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Dec. 21st, 2017


WHO: Everyyyyyyyyyone
WHEN: Whenever
WHERE: Wherever
WHAT: We're meant to be together. No, but seriously. Do your gifts here. Keep them all in one nice little place!
WARNINGS: Man, I hope not.

Holiday gifts. )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Dec. 20th, 2017


Who: Secret Santa participants!
When: First thing Wed 20th
Where: A mailbox near you! (Or next to the mailbox.)

Sorted alphabetically by first name:

Albus to Hope )

Ianto to Percy )

Pixie to Zelda )

Dec. 12th, 2017


before the party, Tonks goes to Wolf Manor and the Weasley Cottage to drop these presents off

Wolf Manor, Original Charlie: Ukrainian ironbelly statute & a Gryffindor pennant.

Cottage, Charlie (EXO): Snitch fidget spinner & "catch snitches, not feelings" shirt.

Dec. 3rd, 2017


WHO: Charlie Weasley (Canon) & Molly Weasley
WHERE: Texas BBQ Joint.
WHEN: November 27th, after this.
WHAT: Charlie brooches the subject of moving out of the Burrow. They proceed to discuss the way people come and go.
RATING: PG at most
STATUS: log; completed

You would have stayed there if it had never disappeared? )


WHO: Snow White, Charlie Weasley
WHEN: Right after AU!Charlie got out of quarantine
WHERE: Wolf Manor
WHAT: Charlie shows up at Wolf Manor and Snow and him talk.

He was getting a Burrow that was alive and filled with commotion as it always had been. And he hated it. )

Nov. 29th, 2017


›› Emme.

Nov. 28th, 2017


I'm moving. I made up my mind last week but I didn't want to say anything until I spoke to Mum. The place I was staying at is back and I've decided to take up my friend on her offer for me to move back. No hard feelings, aye?

We got to talk, T.

I'm going back to the Manor.


[Illyana and Albus, separately]
I'm wondering if'n there are any spells that can be cast on objects to make them into a teleporting device?

Any chance you can alter the climate of a small area and it stick that way?

[Charlie Weasley (original)]
I've some questions about animals and figured that you're the person to go to.

[Scott Summers]
So we ever gonna talk about that island I raised?

Nov. 27th, 2017


Can I treat you to dinner tonight, Mum?


Nov. 20th, 2017


Alright. Let's get this over with.

(Edited later)


Nov. 19th, 2017


›› You got plans for Thursday?

Nov. 18th, 2017


text to charlie weasley original flavor

›› Now I'm worried you disappeared.
›› Are you still camping?

Nov. 16th, 2017


[Filtered to Weasley clan and friends]

At least I know the Burrow is here. That's something familiar at any rate, apart from my now fully grown children.

I'll be making a huge meal tonight. I can only imagine what you lot have been doing nourishment-wise.

Nov. 12th, 2017


WHO: Tonks and Charlie Weasley
WHEN: November 8th, 1 am
WHERE: The Burrow
WHAT: Charlie and Tonks wake up the entire Burrow hollering at each other.
WARNINGS: Alcoholism.
STATUS: Complete!

We are not the only people here. )

Nov. 9th, 2017


I'm going camping. I'll see you all later.

I'm going to be on the land for the next few days working on the greenhouse for our side of things. I just wanted to give you a heads up. How's the house coming?

Nov. 7th, 2017


›› You didn't come home yesterday.
›› Are you coming home today?


›› Drinks?


WHO: Emmeline Vance & Charlie Weasley
WHERE: The Burrow
WHEN: 7 November [after this]
WHAT: Ending things.
RATING: PG-13 for mentioning sex.
STATUS: log; completed

I'll see you later, Charlie. )


As many of you are aware, we had a containment unit set up for the Mogwai. We had a large majority of the population in this unit. As of this afternoon, however, all of the Mogwai have seemed to have disappeared. Our monitoring systems have allowed us to confirm that one moment the creatures were in the facility and the next they had vanished; much like what occurs when one of our own Displaced returns back to their universe.

We highly suspect that any Mogwai, or Gremlins, that may not have been kept in the containment unit have also vanished. If any who still had a Mogwai in their possession could please confirm it's departure, it would be greatly appreciated.

We'll keep an eye out for any stragglers over the next few days just to be safe.


WHO: Snow White, Charlie Weasley, probably some cameos by Wolf Cubs
WHEN: October 21
WHERE: Wolf Manor
WHAT: Charlie gets to help Snow's campaign! They finally get some closure.
TRIGGERS: Mentions of alcoholism.

Wolf Manor was alive. )

Oct. 6th, 2017


Wolf Manor, if it's in the same place as it was before, is quite a walk from the military base, and while I think the children would have no trouble transforming into wolves, I don't have that means. They also don't know where it is. I don't suppose someone would be kind enough to offer me and the children a ride. I didn't have the foresight before being taken from my home to put money in my pockets.

Oct. 4th, 2017


Not THIS again

I need a bottle of aspirin and the best foot massage possible.

Oct. 1st, 2017


WHO: Tonks and Charlie Weasley!
WHEN: 48 hours after her arrival
WHERE: LEAVING quarantine
WHAT: Time to catch up!
WARNINGS: Possible talk about death.
STATUS: comm, incomplete

Am I the only one who gets to make you laugh, laugh until you cry? Am I the only one who asks you to go, go on without me? Am I the only one who loves when you leave your hair down in front of your eyes? )

Sep. 28th, 2017


Oy! What's this?

I don't like being cooped up. Can we have visitors? I'd like a visitor, please. And some Pepper Imps, if possible.


okay what's a froopyland and where's a froopyland exist?? i heard someone talking about it and now groot wants to go

we're in. quill's gonna sign for me

Sep. 19th, 2017


filter to bill weasley, rocket & groot )
wizarding world + rocket & groot )
filter to emmeline vance )

Sep. 18th, 2017


What in the bloody hell...?
Hello? Where's Don when I need him?

Filtered to the Wizarding World
Hello? It's Myron Wagtail.
Is there anyone here that went to Hogwarts or Ilvermorny?

Sep. 3rd, 2017


WHO: Charlie Weasley & Emmeline Vance
WHEN: This weekend, during the Vegas trip
WHERE: Las Vegas
WHAT: Charlie wakes up in Emmeline's hotel room and a lot is left unsaid.
WARNINGS: References to sex but nothing explicit. Very PG.

Are you going back to your room? )

Sep. 1st, 2017


Going to Vegas this weekend, whose in?

Aug. 24th, 2017


(016) Credence Barebone

New York was large, and I think I always knew that, but I never really felt like I knew it well. So traveling somewhere like DC in this time was incredibly enlightening and I am glad to have had the opportunity to do it.

[Filter: Albus]
Are they still doing the school for people with special powers? I think that might make more sense for me than the high school.

If they could handle the magic.

Aug. 19th, 2017


(016) Kylo Ren

It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep employment with all these disruptions.

[Filter: Eliot]
I didn't just dream that you read me half of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone did I?

[Filter: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader]
I've been told you are here.


Has anyone seen Stefan or Daisy? They're not answering their phones.

I'm also no longer 17. She was happier back then and

Aug. 14th, 2017


I really like your money in this country. I got so much ice cream. And it was the same as Florian's back home! It even looked identical. How weird is that?

Also, your picture phones are pretty cool. My friend, Tonks, her Aunt has a phone but it doesn't show pictures. She's got a picture box though. She's played us stories on it before. Can you see stories on this picture phone?

And, by any chance, does anyone else know how we got here?


Voice Post

How the bloody hell do I-


Is this some kind of muggle-

Take me back to Hogwarts!

Aug. 12th, 2017


I'm seriously considering taking out a loan for a plot of land. I want to do it with my pal, Rocket, and have it be kind of an everything space. Bit of a farm, bit of a ranch, space for wood working, too.

Now tell me if it's a bad idea or not. And if you'd want to maybe team up with me.

Aug. 6th, 2017


I'm going to go to the pound. Anyone want to come with?

Aug. 1st, 2017


I got a few questions.

Is the EMS or the THS hiring a school counselor? I've got experience.

And secondly, anyone want to go out and get wasted on a Tuesday night?

Jul. 31st, 2017


It is short notice, I know, but how do you all feel about going out to dinner tonight?

Happy Birthday, Dad.


august 9th is my birthday

unrelated but worth mentioning is that i prefer chocolate cake

Jul. 24th, 2017


I'm glad even more now that I've lived in Egypt. It at least helps with the living conditions even more than it did before. Also I

How are you two doing?

Jul. 20th, 2017


Right, so, you all remember that plant we've got back home? Sweetums? Makes all the corn syrup crap? It's definitely here. It doesn't look the way it does back home. Less industrial, really. But the company is definitely here. Huge sign and all. I figure big company like that probably has dozens of factories.

Anyways, we got to talking to some of the workers, and one man was reading a magazine outside. One of the old LIFE ones? Asked if I could see it and it was dated for July 1953.

He told me it was the current issue.


I am going to explore.

I do not need the food or water in the pack. Sabine can have it.

Jul. 19th, 2017


after they've landed, but before everyone has found each other.

This is Ahsoka Tano. I'm able to connect to our network, which has been active in most worlds we've landed in, and I'm writing this in the hopes that someone else is out there. I've landed in a pod that seems to have some sort of power dampener. I was unable to use the Force while in it, but after releasing myself, I feel back to normal.

If you're out there, please let me know. I don't know what kind of world we've landed on, but the terrain seems extra dry with the potential to be hostile. If others are out there, I want to find you; there's safety in numbers.

Jul. 15th, 2017


[Charlie Weasley]
Hey so - I picked up some local steaks this morning for a good price. What do you think of doing a big cookout at the Burrow tomorrow? We can invite all our friends, your family, do a big thing?

Jun. 21st, 2017


Hey, Freddie, I think we let the Ogden's sit too long. I'm hallucinating Texas. Or maybe that's just the 'special' part of special reserve, eh?

May. 30th, 2017


earlier today

You got a minute?

Hey, Credence.

May. 20th, 2017


Snow's gone back home. Manor's gone. If you need me, I'll be at the Burrow.

Y'alls shit is here. I'm cracking open my Father's firewhiskey as we speak. Come on over.
We were supposed to have more time.

Mar. 14th, 2017


(008) Credence Barebone

For those of you who knew him, it seems like Newt Scamander went home.

And I guess we're all richer this mor

He left his suitcase. I've been taking care of some of the animals. But you might know them better than I do. Help

Feb. 2nd, 2017


WHO: Charlie Weasley, Snow White
WHEN: Technically New Years Day, in the wee hours
WHERE: Snow's bedroom. Yup.
WHAT: After months of codependency, they pair go home together.

''Should I stay or should I go?'' )

Nov. 5th, 2016


WHO: Charlie Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks
WHEN: After this conversation
WHERE: Wolf Manor
WHAT: Charlie finally tells Tonks’ about what happens between her and Remus Lupin.
WARNINGS: Swearing and discussion of abandonment. Ghosts.

I promised you it'd be okay, that no matter what, you'd not be alone. )


WHO: Charlie Weasley, Snow White
WHEN: When the ghosts first arrived
WHERE: The Burrow
WHAT: Charlie gets a visitor, Snow thinks he might have disappeared.
WARNINGS: Snow's mouth and life pretty much sucks. Child ghost.

He could just sit in silence with Snow and it was enough. )

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