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January 20th, 2020

[info]lothcat in [info]thedisplaced

[Attached is a video of Chopper arguing in beeps with a goose. Ezra's laughing from behind the screen as Chopper starts chasing the goose but then starts yelling as Chopper starts running back towards him, the goose chasing him. The video ends when Chopper crashes into Ezra and the camera goes flying. The last image is the face of their enemy, the goose.]

[info]typeaplus in [info]thedisplaced

[Filtered to FNRB leadership]
I've been thinking of making a post following up on last week's earthquake, but I wanted to get an opinion if it's maybe overstepping:

On the last several cruises or... world changes, we've had some degree of security / watch / etc. People have come together but it's kind of added to the chaos of our initial arrival trying to set up while everyone's sorting out our new environment, arrival procedures, and if/where everyone's loved ones are.

So I'd been thinking of posting to coordinate something like a meeting some 4-6 hours after arrival which gives people time to both assess our new situation and get their friends and family situated but also address security concerns expediently.

Is that just poking the bear? Would it read as too Bureau affiliated? It feels like a decent idea but, do you think it would be well-received?

[info]phasing in [info]thedisplaced

Organizing a new business is so much fun. I haven't had this much fun since the FIRST TIME I was Headmaster. I'm going to be accounting for everything.

And maybe once I get to a certain level, I could hire you to be my accountant? That'll be a while, and it's not a full time thing, but you know.

[info]extrooper in [info]thedisplaced

I've been getting slowly more used to food that isn't, well, protein bars.

What do people recommend? I've had cakes and those were good. And mac and cheese. Also something called a burger?

[info]katebishop in [info]thedisplaced

Has anyone seen Clint?

[info]nebula in [info]thedisplaced

I need someone to take me to Iceland once every two weeks to stock up on hákarl and Brennivín. I will pay handsomely.