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Apr. 2nd, 2018


Well. At least there's opportunity to get off this blasted ship. I do wish I knew more about our call of port then what's in the pamphlet though.

Apr. 1st, 2018


Happy Easter, everyone. To those that celebrate and for those don't, I hope your Sunday is going well.

I've never been that religious, but I've always liked anything that brought family and friends together.

I haven't been I should probably get out of this room today. How are we on the ship? I was learning a lot assisting the other engineers, is there anything more I can help with?

And thank you, stranger, for the Easter basket.

Mar. 31st, 2018


(032) Kylo Ren

I think Eliot has a future career in cat photography when we get back to Tumbleweed.

Cut for Image, not a filter )


I'm definitely glad to have only had the little bit of injury I did. Even if it's actually a lot of a loss. But it's okay. I can handle it.

It's less than the last time I was injured. But I hope that everyone else is healing well. I'm sorry about the

Mar. 27th, 2018


[Friends + Family]
How is everyone?

Mar. 13th, 2018


Oh, a ball. Finally a chance to wear some of the beaded frocks that arrived with me. I think the white one will go nicely with the tiara I bought in Camelot. It's a pity I don't have my maid here. She's able to arrange my hair so much better than I can.

It seems the only other thing that I'll need is a handsome gentleman. Are there even any decent single ones on this boat?

Mar. 7th, 2018


Got one of those bean things. Goes places, they say. Leaving T3 here in case but won't mind company.

Mar. 6th, 2018


I actually know some of these places. I've heard about them. I mean, not in this context, but that's definitely something.

[Poe Dameron]
Do you want to come over tonight?

Feb. 24th, 2018


Have you gotten your hands on the novels yet? It's been two days. I assume if you have that you've finished them by now.

One last feast in Hobbiton before we leave?

Feb. 23rd, 2018


log; anakin & leia (legends)

Who: Anakin Solo & Leia Organa Solo
When: Shortly after Han's arrival
Where: Their cabin on the ship
What: Anakin checks up on his mom.
Rating: Lowish, but there are references to character deaths from the NJO series

She felt more than heard Anakin return to the room, and part of her hoped he'd ignore her closed door and leave her be. The bigger part of her, though, hoped he wouldn't. )

Feb. 21st, 2018


(029) Kylo Ren

eliot finsd tkhe beest places


[Filtered separately to Leia Organa, Leia Organa Solo, and Kylo Ren]
I'm sure you have many reaching out to you right now, so I didn't want to intrude. But I'd like you to know that if you need anything at all, I'm here.
[Satine Kryze]
How are you settling in here, my friend?


[Leia (Legends)]

Been hearing good things of the Elven wine. This a time where that sounds good?


I've taken some wrong turns before, but this? This one's new.

Feb. 20th, 2018


WHO: Leia Organa Solo, Anakin Solo, Jacen Solo
WHEN: Back on Jan. 29 shortly after Jaina's disappearance.
WHERE: Climbing wall.
SUMMARY: Jaina's gone and the Solos who are left seek one another out.
WARNINGS: None, really.

And he'd gotten his hopes up, he knew that.  )

Feb. 15th, 2018


I'm actually having a lot of fun here. I wasn't really sure about it, but it seems to be pretty okay. Rey x2 and Poe, do you guys want to plan a group trip to somewhere?

Feb. 14th, 2018


(005) Hera Syndulla

I made the decision to rent some clothing. I thought it would be interesting to see this world as one of those who typically live here would see it, rather than as an obvious tourist.

It's very different, but I am also curious to rent different outfits, and perhaps see if the experience is very different depending upon the outfit I am wearing.

While I have no familiarity with this place, it is very beautiful, and thus far at least, I have found it quite enjoyable to explore.

Feb. 12th, 2018


I cannot wait to see this land. Would anyone wish to join me in exploring?


I watched the holos yesterday and I have to admit that much of this place looks like it will be beautiful to see.

[Friends and Family*]
Does anyone have plans for how they'd like to explore this land? I'm looking forward to seeing as much of it as possible while we're here.
*[ooc: does not include Anakin Skywalker]
[Satine Kryze, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn]
I was wondering if the three of you would like to travel with me.

Jan. 29th, 2018


(042) Anakin Solo

Jaina's gone.

Jan. 25th, 2018


[Galaxy Far Away* Folks + Friends]
Has everyone's injuries been seen to? How is everyone? I wasn't able to find you all, after.
[*ooc: does not include Anakin Skywalker or Chelli Aphra]

Jan. 21st, 2018


I'm fairly certain I told you to stay in that cockpit, Anakin.

Jan. 9th, 2018


WHO: Leia Organa Solo (Legends) & Kylo Ren
WHEN: Backdated to before the jump, Friday night, Jan. 5
WHERE: Leia's apartment, where Kylo is staying
SUMMARY: Coffee & conversation

Can I have a heart on mine then? )

Jan. 6th, 2018


[18+ only]
Scott and I were given an informational packet about how the school system apparently works on the ship. Anyone 17 and younger is required to attend school, Monday to Friday, 9am-1pm, unless we are docked at a port.

This is basically what EPS has been trained for, but I know we got a number of others who teach or might want the opportunity to do so. If you would like to help out with making sure all the kids here can get a quality education, please respond here with what you're willing to teach and we'll get you on our roster and set up with everything.

I'm gonna ask all EPS teachers to respond to this too, to ensure we're all accounted for.


(040) Anakin Solo

Hey, so almighty Pod God. Or whatever we're dealing with now.

I take it all back.

All the times that I was grumbling this past week about my older siblings showing up and taking over and acting like they run the place even though I've only been here for like two and a half years, more or less on my own and totally managing without them, I take all of those times back. Cause secretly, I was kind of enjoying having them around in the same place we just run into each other for the first time in like a year cause it's been so long since they've been here and not like fifteen thousand decks away from me.

I'm really sorry. So can you maybe rearrange them closer to me again? I'll make you an altar on the poop deck or something.

(Is that a thing? That's a thing, right? Poop decks? I feel like I remember them from all those pirate films we watched.)

Also, Jibacca is in my room in her ewok costume, so there's that.

Is this better than space? Like, there's earth under all the water, yeah?


Stating the obvious aside: we've made another jump. Some of you remember (and would like to forget) the Prettiest Star space cruise ship. This one is on water this time. From what I can tell, it's a luxury cruise ship. Most of what I've seen seems familiar to cruise ships on Earth, but who knows so make sure you're careful until we know exactly what we're dealing with.

Check in on this post and see if your friends are here.
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Who: Leia Organa (Legends) & Anakin Solo
When: Christmas Day (slightly backdated)
Where: Anakin's place
What: Christmas gift and lightsaber discussions.
Rating: Low

Leia had spent some time looking into the holiday traditions from this world, which seemed to be the one where the majority of the displaced came from, though from alternate realities. )

Jan. 5th, 2018


(025) Kylo Ren

Not an IC cut )

Don't let the sophistication fool you: She's royally pissed off at me. You would think I'd have left her in a dumpster to fend for herself for a week rather than in a brand new cat bed with someone to feed and look after her.

Thank you for seeing to her while I was gone.

[Leia (Legends)]
I saw your other kids arrived and Luke lef when I was out of town. [...] That's good.

[Added filter to Quentin, Penny can read]
Could you meet with Penny and I tomorrow afternoon to try to see if we can help him block out unwanted mental stuff?

Jan. 4th, 2018


jacen solo: filtered network post

My name is Jacen Solo.

I assume others have told you of my existence, so I apologize if this catches you off guard, but I wanted to reach out with an official introduction.
Hi, there. I recognize the split timeline is a little strange, but as we are technically brothers, I suggest we get to know each other.
Do you have plans today?

Jan. 3rd, 2018


Star Wars, all

Luke's gone. I thought everyone would like to know.

I felt it

Yavin Ranch

When the twins arrived, my their apartment from Coruscant came with them. I have very much enjoyed living with you all, and appreciate all of your hospitality and friendship. But I think I should want to move in with them. I hope that's all right with all of you.

Dec. 13th, 2017


(032) Poe Dameron

I'm feeling pretty good about the holidays this year. But just everyone stay put, nobody leave, got it?

I'm guessing also most of you saw Sam's post the other day, but I'm planning on taking out my flight suit and dusting it off for good use, and anyone who happened not to see it, I encourage you to do the same. I've been cooped up in a medbay before, and it's no fun. Sure not for kids, and sure not over holidays. Let's make it bright for them.

[Filter: Leia (canon)]
I don't know if you'll have a place when they let you out of quarantine. Lots of folks do have, but if you don't - you can come to the Ranch for as long as you want or need.

[Filter: Dameron Ranch + Canon!Leia]
So y'all are gonna come see me rock this stage thing this Friday, yeah? I'll make certain you've all got tickets if you want them.

Dec. 11th, 2017


» Hey.
» Do you need anything?
» Or I can leave you alone.
» I'm sure it's not
» I don't know what to think either
» Do you need anything?


My name is Leia Organa. I can sense Fictio

I believe what they've told me about the situation here, but I'd like more first hand experience. How long have people been here? Is there an average expectancy in which people are likely to be here? What is being done to ensure that we make it back to our home worlds, and how can I assist?

Dec. 7th, 2017


I am Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, and I understand that my daughter has had more than enough time to gather friends to her in this world. I look forward to meeting each of you.

Dec. 2nd, 2017


I've been thinking a lot about birth dates, especially considering that the yearly calendar here doesn't align with the one where I'm from. For those of you who are in a similar position and have chosen a date here with this calendar, how did you decide on it? I suppose the most natural inclination would be for me to choose the date on which I arrived here.

I realized this morning that I arrived here exactly one year ago today.


I wonder if I ask for the others, if they'll show up? I kinda miss Janet getting me stuff. And Tahani was warm and soft and kinda miss her too.


I don't suppose there's a protocol on file at the local school district for transferring teaching licenses from one reality to another.

Dec. 1st, 2017


(031) Poe Dameron

[Dameron ranch]
All right you lot. I've got an important question.

Trees. Do we have one or no? How are we feeling about festivities?


I suppose I get to join the club of those who receive new memories.

[Potential spoilers for Justice League in the comments]

Nov. 26th, 2017


So no swoop races or pazaak. Any way to make myself useful?

Nov. 23rd, 2017


Place is interesting. Quiet too. Kind of nice.

[Jedi/Force Users]

Heard there were others. Hoping there's no Council, don't feel like explaining myself again. All the old channels don't responds, so in case anyone I know is here; sorry. Had something to do. Got waylaid. Force and it's sense of humour.

In case I don't know anyone, which seems more likely, name's Meetra Surik. Holonet's different, seems to be no way off planet and this place isn't on any charts I know. Anything I should know?

Nov. 22nd, 2017


(021) Kylo Ren

[Filter: Leia Organa]
I moved back to the apartment for a while.

[Added later: Filter to Eliot]
My grandmother is here.

Millicent is angry at me, I'm fairly certain.

Nov. 14th, 2017


We're not doing anything for the upcoming holiday, are we?

Nov. 13th, 2017


[Luke, Leia, Anakin Skywalker]
I was wondering if the three of you would like to have dinner tomorrow night. I think we should all sit down, as a family, and spend some time together. Another time, perhaps. I'm sorry.
I'm afraid I may have made things worse. He doesn't want to see me. Ever.
Our marriage is finished, Ahsoka.

Oct. 29th, 2017


One planet.

How do you stand it?

Oct. 21st, 2017


Hey, so like, am I supposed to find like... a guardian? Is that the next part of this test? It's getting old. Should I put up wanted ads? Kind of like Mary Poppins except for someone to live with instead of a nanny?

I'll make one up.

Won't sing though.

Or should I just have the military putting me in touch with Shakira. Actually, that's probably not the worst idea. The normal number isn't working. Does anyone have the phone number for Shakira?

Oct. 20th, 2017


Log; Kylo Ren & Leia Organa

Who: Kylo Ren & Leia Organa
When: Last night (Thursday), later in the evening.
Where: Dameron Ranch
What: Kylo's been thinking and he shows up on his mother's doorstep
Rating: Moderate-ish? There is the typical Kylo doesn't always boundary well warnings and discussion of violence, and usual Skywalker family issues.

To say Kylo was actively wishing that he was back in New York City was an understatement. )

Oct. 18th, 2017


Anakin Skywalker!

I challenge you to a duel.

Didn't you mention an audience and taking bets?

Oct. 15th, 2017


WHO: Leia Organa Solo & Kylo Ren
WHEN: Friday morning
WHERE: Downtown Tumbleweed
SUMMARY: Leia personally invites Kylo to the fall festival at Poe's ranch.
WARNINGS: A for awkward?

I'm glad you and Eliot had a chance to go away for a little while. )

Oct. 10th, 2017


Network Post: Anakin Skywalker

Can anyone explain why does any of this [...] stuff exist? Why?

SpoOoOoopy large image! )
Who would want to
Children, don't they know that I
I'm not "SEXY"

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