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July 19th, 2017

[info]katoptris in [info]thedisplaced

This is the first summer vacation I'm experiencing in a world not my own, and can I say... when I'm not loading myself up on homework and extracurriculars on school time to keep myself busy, and there aren't quests to go on or monsters popping up at every corner to attack us, the summer feels really really boring.

So, I want to take on a summer job, I think. Mid-July too late? Any places that would willingly hire teens?

[info]snipps in [info]thedisplaced

after they've landed, but before everyone has found each other.

This is Ahsoka Tano. I'm able to connect to our network, which has been active in most worlds we've landed in, and I'm writing this in the hopes that someone else is out there. I've landed in a pod that seems to have some sort of power dampener. I was unable to use the Force while in it, but after releasing myself, I feel back to normal.

If you're out there, please let me know. I don't know what kind of world we've landed on, but the terrain seems extra dry with the potential to be hostile. If others are out there, I want to find you; there's safety in numbers.

[info]behindthemask in [info]thedisplaced

Who: Kylo Ren & Eliot Waugh
When: July 15 (backdated slightly)
Where: Margo's party.
What: Eliot is really good at making people jealous.
Rating: Teen for kissing.
Status: Complete.

Just get your two. You don't want to leave the lady waiting after all. )

[info]deeringdo in [info]thedisplaced

If anybody needs water, warming charms, anything else - let me know. I've got my magic working now that I'm out of my pod.

[info]burningwings in [info]thedisplaced

I'm going hunting as soon as it's light. Does anyone else here know how to hunt?

Are you here?

[info]ohgoodirony in [info]thedisplaced

[ooc: imagine this was a little earlier]

Hey, so, fun universe times, right? Pods are new, but hey, got to have a new experience every time right?

Anyways, I think I have all the devices I can feel hooked up to the network. Which is good considering that for now that looks like that's it for contact with the 'outside world' via the not-so-world wide web. We've also got a beacon going for everyone to head to so we can regroup and figure somethings out. Your phone should tell you which direction to head in. Just be careful out there as the ground is a bit uneven.

If you need help getting here, please comment and we'll work to get someone out to where you are.

[info]sankta in [info]thedisplaced

I can gather light if that's helpful to anyone right now.

[info]absolve in [info]thedisplaced

Piggybacking on Ahsoka, let's use this site to set up a temporary camp. We can't really go exploring now and we need a home base of sorts. Don't use the pods since it damped your powers. But can we organize to do the following?
  • Set up shelter and inventory supplies
  • Explore (running water and civilization being essential)
  • Set up a perimeter security detail around the camp

  • Tony, all the thanks to you for building this network, by the way. (Jess, Luke, Trish, Misty, Elektra, Karen - you'd better be here.)

    [info]magnetostatics in [info]thedisplaced

    Anna Marie.