July 2016




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Sep. 5th, 2013


Nothing like cleaning up your almost completely destroyed apartment to sober you up. It was time to upgrade my furniture anyway.


for the pep talk the other day, and just letting me vent.

Sep. 3rd, 2013


I think I quite enjoy driving although I don't understand most of the signs. Who cares if one is going the wrong way provided that one exhibits caution and mental acuity? I've sto acquired a horseless carriage and have experimented quite thoroughly with various techniques. It's a diversion, nothing more, although it's pleasant to have the wind in your hair and the sidewalk under your tires.

Aug. 29th, 2013


Filtered to other vampires

I can't be the only one here who's a bit uncomfortable having every single person around here know exactly what I am, right?


[Filtered to Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, Andrew Wells, Xander Harris, Henry Sturges]

So it would appear we've been having a bit of an influx of refugees chronicled in the Southern Vampire Mysteries or, possibly the show True Blood, in any case, while having a Sookie Stackhouse around may not be new, and Sam's a good sort, the one discussing opening a vampire night club may be one to keep an eye on.

That said, I've picked up the first season on DVD. I think we should start on it. If nothing else, it will pass time until the Vampire Diaries resumes in October. I've picked up some new employees at Widdershins, but I'm sure it shouldn't be a problem if we continue to watch here.


Ah, New York City. It has been so long. Not quite the charm of New Orleans, but I suppose it will do. Now tell me, where do I report to the Authority? They will want to know why I've abandoned my post.

[Private to Sam & Sookie]

Well look at this. Sam with a bar and his bar maid. How convenient.

[Private to Lafayette]

The last time I saw you, you were painting my dungeon floor with your blood.

Aug. 28th, 2013



Just when I thought things couldn't--who am I kidding? Things are always going to get stranger. Hi? After that nightmarish experience, who is it that I know around here? Could.. really use a friendly face right about now.

Should I, what? Introduce myself or something? Hi, my name's Elena and I'm not at all okay with the explanations I was given, but I'll cope? Yeah, that should work.

Aug. 15th, 2013


[ Filtered to Vampire Task Force ]

Ghosts of dead loved ones and friends are flitting about.

Admittedly, this isn't my forte, but I assume that filtering you lot to see if you have any experience with these sorts of things is a braver decision than crying on the bathroom floor with my hand around the whiskey bottle.


[ Filter ]

Strange weather today, and by strange weather I do mean "watch out for the apparitions".


This isn't bloody funny. To the witch, warlock, sorcerer Regina or any other conjuring of evil responsible: fix it. Or I will run you through with my sword


Has anyone else seen something particularly strange this morning?

Aug. 14th, 2013


Filtered against Jenny. And Angel.

Okay, look. I get that people are wary and worried -- maybe not everyone, but some.

I've talked to Angel. He's not evil. He's not going to hurt anyone.

I get that some of you have pretty valid reasons to hate him and want him dead. But some of the things you're angry about are things he hasn't actually even done. So please, stop. Leave him alone. He's not going to bother you.

And if anyone tries to stake him for no reason?

You're gonna have to come through me first.

Aug. 13th, 2013


network post

I guess I can't put this off forever.

I'm Angel. I was told I should introduce myself on here. But I'm guessing anyone who might care has already heard I'm here.

For the record? I have my soul, I'm not possessed by... whatever the hell is supposed to possess me in the future, and I'm not going to kill anybody.

But I'll leave a basket of stakes by my door anyway. Room 302. It's unlocked. Do whatever you feel like you need to.

Aug. 6th, 2013


Now let's see. We've Juno and the Paycock, but if they're at all concerned about the authenticity of accents, I rather think I'm up the creek.

I think I might see what this Defacing Michael Jackson is all about, or perhaps I ought to look into something I already know -- King Lear has never steered me wrong..

... Or then, there is Marie Antoinette but that seems both a bit awkward and hardly acting, I should think.

Does anyone have any suggestions? For once, I think I could do with some advice.


Okay at least the last inter-dimensional portal I went through didn't freaking hurt. Of course I didn't wind up in New York City either. And so far no one's called me a cow or made me shovel

Jul. 31st, 2013


Text to Julie Power

>> I understand that people use this medium when they wish to seek company for the evening
>> So I thought that I would enquire if you have plans for tonight

Jul. 29th, 2013


There's talk about doing nineteen seasons of my show. I'm surprised that people would want to write about or watch my life for that long, just on principle.

But I guess that also means, unless their predictions are wrong, that my brother and I are still going to be wrapped up in all this craziness for another decade. I'll still be hunting when I'm forty. Because I doubt it's going to turn into a show about two brothers who used to be hunters but managed to make actual lives for themselves And that's just depressing On the other hand, I suppose that means I'll be alive to see forty, which is a surprise, given my lifestyle. But that doesn't mean I won't die again, or that Dean won't

And I'm sparkling, just like the rest of you. To summarize in gif form:

Jul. 19th, 2013


FILTER: Cell 5

I realize you're in a subway right now, so consider this advisory and reply with questions later. Due to tesseract vampires becoming more than an isolated event, I'm assigning Cell Five to a newly created Vampire Task Force (VTF). The other members will include liaisons from Agent Summers's source material with vampire experience. For security purposes, all Cell Five activities are to be considered separate from VTF activities and only those files cleared for VTF can be shared with non-SHIELD VTF liaisons. If you don't know whether to share information, have it cleared first.

The Vampire Task Force
(Will be updated as I have confirmation)
• Agent Jack Harkness
• Agent Ashley Williams
• Agent Buffy Summers
• Agent Dorcas Meadowes
• Caroline Forbes, Vampire Diaries source
• Sam Winchester, Supernatural source
• Andrew Wells, Buffy source
• Castiel, Supernatural source. Not cleared for weapon use.
• Faith Lehane, Buffy source
• Dean Winchester, Supernatural source
• Rupert Giles, Buffy source
• Fred Burkle, Angel source
• Paige Matthews, Charmed source
• Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Buffy source
• Jo Harvelle, Supernatural source
• Jenny Calendar, Buffy source
• Alaric Saltzman, Vampire Diaries source
• Rebekah Mikaelson, Vampire Diaries source
• Henry Sturges, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter source
• Willow Rosenberg, Buffy source

FILTER: Caroline Forbes, Alaric Saltzman, Rebekah Mikaelson, Paige Matthews, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Jo Harvelle, Fred Burkle, Jenny Calendar, Rupert Giles, Charles Gunn, Anya Jenkins, Faith Lehane, Willow Rosenberg, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Andrew Wells, Henry Sturges, Buffy Summers*

Greetings. If we haven't spoken before, I'm Maria Hill, a regional director with SHIELD. We are currently assembling a task-force to handle vampire related scenarios as they arise, and you have been selected for your expertise with, or perhaps as, vampires. This is a paid liaison position with SHIELD and, as such, you must know that there are certain responsibilities and will be requirements of you should you accept.

- First and foremost is a rudimentary physical exam, much like the one you underwent after your initial tesseract journey.
- Second, anyone with firearm experience is required to undergo marksmanship tests before using a sidearm (or larger) during a SHIELD related situation.

If you have questions or concerns, please ask them, either in this or a private filter. If you are interested, your name will be added to a list and you'll be contacted shortly for an appointment at HQ. If you are not interested and don't want your name appearing in this filter, you may use a private filter.

ETA questions:

Responsibilities include:
- Working with and as a team and taking direction from the lead SHIELD operative.
- Debriefings after missions are completed.
- Reporting on situations mid-mission as required

And all weaponry that SHIELD will provide must be cleared on the range before it will be issued.

* OOC NOTE: people invited are those who signed up for Pet Project plot or are from the Buffy/Angelverse. If this is something your vampire or vampire-experienced character wants in on, please fill out qualifications in the Project post. If I missed you and you signed up already, let me know there.

Jul. 15th, 2013


The older Alex Summers has been sent back. He left quite a stash of jellybeans should anyone want them.

[Scott Summers and Alex Summers]
He’s a good man. I'm sorry he had to leave us.


Uh - hi. Again. Seems I picked a strange time to reappear here. How's everyone today?

Jul. 10th, 2013


Text to Sam Winchester

» I'm sure others have whispered sweet nothings and consolations into your ear upon the departure of your brother.
» Let me know if you'd prefer to fight it out.


I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.
Abraham Lincoln

An American I think I can get behind, who would have thought.

[Percy Blakeney]
Why do you think it is we've been brought here to witness all this madness? Do the powers that be not realise we've already stuffed ourselves on terror and senselessness. I'm angry, I'm damn angry - and I almost threw something at Armand the other day. He's still as insufferable as ever, of course, and considering all that's happening here, I half suspect he'll be in charge by next Tuesday.

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