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Jul. 3rd, 2014


I'm sure this is because I am new here.

What exactly is this holiday celebration that you're all speaking of that's happening tomorrow? What is it about?

And are there really going to be fireworks used for celebration?

Sorry for all of the questions. Usually, I'm not the one who does the questioning, but my friend Armin's not here to be the one to ask these questions. If he does show, I'd like to be able to inform him about this world, at the very least.

[Rory Gilmore]

I do have a question for you. What does one normally do for this celebration tomorrow?


Cut, not filtered. But directed at the Young Avengers )

[Young Avengers + New Recruits: Runaways, Ms. Marvel]
Okay, now that I've got your attention, and Loki's -- I think I know how to stop the Mongoose. Because Loki was right, I have the ability to


I would have liked to stay in Asgard. NYC is so gross.

Apr. 4th, 2014


yo Xavin, where the @&!? are you? need you to watch Molly tonight. actually, can someone watch her? cass? billy? teddy? julie? i got plans. there's food in the fridge, watch all the movies you want but stay out of my room. and seriously xav, you got 14 hours until I start tearing this city up to find you.

there's clothes on your bed. don't ask me questions just put them on and meet me by the van in 20.

Apr. 1st, 2014


Who: Chase & Gert
What: Goofing/heading out.
When: 03/19 - evening.
Where: Rungalow.
Rating: PG13 - innuendos & minor displays of affection.
Status: Log; complete.

...maybe the novelty of having time and dating to date was all she wanted. )

Mar. 29th, 2014


Who: Gertrude & Molly
What: Shopping for hats, toys, and important sutff!
When: Backdated to 03/12, noonish.
Where: NY Mall.
Rating: G
Status: Complete; log.

Let’s not jinx it by talking about it though and stop to get those pizzas instead. )


why the $#@! are people even up at this hour? on a weekend too.

i'm out. you guys want breakfast? speak now or forever be hungry until lunch. also, and i'm just throwing this out there, blanket fort in the movie room and horror movies all day?

Mar. 18th, 2014


As much as I enjoy James Potter braiding my hair, it is a damn relief to be back in my own skin.

Mar. 16th, 2014


The Barking Lot.

It's mine now.

I was Deputy Director of Pawnee Animal Control. That's a big deal, got me the job easy.

Roll call, who all works for me?
Double roll call, who wants to work for me?


network post

For the boys who miss taking a piss standing and for the girls who are going to miss pissing while standing once they change back into girls; I thought you'd all like to know about this little doo-dad. There's even a demo video.
You're welcome.

Also, who do I talk to about signing up for classes?

I did the thing I said I was going to do today.
You're welcome.

Mar. 11th, 2014


I'm assuming that either Chase or Xavin painted glowing stars on my ceiling. It's not horrible. Maybe it was a joke via Nico? First twenty minutes going to sleep always means just staring at the ceiling and waiting for the stars to dim - which works, because then I start to fade to sleep too. Kind of peaceful.

I can't remember the last time going to sleep was peaceful. I kind of like the glowing stars the more I think about it. Shine bright before fading into a memory.

[Edit before Chase enters:]
Oh, yeah, hey people - is Peter Parker here?

Mar. 4th, 2014


Network post: Molly Hayes

There are soooooo many mutants here! It's kind of cool. Even though Doop isn't here. Or Dazzler. But that's ok.

And Gert is here and Chase and a new friend Xavin who marries Karolina. That is so crazy. And I accidentally broke the doorknob to the bathroom but that's ok because it can get fixed. I don't know by who but that's how things work.

Does anyone want to go buy superhero costumes? Last time I made my own but I want to get something cool. Or someone could make me one? That would be even awesomer.


I want to punch something!

Oh and get kit kats.

And get a hot dog.

I ate 5 bowls of lucky charms.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Voice post:

I swear to whatever thing you bastards worship; the next one of you to lay a finger on me is getting fed to my $%!#ing dinosaur...oh, damn it, you do not drug a 16 year old and blindfold them for a joyride around NY just to dump her (and her woozy dino) at some building.

I think my glasses are brok...nevermind, they are. Someone of the not adult sized come and help me before I walk into traffic?
...maybe I'll just walk into traffic, take my chances.

[ooc: Gert was not drugged. Lace had tranquilizers shot at her to keep her from eating/defending - Gert's just feeling the side effects.]

Sep. 6th, 2013



[Texts to Gert]

- hey babee
- yo up?

Aug. 15th, 2013


TXT: Chase/Talkback

>>Pick me up at the airport tomorrow?
>>Try for 2:30P.
>> That's early, 'cause I know you'll be late so just try to at least leave by 2:30?

Aug. 13th, 2013


network post: Runaways & Friends/Acquaintances

I can't articulate the way I feel right now, or why I feel the way I do. So here is this stranger to point out all the beauty and woe I've come to recognize both in and around me. Here is a stranger to introduce to you the way I would want to teach my daughter, if I ever had time to think about having a life outside of this bubble where she could breathe. Here is a stranger to express my past mistakes and how my mother taught me to see, react, live. And here is a stranger to point out, to me, where I've failed as a daughter.

It's been a long couple of weeks (five? Six? More?). I think I'm ready to come home. I'm tired of the violence I've introduce into my heart, I just want to rest.

cut - same filter )

Aug. 8th, 2013


[Filtered to Everyone except Hazmat]
Hey guys and gals! So my girl's birthday came and went and I was just too busy to really even think about doing this, but, you guys up for a surprise party for her sometime next week? She totally won't expect it at all. I figure we can take up a little space at Central Park or something, the last thing she wants is to be cooped up in the apartment. Everyone can enjoy the outdoors, we can play paint twister, cornhole, and other stuff. She just really likes being outside and she totally loves her family, so bringing the two together is awesome. This'll be casual, but if you'd like to bring any kind of food stuffs, that'd be rad. Let me know if you can make it Friday, the 16th. Mahalo in advance, friends!



i think i'll just read the books from now on, thank you

OH i think i'd rather have this

Aug. 7th, 2013


network post: open

Stopped a purse snatcher a little bit ago…thought about walking away with the purse myself after the way the lady got snappy with me. I’m not part of the PD; it was not my job to stop him and people need to learn how to be a little grateful. That’s the problem with the privileged in this country though, everything is expected to be done for them or handed to them. I bet she didn’t even realize the rings that were busted just over the week, all those children found…bet she didn’t give a damn about them.

Damn. I should have kept her purse.

The right thing is always to return items though or at least turn them in. Even to sour, middle-aged, entitled schmucks. Oh, I should have turned it in to the lost and found! Ugh. Oh well, what’s done is done.

[Filter: RUNAWAYS]
No, I didn’t find money and send it to you.
I earned that, so…do something nice.

Aug. 6th, 2013


txt: ken/mettle

>> 01001101 01101001 01110011 01110011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101111 01110000 01101100 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110101 01100011 01101011 01110011 00101110
>> I miss Vic, that's an odd text to send you. Not as odd as sitting here typing zeros and ones, I guess.
>> So full of random tonight. Better than being full of lead!
>> I shouldn't make gun jokes...
>> Hi.
>> How is wedded bliss treating you?
>> Any news on the runaway front?

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