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Dec. 1st, 2017


So who's for sure going to the ball?

And if I actually write a letter to Santa, what do we think the chances are that I get sent Gremlins in the mail or like... idk... turn into whatever I ask for? Do random nice things happen here, in anybody's experience?

Nov. 30th, 2017


With the Winter Ball as well as the holiday season coming up, well, 'tis the season, right?

Some of you knew Howard when he was here. He tended to be the party thrower and was very generous when it came to making sure his guests were well taken care of.

So, to honor his spirit, every one can expect a $150 gift card to be delivered to them soon. Whether you use it for clothes, decorations, presents, or just something you really need, it's up to you. There's no wrong way to spend it. Just consider it a way to get these holidays started off on the right foot.

Nov. 28th, 2017


This is a hell of a lot more comfortable than traveling by tesseract, but I gotta say I'm not digging this whole quarantine thing. Tempted to ask for something crazy just to see how far they'll go

Also, New York to small town Texas? Kinda feels like a step down.


They SAY quarantine but it FEELS like jail. Is SHIELD behind this? No one said anything about SHIELD, but they don't always announce themselves.

May. 27th, 2017


I've really gotta learn to say no to chaperoning dances.

Mar. 11th, 2017


(007) Credence Barebone

Has any one seen Newt? His suitcase is here he wouldn't leave He is usually back to the room by now.

[Filter: Newt]
I hope that you are here still and just out a bit longer than you anticipated.

Dec. 11th, 2016


(002) Credence Barebone

I'm supposed to start school tomorrow I don't know what I'm .

Do they just assign you to classes?

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