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Dec. 12th, 2017


Someone with a normal life would probably say that she never expected to spend her first days as a married woman in an alternative universe. But, no. No, this is pretty well expected for my life. I'm Iris.. I was told I have family and friends here?


I've been told that not only have I been here before, but I may or may not be partially responsible for the rift that keeps pulling people here?

Sorry, guys.

Dec. 11th, 2017


netpost; dick grayson (archangel michael)

This is not my Father's creation.

Dec. 10th, 2017


ATTN superheroes/anyone with a recognisable "look".

The hospital is taking sign ups for people to dress up and visit the kid's ward on the 23rd and 24th for Christmas. Claire organised this last year and absolutely nothing weird or implausible happened. It works best if you have a costume, uniform or distinctive outfit that's been seen in a tv show, movie or comic book that's pretty well-known. Books usually aren't visual enough and video games don't get as much advertising so fewer people see them. A good rule of thumb is probably "can I buy a Halloween costume of myself?" (That means you Steve Rogers I don't care if you're not Captain America anymore.)

Dec. 9th, 2017


Who: Peggy Carter & Wally West
Where: JJ's Diner
When: A couple of days after they both get out of Quarantine
What: Catching up, comparing notes
Rating: Low?
Status: Incomplete

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Dec. 7th, 2017


I'm out of quarantine but I think I have been kidnapped by some good looking yet weird circus guy.

Not complaining, he made me gingerbread. But those that wanted to have a chat with me now that I'm out might have to book an appointment through him.

Dec. 3rd, 2017


48 hours? Okay. I can handle that.

More importantly, though, when's lunch?

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