want to now but I'm kind of attached to this place. And fuck it all, I'm kind of attached to Simon too. Anyway since the hospitals around here didn't have any open residency slots, I'll be at the clinic for awhile. Which isn't all that bad but don't ever tell anyone I said that.

What I'm saying is if you can stand my mess, you and the kid want to see if we can find a place here in the Tower together? I figure there will be plenty of empty apartments with two bedrooms.

[Filter: Simon Tam]
You staying here or moving? Just wondering. I'm sticking around myself.

Jul. 17th, 2013


» Thank you again for watching my baby on such short notice
» I really appreciate it.

Jul. 15th, 2013


We have a sudden rush of people at the clinic. Something's going on in the city.

If there's anyone in the tower who even knows a little first aide, we could use your help tonight. There are too many people and we don't have enough hands.

[Clinic Staff]

We've people pouring in, reports of strange things going on in the city? People are panicking. We've got to set up as a safe area.

Jul. 3rd, 2013


Who: Meredith & Cristina
When: Pre-baby (June 15)
Where: Baby store
What: Shopping for baby things
Rating: G

Sebastian makes me think of that crab in the Little Mermaid )

Jun. 26th, 2013


Text to Meredith

How are you and the baby going?
Are you up for some company?

Jun. 25th, 2013


It seems that my roommate, Tabby Smith, is gone. She left sometime yesterday, but I was so busy with my baby that I didn't notice until now.

[Clinic Staff]

I was wondering if you guys would want another doctor around to help out.

Jun. 19th, 2013




» Are you in the apartment, Tabby?
» Don't freak out if you are.

» I think it's time
» I hope it's time
» I'm braving any potential run-in with gremlins

» I hope you're ready
» I'm coming down to the clinic

Jun. 16th, 2013


Somebody better start talking.

Harry? What the hell? Justine? Where are you?

Jun. 12th, 2013


Just checking in to see how things are going? Is there any information I'll need to know for the delivery such as how and where you want to do it?


Want to catch up at some point?

Firefly People
How are all of you?

Clinic Staff
I'll be in slightly late tomorrow. I promised my sister I would go with her to buy a puppy.

Jun. 10th, 2013


I did it. I am now officially registered to take the MCAT on August 28 at 8 AM. If I disappear without warning over the next few weeks, you'll probably find me under a pile of index cards in my apartment, more than likely with my head in a book hoping that learning by osmosis is something that actually works.

You are officially on distraction duty. If I send you a text message that says "sunflower" your job is to come and dig me out from under my study materials and save me from myself.


I think I want to try to volunteer my services to the local clinic, when I'm not working for Ned. It seems to me I should share my gift, even if it worked differently with Matty, and might with others, it's worth using. I've been reading a lot about methods of healing in this world and a lot of it seems... very messy.

At least with my method there is no mess, or invasive surgery required.

I also learned about something called CPR? I'd like to learn that as well, it sounds very important to know.

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