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Apr. 15th, 2015


[Melinda May]
Just checking in to let you know I'll be very much not available for most of tomorrow. I hope that's all right!

Also, I'm sad about

Apr. 11th, 2015


Are you free on Wednesday?

Mar. 26th, 2015


Are you still yourself?

Mar. 17th, 2015


-- Hey :)
-- if you're not busy and you're feeling well enough, Kate's throwing a party. You should come.

Mar. 14th, 2015


I'm still not sick. Is there anything I can do?

Well if the world ends you don't have to worry about my surgery. How's your team doing?

Mar. 8th, 2015


Remember me? It's been a while.

Feb. 19th, 2015


Was anyone else really disappointed in December when, after eight months of trying to reproduce results that were under question of doubt, Haruko Obokata finally had to admit defeat. That her citric acid bath wasn't reproducing strap cells; that the embryonic stem cell blood she produced didn't match the mouse blood it was taken from -- and all that? Big scientific breakthrough back in 2014 turned into an even bigger lie.

It was like Alexis Carrel's chicken heart all over again, really. Except I suppose, people still support Carrel's chicken to a certain degree (even though no one questions the Hayflick phenomenon) and there is a certain sceptical part of me that thinks the only reason Carrel has some support and Obokata doesn't is because she's a woman and it's weird to say this because it makes neither one of them any less wrong.

I need to stop reading articles on the internet.

[Peggy Carter]
I actually heard that you were here, and I saw you on the network already, but I've been a bit scared out of my own wits to say anything to you. And now I've collected my wits and I'm still not exactly sure what it is I really wanted to say.

Except, well. Thank you. I suppose. Just for all your hard work, and everything that you've done. Ever since I started at the SHIELD Academy back -- back ages ago, now, it feels like -- I just always really admired and respected your work so. That's it really. That's all I had to say.

Jan. 18th, 2015


[Antoine Triplett]
Hello, Trip!

We have't really had much of a chance to talk since I got back, but um -- I was wondering if I could seek council from you on something. If you're not too busy.

Jan. 12th, 2015


I hope everyone is settling into the new year well.

[Peter Quill]

Have you found any individuals that you would wish to bring onto our team?


Would you be feeling up to lunch sometime soon.


I hear you've been busy. You know I spent quite a bit of time in the field at your age. There's nothing quite like it.


It's becoming pertinent to ask, what are your feelings on mixing business with pleasure?

Dec. 27th, 2014


-- Hi!
-- Good Afternoon :)


Does anyone want to spar? I could use a distraction.

Dec. 9th, 2014


[Antoine Triplett]
There's a lab here, it's one I don't have clearance to access.

So, of course, that means I have to try. I think I might have the opportunity this afternoon.

Wish me luck?

Nov. 20th, 2014


Could I ask, maybe, a really big favour?
[Antoine Triplett]
Well, hello there, Trip.


[Melinda May]
Um, are you terribly busy at the moment?

Nov. 19th, 2014


Jemma, I have a pretty big favor to ask of you, but I want to start this by saying that I don't want you to feel obligated to agree, or like you don't have a choice. What I have to ask isn't something to take lightly - not that I think you would - but I have faith in you.

We've discovered a facility in Virginia that's being operated by HYDRA. It's well-guarded, and it seems to be mainly used as science and medical research facility. There were people in their custody who appear to have been harmed, their bodies distorted. We don't know how, or for what purpose. We could just bring the entire facility down, but there's a lot about the modern-day HYDRA that we don't understand. I doubt this is the only location of its kind, and I want to know what they're doing there and why. After talking it over with Agent Carter, we've agreed that we need to get as much information out of this place as we can, and she suggested you, based on your background and experience in the biomedical field.

Like I said before, I don't want you to feel cornered here. If you're at all uncomfortable, that's okay. This assignment would be deep undercover, and I'm not going to pretend like this isn't a big risk. I think this is the best shot we have at figuring out what's really going on behind those doors, however, and I hope you'll be willing to work with us. Agent Triplett would as assigned as your handler and contact within SHIELD, if everyone's on board with this, and then this world's Agent Carter can help get the two of you situated in the area.

Oct. 5th, 2014


Hello, Refugees, Residents of Potts Tower & Stark Network Affiliates!
Fitz and I have now, officially, moved into Potts Tower. We've got all the boxes and things in order and lots of unpacking to do but we're absolutely here. And very much looking forward to getting better acquainted with everyone.

Um, also, in a week or two we will be getting a monkey. So if you like monkeys, that's good for you, if you don't like monkeys, you can consider this your official monkey warning.

But I will say that Monkey Helpers assures me that she will be a very polite and well-behaved monkey, so I do hope that that might put any of your monkey fears at ease. If it does not, then I do suggest you look up the Ricky Gervais podcast for Karl Pilkington's monkey news.

And apologies to the Doctor in advance, if she does attempt to steal any of your pocket bananas.

Sep. 30th, 2014


Filter to Sharon Carter (MCU)
You got anything going on this weekend?

Filter Fitz and Simmons
Hey Fitz, they clear you to do fun things yet? Regardless of when you do, consider this a standing invitation for both of you to take advantage of my mom's home cooking in DC. I'm heading there this weekend. She's a nurse and she's worked in trauma and the neurological icu before, so if that's a concern, it shouldn't be a big one. And your monkey friend's welcome, too.

Sep. 17th, 2014


[Jane Foster]
Dr. Jane Foster, I require your assistance.

Sep. 13th, 2014


Well, it’s official!

Fitz’s recovery these past couple weeks has been astonishing, really. Leaps and bounds. It’s honestly, it’s honestly a miracle such a good example of what hard work on his behalf and on behalf of those looking after him are capable of. And in a weeks time, the doctor’s are confident he’ll be able to be released! Which couldn’t have come at a better time, I would say.

There’s still a lot of
He hasn’t really got his

I’ve been in contact with the Monkey Helper organisation, you know? And it looks like they’ve gotten back to me with an available candidate named Rose who is absolutely perfect for what we need. She’s highly skilled and very detail-orientated so I’m positive they’ll get along smashingly :)

[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
But there is -- actually, there is something of a question of where it is Fitz will be released to. With all the travelling we’ve done, and with -- with what’s happened, he doesn’t really have a place to -- to get well. And I was wondering if -- it’s it would be at all possible for us to stay at the tower for a few months? Until he’s made a full recovery? Just -- I’d like to be with him as well, you see. I want to help in absolutely every way that I can and well -- I’ll completely understand if there isn’t anything available, I just thought I’d ask, of course.

And inquire about whether or not you have a policy against monkeys, as well.

Sep. 9th, 2014


FILTER: Rose Tyler
As I'm sitting in my office at work basking in the notion of having one at all, there's something I can't quite put my finger on. Are you feeling all right?

FILTER: Simmons
I'm sure you've noticed a correlation between that light and the recent advances in some of the humans here. It's getting a bit personal for my tastes. Have you got anything new for me?

Filter: Star Trek!verse
I'm sorry, should have said this ages ago. Had quite a bit going on, no excuse though. Pavel Chekov, he was my friend. Now he's gone. I've some of his effects, tech namely, that he entrusted to me. I wanted to let you know that I'll hang on to them for safe-keeping should he ever return. He is ridiculously clever, that one. I hope to see him again one day.

September's shaping up to be quite the topsy turvy month already, isn't it?

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