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Mar. 23rd, 2018


The shops on this ship have a pretty good selection as far as clothing goes. Not quite as high-end as what I'm accustomed to, but for now, they'll work. I'm not spending an entire cruise wearing the same outfit everyday.


Okay, so - viewing party in the theater today at 5pm for those who want to be part of the cast/crew of our first (and let's face it ONLY) shadowcast performance thing. This is just for those involved.

Here's the current cast and crew. We still need some more people so speak up now and come to the theater later.

Also I'm not supposed to be in charge of this. Someone else is. So someone needs to speak up.

cut for cast/tech list )

Mar. 22nd, 2018


This is an awfully long time to be stuck on a ship. I wish the library was bigger.


[Filtered to Eleanor Shellstrop]
Okay. I thought it over and considered the possible levels of embarrassment I woild feel, but I’ll do the whole Brad thing.</blokquote>

Mar. 21st, 2018


So I have what may end up being a fantastic idea!

Let's put on a Rocky Horror Picture show live action thingamajig. Janet is Janet, but the other parts are up for grabs. If we want to do rehearsals or whatevs, maybe we can start scheduling that next week?

Who's in? Who wants to handle putting this together?

cut for cast/tech list )


I do not appreciate being poked and prodded by robots, even if it is apparently for my own health.

Oh dear. Is this the Medium Place? Am I doomed to a tacky singles cruise with under-cooked food in the dining room and loud tourists in horrible Hawaiian shirts? Because if that is the case, that's worst torture than anything Michael ever thought of himself when I was in the Bad Place.

What's even worse is having to hear bad covers of Jimmy Buffet at the karaoke bar, if that's also a thing.

Mar. 13th, 2018


Who's in need for a date to this ball? Comment here with your name, your romantic preferences, a few of your likes, maybe your age bracket, and let's see what we can do about getting you a date.


Hey Jason and Janet, Michael had the great idea of the four of us going to this ball together. Let's do this thing!

Janet - you and I are hitting up the boutiques and going shopping for dresses.


Delivery for Eleanor Shellstrop )

Mar. 9th, 2018


Whatever ash-hole changed the musak to that Disney crap, you better change it back soon.

Michael, was this you?

Mar. 8th, 2018


Hope you people are enjoying your time in the weirdo fairy tale lands. As for me, well let's just say the pool's a lot nicer when it's not full of people. Probably wouldn't be that fun checking out those places alone anyway

Mar. 7th, 2018


Think I'm gonna stay on the boat. Lots of people are saying this place is bad news. So I'll be DJing at the pool if anyone wants to hang.

Mar. 4th, 2018


I need a night out, where I'm being told I'm pretty by a beautiful person and being plied with good wine. Multiple beautiful people encouraged and welcomed.

EDIT: Captain America (the single one), your presence & services are required at the Meridian Lounge tonight.

Mar. 5th, 2018


Build-a-Bear is a very special place and if any of you ruin it I will be very angry.

Mar. 4th, 2018


left in a Build-a-Bear carrier outside Michael's room with a note that says 'Love E!' )

Mar. 3rd, 2018



Tonight, midnight, there's gunna be a battle of the bands.


Steven Universe!
Old Man & Stitch
Marceline, The Vampire Queen
And more...?


• Show up and cheer on your favorite band.
• Can sign up if you swear to Grob, Gob, Glob & Grod to be a neutral judge. We need 1-3 volunteers. Got it. Thanks!
• Enter the fray with your own band if you dare! (Just sign up here, man.)

Mar. 2nd, 2018


Hey, Tony! Disco Night, tomorrow!


I applaud our most recent hosts on the complete absence of dead giant squid.

The veritable buffet of intimate company was also most welcome.

Mar. 1st, 2018


I want a burrito.

This must be one of those things people talk about when they remember stuff that happened but didn't really go thru but they know it happened even if they weren't there for it.


I guess I can't have the monopoly on death, but at least no one else can say they're a ghost. So at least I have something. I also have a picture of Ronan in an ugly hat, so that's two somethings. Also welcome new people.

[Ronan Lynch]
Want to see if we can trick a group of people into a room and sing the Murder Squash Song to them? We can pretend it's part of the welcome adventure.

Feb. 28th, 2018


Hi there! I’m Janet.

Fun fact: Though Dr. Alexander Wood, the inventor of the hypodermic needle, is in The Good Place, he only missed being sent to The Bad Place by 312 points. Incest and torture are, as a general rule, frowned upon, no matter the reason.

With that in mind, I do not have skin or a circulatory system, so I can be neither infected nor innoculated. The experience was fun, though!


I feel like I need to apologize for anything Michael's been telling you losers saps folks. He likes to mess with people. spoilers for The Good Place ) Speaking of, does anyone have any philosophy books around? Better yet, are there any philosophy teachers or ethics professors here? Because that would be fantastic.

Also - since I died and now I'm alive again, does that mean that any sort of lifetime ban from, let's say for example, a store that lets you build a cute stuffed animal of some kind would no longer be in effect?

[Jason Mendoza]
Come on man, I need your help here.


By a show of hands.. or comment "hands".. how many on this ship are experience some sort of GI discomfort? Stomach cramping, nausea, maybe vomiting, possible diarrhea, all either with or without a fever?

I don't know what exactly is going on but it's probably to get an estimate number of people who are getting sick so we can make sure we know where it came from. Please not Middle Earth

Feb. 27th, 2018


What a curious ship. And already I have heard tales that more curious things can be hunted down. I would readily like to hear them. And a drink to all who do.

My name is Alucard Emery of Arnes. I have been a pirate, a privateer, a champion of the Element Games (still reigning), to name a few titles. And on foreign waters, I am in need of new friends.


Okay, so - I had to get a shot, but it was given by polite robots instead of a pissed off nurse who's been on his feet for 14 hours and smells like puke.

There's an all you can eat buffet, but I'm stuck on a boat in the middle of nowhere.

There's a full casino, but you don't win any actual money so it's all kind of pointless.

I'm in the Medium Place, huh? Am I right or am I right? Oh fork me. At least tell me the alcohol isn't all room temperature and that the buffet includes shrimp.

Has anyone seen a gorgeous giraffe, a dorky guy in unnecessary glasses who can't make up his mind to save his own forking life, a spaz who's probably wearing a monk's outfit or a track suit, a white-haired guy who wears a bow tie all the time, or Janet around?

[ooc: possible spoilers for s1 or s2 of The Good Place in comments]

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