July 2016




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May. 31st, 2015


I have to say I'm itching to get out of New York for a bit.

So I was wondering if you'd be interested in a roommate.

May. 22nd, 2015


Network Post: Oliver Queen

I turned thirty on the 16th and didn't even remember it was my birthday.

Probably the best way to deal with it.

May. 19th, 2015


I actually wonder if I'll celebrate my birthday this year. Probably not. At least I'll be 18 soon

To go to college next year or actually do one more year of high school. Seeing as I mostly missed a lot of school, might be good to learn more before college.

May. 13th, 2015


Cut for TO Spoilers )

May. 6th, 2015


network post; johnny storm

Please. It's just snow.

Apr. 26th, 2015


I've managed to watch all the past seasons and episodes of Game of Thrones in the last two weeks. I'm ready for tonight.

You know what we need. A vacation.


Who: Ginny Weasley & Davina Claire
Where: Brew Ha Ha
When: Early April
What: Ginny needs to stop watching Quidditch on her phone.

And yet, here were a bunch of Muggles running around, carrying broomsticks, looking for all the world like they knew what they were doing.  )

Apr. 22nd, 2015


Watching people get so excited about Earth Day and than littering is just... wow. Classy New Yorkers.

Filtered to Kol - Possible TO Spoilers )

Apr. 20th, 2015


[OOC: posted earlier today]


Anyone up for being vibrated through their door?

Apr. 15th, 2015


network post; johnny storm

Guess who's birthday it is?

Drinks are on me. Party starts at midnight at Cielo.

Apr. 14th, 2015


WHO Davina Claire & Kol Mikaelson
WHAT Texts
WHEN Tuesday Eveningn
NOTE There are Original spoilers in here


Apr. 12th, 2015


Hayley's gone.


I feel like no one actually says here, and it doesn't make sense. We get brought here to get sick and have everyone just come and go? I hate it.

Apr. 7th, 2015


network post; ginny weasley

Filtered to Potters
So, thanks for letting me spend Easter with you. It's still weird being the only Weasley in this dimension here.

I'm officially signed up for summer term. Here's hoping Muggle maths isn't as complicated as the internet makes it out to be, or I'm going to be in a world of trouble.

Mar. 17th, 2015


Is it custom for a river to turn green after this planet has avoided an extinction level threat?


Compared to how I've been feeling I feel terrific. It almost makes me miss being a vampire.

See? I told you it would be alright.

Mar. 12th, 2015


Hell of a welcome, looks like I got here just in time for some plague that affects dhampirs and vampires along with humans, what the hell

I haven't felt this bad since, well, ever. Seriously, I had more energy than this after I was restored.

Posted via Journaler.

Mar. 11th, 2015


Great. I'm sick, my baby's sick and everyone I actually trust isn't here.

Mar. 10th, 2015


So, is there going to be some shortage of cough drops too soon? I can't--

[Private to Regina Mills]
I know we talked about meeting up this week, and I still really want to talk to you about the magic lessons. It's just my boyfriend friend boy friend friend from home is being quarantined with whatever is going around and I need to do something about it.

Can we postpone a little bit talking about the magic lessons?

Mar. 9th, 2015


Network Post: Regina Mills

I have officially reopened enrollment to receive free Magic Lessons for those who did not take the opportunity when I first brought it to your attention. Enrollment closes on Friday.

Sam Winchester:
I'm sorry I haven't checked in with you in quite some time. And I'm also so very sorry that Veronica is gone. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask for it.

Badass Brunettes + Her Fellow Queen:
How're you all doing?

Robin Hood:
Prince or Princess?

Mar. 8th, 2015


log. davina and kol.

WHO Davina & Kol.
WHAT Watching their show 2x15
WHERE Kol’s Apartment
WHEN 2/16
RATING/STATUS PG-13 | Complete | TO spoilers from 2x15

You owe me so much more than that. )

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