July 2016




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Jun. 15th, 2014


Completely unexpected turn of events, party of three two.

[Filter to Wesley, Angel, Sam, Dyson and Castle]
I went back over all the information on Meier Saturday afternoon, there's a pattern on his MTA card that would seem to indicate he spent a lot of time in Alphabet City and Chelsea at night in the months leading to his death. Lots of swipes for the 2nd Avenue F Train and 14th Street, which unfortunately could be the L or the A C E. I'll see if I can pull security tapes of the turnstiles to verify that since MTA cards are hardly exclusive, but there are charges to his bank account to deli's and coffee shops around those stations.

I'll text all of you the addresses, maybe something will pop in terms of vampire clubs or activity in those areas. We can't keep hitting dead ends forever, its just not logical.

[Filtered to Castle]
First thing Monday, I'll make an appointment. But the real question is if you are going to be able to keep this a secret until the first trimester is over? I wish Alexis were here. She'd be so excited. Or maybe just twelve weeks. Whatever we think its best.

[Filtered to Dyson]
Think you can meet me a little earlier than usual on Monday? I need to talk to you.

Jun. 3rd, 2014


No one mentioned how insane this....this sudden rush of memories could be. I'm just now able to think straight again.

Jun. 1st, 2014


I went out to get pizza and while I waited I wandered into the local pet store. There was an adoption event going on. There were three adorable kittens who were all brothers and had the names Sam, Dean and Cas. It amused me when I heard two women talking about Supernatural. And of course I had to pet every cat and kitten there. She was really trying to get me to adopt one! I figured I should talk to my roommate first. I'm not really sure a wolf and a kitten should be in the same room!

So. What do you think!

May. 30th, 2014


[Private to Angel, Sam Winchester, Richard Castle and Dyson]

Sam, Angel, if you've got a minute, I have something I'd like your help on.

May. 15th, 2014


Texts to Dyson.

-- so.
-- garage sales?
-- never again.
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May. 14th, 2014


I'm not one to actually believe in luck but I think this rabbits foot might actually be pretty lucky.

Go out for drinks later?

May. 10th, 2014


I know an apology won't fix anything. It won't stop the pain I've caused. It won't bring back the lives I've taken. I'm not even sure anyone wants to hear it, but in case someone does --

I'm sorry. For all the unspeakable things I did while my soul was missing. And for allowing it to get taken in the first place. And for the fact that I spent a week wallowing instead of cleaning up the mess I made.

I won't ask for forgiveness. Not without earning it.

I don't want people living in fear of Angelus here. He's gone. My His progeny, I'm working on stopping them. But I'll stay away from the Tower, and I'll make sure someone knows where I am at all times. Until I find a way to keep my soul secure, I'll do everything I can to make sure you're safe from me.

[Sam Winchester & Wesley Wyndham Pryce]
From now on, I'm not allowed to tell you I need to "get away." If I ever lose touch again, assume the worst. Sorry to put this on you but I can't put it on Buffy after you're the ones I trust with it.


Filtered away from Kenzi Malikov
Last week, I had the delightful experience of gaining a new set of memories. To say it was unsettling would be an understatement.

I understand this is a common experience around here. How do the rest of you deal with it? Specifically, what do you do when those memories involve others from your world. Do you tell them about the future? Even when it's about as horrible as it can get?

May. 7th, 2014


Hullo, I'm Remus.

I was told James, Lily, and Sirius are here?

I was also told there are a few like me here.
When is the full moon this month?

May. 5th, 2014


Who: Dyson & Kenzi
When: Early morning May 5th
Where: Their apartment
What: Dyson gets some awesome new memories
Rating: TBA; mentions of character deaths

--- )


All Star Wars...all day. And Star Wars related movies. Like Spaceballs and Fanboys.

May the 4th be with you!

Now I am going out. I want tacos. Or cake. I haven't decided.
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May. 2nd, 2014


You might be a fictional character if the guy you haul in for questioning takes one look at you and says "your boobs looked better on tv".

And how has your week been, network?

[Filtered to Dyson, Richard Castle]
Who wants to go on a road trip with an undercover Russian in the morning?

Apr. 27th, 2014


I've never been to a prom and it was actually more fun than I thought it would be.

Apr. 24th, 2014


Private to Dyson

I hope you don't have any plans tomorrow night, wolf man.
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All right this whole business with being taken into another realm really starting to get old.

On the upside, I've always wanted to visit New York City. I thought about leaving for Boston before, but this is so much better.

Okay so lovely people with guns say there are people here that I know. I would say its a relief, but it only validates the theory I have behind this.

Reduby Lucas, at your service!

Apr. 19th, 2014


So, you know how we love the weird cases?


Some people go to church, some people dye tons of eggs and hunt them. The Castles? We embark in a game of wits and electromagnetic radiation complete with a marshmallow center.

cut, not filtered )

Many Peeps were harmed in the making of this network post, but none were wasted.

Apr. 16th, 2014


Back where she belongs. I missed you, shield of mine.

cut, not filtered )

(photo from the Castle properties chief's twitter, though the original tweet is no longer available)

Apr. 14th, 2014


Dear everyone,

I think we should all go back to signing posts on the internet like they're postcards.

Detective Renee Montoya.

Apr. 13th, 2014


So I guess it's worth saying something, but DSJ Montoya-Williams and Winston Danvers-Shephard-Montoya-Williams no longer come from a broken home. I mean, at least for 12 states and the District of Columbia that recognize that sort of thing.

[Filter to NYPD]
Anyone ever know anything good to come from a Sunday morning text from your bureau chief about reporting in first thing Monday morning?

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