July 2016




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Jun. 18th, 2016


Network Post; Buffy Summers

So what happens at home if we stay here? Do we just never go back and do the things that we haven't done yet?

How does that work?

[Filter: RSTF]
I'm considering going back, but I guess before I do, I want to know who among you is staying?

There are still vampires and other supernatural elements here in New York and someone will need to keep watching them.

Jun. 6th, 2016


Network Post; Buffy Summers

I'm just gonna say. Governments tend to build frankenmonsters out of demons and stuff. So... we should probably remember that before we get all like 'wooo' tell them all the super powered people? And stuff.

[Filter: RSTF]
Okay, so - I'm pretty certain I found a vampire nest last night. My world, so they're fairly easy peasy as vamps go, but there were like maybe twenty of them? I'd like some help.

Anyone in for joining me tonight?

May. 20th, 2016


Network Post; Buffy Summers

Tomorrow's the Full Moon, so just keep on your guard. It's been so quiet that I'm probably a little bit pointlessly nervous, but I figure better safe than sorry.

Anyone extra want to come out on a Saturday night to dance while the full is moon?

Apr. 24th, 2016


Parental beings are gross.

I mean, I'm all down for people being in love and being happy and stuff. But urgh! Totally did not need to witness any PDAs at the breakfast table.

Does anyone have eye bleach?

Apr. 19th, 2016


Network post; Buffy Summers

I am so excited about pulling out summer dresses again.

[Filter: RSTF & Interested parties]
All right, so, this is where I say, hey, welcome to the crazies.

So, we're going to have pizza at Widdershins on the 24th. We'd do it Friday night, but I figure Full Moon, not such a great plan? So. Come Sunday night, have pizza, and we'll talk about patrols and various things that we need to do to keep the vampires off the streets.


[Filter: Caroline Forbes]
You know, it's not like we were best friends exactly, but I really miss Sam.

Apr. 15th, 2016


At least Godzilla hasn't rocked up.

Want to watch movies all weekend? Maybe invite Claire up?

Apr. 9th, 2016


It's like the Tesseract decided I needed a belated birthday present or something.

Apr. 2nd, 2016


Someone better tell me the answer to this pretty quickly unless you want a flaming mess where this door used to be.

What flies when its born, lies when it's alive and runs when it's dead?


[Dean Winchester]
I went by your place but Cas said you went to work.

I didn't want to tell you over this thing but [...] your Mom's gone too. Which means
I'm sorry. You know where to find me if you need me.

[Jo Harvelle, Castiel and Gabriel]
As you know, Sam's gone. Dean's taken it the hardest. Now I've had to tell him Mary is gone too.

I am not sure how Dean's going to react but I can't see him being okay for a while. Can you look out for him?

Mar. 30th, 2016


[Text Messages to Mara Jade]
→ Hey, this is Jo Harvelle.
→ I got your number from Sam's phone.
→ I know you guys were close and I wanted to let you know - he was sent home last night.
→ I didn't want you to just find out from the network.


Sammy's gone.

Mar. 17th, 2016


Happy St. Patrick's Day. Where's the party at?

Mar. 6th, 2016


Okay - I am not a fan of this forest/fairy tale thing. This is messed up.


An arrow through my window is a new one, but hey, no harm, no foul. Also, anyone up for fixing a window?

This place is really starting to take the fairy tale thing too far.


Are you still interested in rejoining the RSTF? We lost a few members so the patrol schedule has opened up. You don't have to worry about not being available on the full. Oz doesn't patrol then either.

Do you want to join the RSTF? You can stay in research if you'd prefer.

[Cassie Robinson]
have I missed something?
are you ever going to tell me wh
How are you feeling?

Feb. 23rd, 2016


How's Sam?
Hey roomie, I'm on the way back. Need me to pick anything up?
[Veronica Mars]
Hey - sorry I didn't say anything the other day, but I'm Jo, Sam's roommate. From the same world as him and his brother. I figured you've probably heard a few things about being here before, and you and I were friendly, though I didn't know you for very long before you left. Settling in okay?

Feb. 11th, 2016


Anyone else looking forward to the spring?

[Johnny Storm]
You realize it's been nearly a year since the first time we went out?

Feb. 3rd, 2016


Network post: Dean Winchester

Tonight's viewing: Porky's. Door's open to anyone wanting to avoid a certain show on TV.

Thanks for the present again, Sammy.

Jan. 26th, 2016


text messages;


-- Think your bar can survive without you for a day?

Jan. 20th, 2016


[Filtered to Mary Winchester]
I'm not sure if he's told you, but Dean's birthday is this Sunday. I can't remember if you're from before or after he was born.
[Filtered to John Winchester]
So, have you been filled in on the 21st century yet?

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