June 2020




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Nov. 1st, 2017


I was about to announce to the scant number of you who might care that I enlisted with the military just the other day, but that isn't half as exciting as the box I found at my door today.

Has someone been gifting pets?

Oct. 28th, 2017


I hate it when the days get shorter.

Oct. 14th, 2017


Someone want to fill me in on these holidays you all have?

Oct. 8th, 2017



Is it weird that our pirate life was more what I had imagined we would be like than how our lives have actually turned out?

Oct. 2nd, 2017


Let it be so noted that Captain Oretsev lost his sword in a duel this afternoon.

Sep. 30th, 2017


What even are the origins of the next holiday?


WHO: Alina & Mal
WHAT: Alina gives Mal a protection object, they fight
WHEN: Backdated to earlier in the month
WHERE: "Their" room on the Volkvolny

... )

Sep. 27th, 2017


For a moment I thought I was in for that prolonged, dreadful sort of boredom in quarantine, but I've been told that we're fully into pumpkin spice latte season and my timing could not have been better. I assume things can only look up from here, but that's more the optimist in me than my personal taste for whatever a pumpkin spice latte may be.

Sep. 26th, 2017


Personally, I'd be completely fine with skipping over October and going straight into November. Thanksgiving is a load of crock but who doesn't love a nice turkey dinner?

TUMBLEWEED FRIENDS (*does not include the Cottage denizens)
And with that segway, what do you all think of maybe planning on having a big dinner in November? My family didn't celebrate the holiday but I like the food.

Particularly the pie.

But I figure planning now gives us enough time for someone to step forward as a cook or for us to find a decent place to cater?


May I bother you for a moment?

Aug. 31st, 2017


Private to Mal

Where are you?

Aug. 26th, 2017


I got something for you.

No guarantees it'll work, but you should come try it out.

Aug. 21st, 2017


Can't I just go home? Isn't there a way to sign up to do that? My friends are in a camp for being magical, and it's not pretty. I just want to be there to help them out. I know, I KNOW, I'm not really gone or whatever, but I have

Maybe I just need to be busy. Staff starts up next week, and I'm councilor so that should help.

Aug. 5th, 2017


Are there travelers among the citizens here? And, maybe, people who are travelers and like the Shins?

I want to go to Chicago.

Aug. 1st, 2017


I got a few questions.

Is the EMS or the THS hiring a school counselor? I've got experience.

And secondly, anyone want to go out and get wasted on a Tuesday night?

Jul. 29th, 2017


I got my hope up for a moment that I was actually back at Brakebills and then I remembered them saying the Cottage was here. Which is just great. The Universe could have done me a solid and brought something useful, like Brakebills, and instead I get Animal House.

And when the hell did we acquire a cat in here?

I need to find another place of residence. Alina? Teddy? Do you have a suggestion?

Jul. 24th, 2017


This is a desert. People are living in caves. Everyone arrived in magic dampening pods. It's 1953 and everyone is miraculously given a phone that syncs up to a social media platform? Would you say I'm caught up to speed?

Frankly, right now, this all sounds like nonsense. I think it is far more likely that I'm freezing to death and in the process loosing my mind.


Nikolai is gone.

Jul. 23rd, 2017


So when's a good time to panic?


Private to Ronan

I'm assuming our deal is off while we're here?

Jul. 19th, 2017


I can gather light if that's helpful to anyone right now.

Jul. 4th, 2017


I'd like someone to tell me where Maleyn Oretsev is.


It appears it will be just you and I tonight. Any special requests for dinner? I make no promises on delivery, but I do like a challenge.

Jun. 29th, 2017


It appears that Inej Ghafa has disappeared again, for anyone who might be looking for her.

How long are you planning to avoid me?

Jun. 27th, 2017


It's really too bad Dean isn't here anymore. He would be so easy to con into trying that new tarantula poison drink.

Everyone else is back to themselves, I think, so I'm hoping you are too. Are you okay?


WHO: Alina & Mal
WHAT: Mal comes home to find dark!Alina (aka evil twin!Alina)
WHEN: backdated to the evil twin mirror plot
WHERE: their room on the Volkvolny
WARNINGS: nothing major, Mal doesn't get hurt, just tied up.

... )

Jun. 18th, 2017


Filtered to those who got stuck in mirrors

How different were the worlds your mirrored selves came from?

Jun. 13th, 2017


I'd like an explanation as to Maleyn Oretsev's appearance here.

Jun. 4th, 2017


This is well belated, but I'll have to plead some forgiveness for my preoccupied mind. Inej, welcome back. I believe I read that you recall the last time you were here? Not that I imagine I would need to reintroduce myself, of course, but if you would like to hear such a thing all over again, I could play along.

Alina, Mal, since I haven't heard anything to the contrary, I assume everything is more or less as I left it?

May. 29th, 2017


I wasn't going to bother with saying anything until I was actually out of quarantine, but then I remembered how boring it got in here and I figured I should probably just say hello anyway. This is Inej Ghafa. Again, I guess. I still have two days left in here, but I am here.

So, hello.

Hello. I know you don't know me, but I was told to contact you. My previous guardian is no longer here, so I'm in need of a new one and they suggested you. I'm sorry if this is awkward and I can look for someone else if needed, if you'd rather not.

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