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Apr. 3rd, 2014


text to jane rizzoli

>> hey sweetheart
>> what's your weekend looking like?

Mar. 28th, 2014


Okay.. that is the fifth person to ask me if I'm pregnant, maybe I need to check up with my show...

(Probably going to be spoilers for R&I in the comments, if there are any, just fyi)

Mar. 20th, 2014


I am a detective again! You have no idea how much of a relief that is. I wasn't sure I was going to pass, and now I have and it feels amazing. I wish I could tell Ma and my brothers.

Mar. 19th, 2014


Text to Martha Jones

--Plans Friday night?
--Or this weekend, really?

Text to James Potter

--Thank you so much for the LEGO set!
--I do like sticking Professor Sprout in Pim's collar and watching Pim try to take her out.
--I miss flying on a broomstick.

Text to Jane Rizzoli

--Hey you.
--I need a nap.

Mar. 6th, 2014


Ugh.... apparently my show's back, which I am two weeks' late noticing since I've been working and I have a girlfriend. I'm not sure how I feel about it but avoidance seems to be the best way.

Feb. 27th, 2014


Changes are afoot methinks.

Erin, I do hope that you are feeling better now.

My cat Pim has been batting the cap from my empty gallon of milk in between his paws for the last five minutes. He's been acting like this is the Greatest. Thing. Ever. and has been looking up at me periodically to make sure that I've seen this wonderful toy. It's been fun watching him.


[Filter: Friends*]
I've been so busy lately that I've forgotten about you all. How was your Valentine's Day? Please, still be here

[Filter: Herc Hansen**]
I'm not sure if you knew but after not hearing back from Elliot for a few days I stopped by his apartment. I believe the Tesseract sent him back.

*you know who you are but you can definitely ask if you aren't sure
**It's okay if he can't respond.

Feb. 25th, 2014


Well, day one of the bar exam is completed. I think this calls for a drink.


Guess which "character" is coming back to Once Upon a Time?

Also can we talk about this Tumblr business? Fans seem to have a lot of opinions on my love life. Really they just have a lot of opinions about the show. It's really hard to stop looking.

Feb. 21st, 2014


I don't know why I'm excited about this, but it's my birthday next week Saturday.

And there's the baking contest coming up on the 24th. Still need to decide what to make for that. I've got a few ideas, but I'll gladly take suggestions!

Harry Potter 'verse

I don't know if any of you were aware, but it appears as if Tonks has been sent back home. I went by her flat earlier and it hadn't looked like there had been someone in there for some time.

Feb. 22nd, 2014


So those marshmellow things... so glad that those are gone. I mean, they're cute, but all it did was make me miss Joe Friday. Maybe I need a new dog.

Feb. 12th, 2014


Individually sent text messages to HP 'verse, Laura Roslin, Rogue 616, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Martha Jones, Willow Rosenburg, Dawn Summers.

--Are you okay?
--Handling everything as well as can be expected?
--Anything I can do?

Text Message to Jane Rizzoli
--Hanging out at Grayburn's library then at Kylie's flat until the Tower's back to normal.
--You okay? Anything I can do for you?
--Having friends native to this world, living in the city, & willing to host you on short notice is a blessing.

Feb. 3rd, 2014


I am finally better, it seemed to take forever for the flu to go away. I don't think I used up all my sick days just yet, but I usually have a stock pile of them from working so much. I'm getting ready to take the detective's exam too, I never thought I would have to take it again but I am glad that I have got it covered. I've got a wedding to go to with my girlfriend, too, so I want to study as much as possible in between now and then.

Jan. 26th, 2014


Private to Hestia

I'm... I'm okay with us being public.

Jan. 21st, 2014


So sick of the cold and snow! The walk from subway to NYCI was miserable enough.

Jan. 15th, 2014


Well, I'm side lined with the flu.... dammit. I don't even know where I got it.... But it's gross. At least it gives me to time for study for the detective's exam again.


I have this urge to go do something heroic but stupid.

Jane Rizzoli

Would you like to go on a date with me? Like a proper date at a sit down restaurant with menus and servers?


I have a feeling that this is the result of watching a Frontline documentary yesterday and helping out in the city the last few days, but why'd you join SHIELD?

I miss being part of something bigger. Knowing I was doing something for the greater good. Like the Order. Not that I don't miss the constant threat of death hanging over all of us and not knowing if it would truly be the last time I would see someone. But the greater good. Knowing I was making a difference in some way.


I managed to find a proper British pub with decent fish and chips and the ability to pour a proper pint. Interested?

Jan. 3rd, 2014


Who: Jane Rizzoli and Hestia Jones
When: 01/03/14
Where: Jane's apartment
What: date!
Warnings: None anticipated

Her butterflies were going nuts )

Dec. 29th, 2013


Text to Jane Rizzoli

-Going to London over New Year's.
-Put in your request now for souvenirs
-Do something when I get back?

Dec. 28th, 2013


Okay, that was.... well, it's over now. I hope New Year's is better than that was. I mean..... I wasn't alone.... but it could have been better.

I just miss the family...

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