July 2016




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Apr. 17th, 2016


Has anyone else seen this website? You can make yourself as one of those Powerpuff Girls.

check it out )

Someone should make one for Matt.

Apr. 14th, 2016


[laura kinney]

I killed one.

Apr. 11th, 2016


The dogs are very confused about this. Including about why I will not take them off the leash when everything looks like a park, but they would probably try to chase something and get beaten up.

Are they still trying to evacuate?

I miss Betsy.

Apr. 9th, 2016


network post: caridin

Now these beasts look like good game. And their teeth and talons and poison - some must always have poison - are the dangers I have built armor to protect against for an age. We may yet still see the oppressive sky, but this place now holds us closer to dirt and stone. Far safer, I say. I look forward to what it brought home for dinner. The hunt is abundant. Have fun, Lady Shayle... and all of you.

Apr. 8th, 2016


unfiltered animated gif )

This is funny.

Apr. 6th, 2016


[Filtered to the Cast and Crew of Little Shop of Horrors]

Please tell me somebody's playing a prank. Please tell me somebody's rigged Audrey II to move and say, 'Feed me!' even though nobody's near the controls.

Please tell me the Tesseract hasn't brought Audrey II to life two days before opening night.

[Filtered to Wanda (616)]

Get ready for our trip to Paris, once this whole musical is over!

Apr. 5th, 2016



Who wants to go to dinner in Hell's Kitchen? You know why.

There's no Olive Garden, but there's an Italian place on 38th.

Apr. 4th, 2016


Anyone building an Ark?

Apr. 1st, 2016


The Bucket List I Never Knew I Had

✓ Have your ex-boyfriend deliver your baby
when you go into labor in the back of an Uber.


I woke up to find out that the Canadian Archives have leaked all my information.

(Click to Enlarge)

Read more... )

Mar. 29th, 2016


I found a lot of easter eggs by the way. I think there was magic. Sometimes I could smell them but not see them until I touched the place they should be. But I don't know if I will eat them all and I should not keep much chocolate here because the dogs might eat it. I do not want Steve's dogs to get sick. Did anyone not get many? Or already eat them all?

You didn't play in the nerf war.

I didn't do very well. There was still twelve people left when I got shot.

Mar. 24th, 2016


There was someone outside the X-House just now. I shouted at them. I really shouldn't have, but I did. I'm protective of our family. I don't know what they wanted because they ran when I shouted.

Mar. 25th, 2016


Are we allowed to make teams in the nerf war?

Mar. 15th, 2016


I've been 18 for over a week now, and...I don't know. I always thought it'd feel different, once you were. But it's not.

Mar. 6th, 2016


An arrow through my window is a new one, but hey, no harm, no foul. Also, anyone up for fixing a window?

This place is really starting to take the fairy tale thing too far.

Mar. 5th, 2016


During the Fight With the Troll



I have a Troll situation here.

And I mean big guy, wants to eat me, and I don't know how long I can stall him.

I got him into a debate on the best way to eat a human. He thinks I'm looking up recipes.

6th floor. Can't miss him!

Mar. 1st, 2016



There's no Eidsteddfod in New York. I wrote a poem and everything. So I guess, there's just no choice. I have to go to LA. Or Disneyland Paris. They celebrate Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant too. Yeah. Disneyland Paris.

Pwy 'di gyda mi?

[Filtered to Kurt Wagner, Hope Summers, Laura Kinney]
Hey so like, Hope and Laura were totally wanting to audition for the musical and stuff but like got the date mixed up. That's cool, right?

Feb. 23rd, 2016


I have decided not to be angry about things you don't know about yet.

Feb. 19th, 2016


Wither is here.

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