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Apr. 13th, 2014


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

Has any one enjoyed any live theatre in the past few weeks? I was contemplating taking in a show and there are a number that look interesting, but I am open to recommendations.

[Filter: Deanna Troi]
How are you fairing, Deanna? I have been so involved in my classes that I have been neglecting my friends.

[Filter: Beverly Crusher]
I suppose with that quarantine we were recently under that you may have been a bit busy this past week. I don't suppose you have any free time in the coming one?

Apr. 5th, 2014


Hello, Ms. Mills. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself, since we weren't able to at the meeting on Monday. I know that I introduced myself in my opening remarks, but I'm Dr. Alana Bloom, and I wanted to thank you for coming. Groups like these can't work without those who attend, so I'm grateful.

I just wanted to touch base and make sure that you were all right. If you'd like to talk, I can be reached at [number here] and via email at abloom@pottstower.org.
How's your schedule look for brunch tomorrow?
Your name was given to me by Beverly Crusher this week as a counselor for the Star Trek Enterprise. I'm not sure what your schedule is like, but I was hoping to make the meetings for the refugees a weekly thing, and I could always use the help. Would you be interested?
I wanted to express my gratitude to you all for your bravery in sharing. Thank you, and I hope that you got something out of it, whether it be listening or sharing. My ear is always available, and if sharing in a group doesn't interest you, I'm more than available for one on one sessions. I can be reached at [number here] and via email at abloom@pottstower.org.

Apr. 4th, 2014


I am very pleased to be able to return to my laboratory and my research, though I perhaps would have preferred not to be incarcerated in the course of affairs. Still, these things do happen when one chooses to listen to the demands of c'thia and one can only deal with them as they arise. It is also not the first time I have ended up 'behind bars' as they say. I did enjoy the opportunity to make the acquaintance of Mr Dugan so I cannot consider it as time wasted.

I do apologise to the students undertaking my classes for my inopportune absence and I shall endeavour to make myself available for any of you who wish to discuss any matters that arose while I was away.

Apr. 3rd, 2014


I would like to encourage anyone who feels the need to attend Alana Bloom's refugee group. No matter how long you've been here, it can still be difficult to adjust to life here. And when you make friends here and they disappear, that can make everything that much harder. These sort of groups provide a safe place to discuss your thoughts and feelings.

Filter to Chris Pike
I know I was gone for a little while because of the whole mess that SHIELD was in, but I still feel as if you might be avoiding me. It looks like I'll be getting out of here at a decent time today. Do you want to join me for dinner? I was thinking of chicken stir-fry.

Mar. 27th, 2014


Encrypted Filter to Jean-Luc Picard, Will Riker, Deanna Troi & Sarissa
Hello. I'm sorry I haven't contacted you before now, but it has been a matter of not only my safety, but yours as well were it known that we were in contact. But first, I am fine. I'm unhurt, and I'm very much alive.

Second, we need your help. There's a mission tomorrow to take back what was taken from Mr. Fury, and he needs every one he can get.

Captain, Commander Riker, I know you two in particular would be welcome considering this is primarily a combat mission. Deanna, Sarissa, I'm medical. I'm going to need people helping me with triage. Deanna, could you speak with Christine and see if she would be willing to help?


Filtered to Star Trek
I'm not sure if you have seen but Christine, Sulu and Will have seemed to have left.

Jean-Luc & Beverly
I miss him already. Christine too for that matter.

Mar. 26th, 2014


Network Post; Lily Potter

Has anyone seen Christine Chapel around? She wasn't here when I got to work this morning, and it's rare that she's this late.

Mar. 21st, 2014


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I feel as if it is a good time to remind residents to the tower of the educational division. These classes are open to any of the refugees and I personally teach archaeology, human mythology, and the French language. I have found teaching these subjects to be rewarding and hope to see new students.

[Filter: Beverly]
I keep coming by and missing you. Do let me know that you're alive and just buried by SHIELD work at the moment, will you?

[Filter: Will & Deanna]
Have either of you seen or heard from Beverly recently?

Mar. 18th, 2014


Network Post: Christine Chapel

So not only am I a woman again, I'm also a blonde again. Not sure how that works but hey, I'll take it. It's nice to have my voice back.

Mar. 15th, 2014


Network Post: Christine Chapel

So remember when I went to bed Thursday night without a penis and woke up Friday morning with a penis?

Yeah me too.

Gotta say though, standing up to pee is kinda cool.


I find that splitting my time between both the Youth Center and the Clinic as well as any extra patients that might approach me I've been fairly busy lately. I don't mind being busy but sometimes you just need to take a break. I have always been told that I always over stretch myself and perhaps that is true, I just feel bad turning away people who need help of one sort or another.

Still, I have the morning free today and I plan to make the most of it.

Mar. 9th, 2014


RP Log; The TNG Crew Brunch

Who: The TNG Crew (Jean-Luc, Beverly, Deanna & Will)
When: 2 March, 11am
What: Sunday Brunch
Rating: Low

Deanna was looking forward to getting the four of them together again )

Mar. 6th, 2014


I found myself watching Captain Reynold's series over the weekend and this just stuck out to me:

"After the Earth was used up, we found a new solar system and hundreds of new Earths were terraformed and colonized. The central planets formed the Alliance and decided all the planets had to join under their rule. There was some disagreement on that point. After the War, many of the Independents who had fought and lost drifted to the edges of the system, far from Alliance control. Out here, people struggled to get by with the most basic technologies; a ship would bring you work, a gun would help you keep it. A captain's goal was simple: find a crew, find a job, keep flying."

Keep flying. I think there's so much contained within those two words. It's not just about keeping the ship up in the air and running. It's about taking care of your crew, assessing risks and acting in the best interests of the crew. A ship without her crew is nothing. She won't fly herself.

I've been spending a lot of time out at the ranch. It's been useful, to just focus on that. There really is nothing like hard labor to clear your mind of things. I suppose that's why we push the cadets so hard at the beginning. It allows you to focus. And really, when you slip in mud (or manure), it certainly jerks you out of your thoughts. And a week of mucking out stalls and remembering that no titles or ranks get you out of that can be a good thing. It's useful to settle down into the rhythm of the ranch again. (It doesn't hurt that the past few nights have been gorgeously clear and there's something about just staring up at the vastness of the stars (and what lies beyond) is incredibly calming.)

I've set up a workspace there - well, two. One where I can work on writing my history (histories?) of Starfleet - and I still need some more collaboration on that to make sure it's a well-balanced approach because I don't want this to just be one Captain's perception. - and the other as more of a tinker space. Mal had talked about getting Kaylee's copter up in the air and I haven't devoted much time to working on it. It's a bit of 'ancient' technology, coming from my time, but I've found some manuals, and it'll be an interesting challenge.

Mar. 4th, 2014


Network post: Molly Hayes

There are soooooo many mutants here! It's kind of cool. Even though Doop isn't here. Or Dazzler. But that's ok.

And Gert is here and Chase and a new friend Xavin who marries Karolina. That is so crazy. And I accidentally broke the doorknob to the bathroom but that's ok because it can get fixed. I don't know by who but that's how things work.

Does anyone want to go buy superhero costumes? Last time I made my own but I want to get something cool. Or someone could make me one? That would be even awesomer.


I want to punch something!

Oh and get kit kats.

And get a hot dog.

I ate 5 bowls of lucky charms.

Mar. 1st, 2014


HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE: A combined Gift from Deanna & Laura because the mun is lazy )

Feb. 22nd, 2014


Network Post: Will Riker

Growing up in Alaska, I was surrounded by winter sports. The only one of them that I ever tried was skiing. Sometimes the easiest way to get places was by going cross country. I was never good enough to think about competing in the Olympics but I have a lot of respect for those who do. Right now I'm watching the four man bobsled and that looks like fun.

Feb. 21st, 2014


Alison Hendrix & Clara Oswald

My name is Deanna Troi, and I have been told that the two of you are in charge of the clinic and Youth Center here. I have been thinking about my future here and have been considering working either for the two of you or for SHIELD. After much thought, I have decided to not apply for SHIELD and look into working for the two of you.

I thought SHIELD would be too limiting and I don't want to limit the amount of people that I work so I believe that looking into work for both the Clinic and Youth Center would be in my best interest.

I hope this is acceptable and is there anything that I would need to do to ensure this?

Thank you,
Deanna Troi

Starfleet Girls
Hello, I've been looking through my past network posts and I have seen that we had some Starfleet girls had get together last time I was here? Perhaps we could look into doing something like this again?

Jean-Luc, Beverly & Will
Would the three of you be interested in getting together for lunch at some point?

Feb. 17th, 2014


Network Post: Christine Chapel

So this is what I do when it's snowing and I'm feeling restless. Meet the new me. Not sure how long I'll keep this color but I like it. It's fun for now.

Feb. 15th, 2014


Network Post: Hikaru Sulu

In case anyone was wondering, yes Pavel and I ran in the snow and the cold this morning in our underwear. Along with about 700 some odd other people. It was for a good cause and I'm glad I did but damn.....I'm not planning on coming out from under my blankets until Monday morning.

[OOC: I checked and yes they did the run in the snow. 800 people showed up..lol. Which is pretty awesome]

Feb. 11th, 2014


-- Is everyone all right?
-- In light of the recent troubles at Potts Tower, I'm working on getting myself a hotel room, along with another trainee.
-- Would anyone like to join us?

-- How are you today?

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