July 2016




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May. 31st, 2015


I have to say I'm itching to get out of New York for a bit.

So I was wondering if you'd be interested in a roommate.

Apr. 29th, 2015


This is great.

Apr. 26th, 2015


I've managed to watch all the past seasons and episodes of Game of Thrones in the last two weeks. I'm ready for tonight.

You know what we need. A vacation.

Apr. 22nd, 2015


Watching people get so excited about Earth Day and than littering is just... wow. Classy New Yorkers.

Filtered to Kol - Possible TO Spoilers )

Apr. 14th, 2015


WHO Davina Claire & Kol Mikaelson
WHAT Texts
WHEN Tuesday Eveningn
NOTE There are Original spoilers in here


Apr. 12th, 2015


My head hurts. Earth looks really cool when it's not all rubble and trash. Hi, I'm Monty.


My question is.. why is Potts Tower not located in Florida? Why in New York? Why not either in Florida or California? Is snow really necessary to experience? You should think of making a second tower for people in Miami, just saying.

I'm not ready to get off of Spring Break yet, even though I'm all caught up in reading fanfic for class. So, I'm calling for impromptu movie night. Who wants to go watch Furious 7?


Hayley's gone.


I feel like no one actually says here, and it doesn't make sense. We get brought here to get sick and have everyone just come and go? I hate it.

Mar. 17th, 2015


Compared to how I've been feeling I feel terrific. It almost makes me miss being a vampire.

See? I told you it would be alright.

Mar. 15th, 2015


Forgive me if my question has been asked already, but is there any new information on how to treat those of us that are sick. Your medication seems to be doing very little, or perhaps it was not meant to work on dwarves.

Mar. 12th, 2015


Has anyone found anything that helps with this?

Times like this are when the city need people out there protecting it most of all.

Mar. 8th, 2015


log. davina and kol.

WHO Davina & Kol.
WHAT Watching their show 2x15
WHERE Kol’s Apartment
WHEN 2/16
RATING/STATUS PG-13 | Complete | TO spoilers from 2x15

You owe me so much more than that. )

Feb. 26th, 2015


I have to say I am not broken up that my show didn't air this week. A break from home was quite necessary.

Feb. 20th, 2015


WHO Kol & Davina
WHAT The day after their show
WHERE Kol’s Apartment
WHEN 6am 2/10
RATING/STATUS PG-13 | Complete
ALERT The Original Spoilers 2x14

Making a small powerful witch angry was never the best plan )

Feb. 8th, 2015


texts to davina claire

-- hey you.
-- hows the new room?

Feb. 4th, 2015


I always thought I'd enjoy the city that never sleeps. But, man this place sucks.

Because, yeah, who doesn't like to watch themselves get kidnapped by crazy witches, and know that there's nothing you can do to change it. Or save your guys. This whole place is a damned nightmare.


Well that was an experience. Let's go ahead and add 'Watching show I apparently come from' on a list of things I'd never thought I'd say.

Filter: Kol
How are you feeling?

Filter: Marcel

Filter: Caroline & Damon
So what's the word on Elena?

Feb. 3rd, 2015


I get why people advise us to avoid our source material.

Filtered for possible TO Spoilers )

Do you think it might be possible for us to look at a two bedroom? I just would feel better if-


Texts to Rebekah Mikaelson

“cut )

Jan. 29th, 2015


Texts to Davina

-- I'm stealing you for the day.
-- We're going to start with breakfast.
-- I'm in need of pancakes.

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