June 2020



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June 17th, 2017

[info]lastmutanthope in [info]thedisplaced

[Peter Maximoff]
Are we supposed to be doing something Sunday for Erik? And do we invite W

[info]captcommunist in [info]thedisplaced

What. The fuck.

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedisplaced

Being stuck in a mirror was not an adventure.

I'm sorry for whatever the evil me did or said.

[info]trialsoflove in [info]thedisplaced

I would like to formally apologize for any feelings that may have been harmed by the words spoken by my look a like. I do not share his opinions any longer and do not wish to share them ever again. Please know that I think rather highly of nearly everyone I've come to meet in this town and country.

I apologize for how words may have hurt you.

[info]letsfightstuff in [info]thedisplaced

Were there any places that went through a great deal of water damage or something? Or earthquakes?

[info]continuityerror in [info]thedisplaced

Okay, hi? I think I missed half the town going evil. Thanks to everyone who helped me put up posters this week!!!! Planning a parade is a lot of work, and twice so when the townspeople think I'm some sort of --- damned soul?!? Nevertheless, this parade is still on, and we're having a pre-Pride parade party at the Bronze on Thursday. It's a $5 cover, but it's totally going to be worth it.

Please come out and support us, especially now when everything's so -- bleak.

Wanda Maximoff
Hey, so, I'm thinking we should probably start practicing outside of Tumbleweed, just to be safe? Thoughts?

[info]thwipsandquips in [info]thedisplaced

I might actually be cursed This is I'm sorta in need of someone to sign off on being my guardian around here. I keep losing

What I can provide you as a ward:
- memes
- grilled cheese sammiches
- the assurance that you'll never have to check to make sure I did my homework?

[info]faberges in [info]thedisplaced

What fresh hell is this

I've a feeling I'm not in Kansas anymore.