June 2020



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June 10th, 2017

[info]wynonna in [info]thedisplaced

When I was a kid, there was only ever one path for me to take. I was my dad's back-up plan. We have this family curse, you see, where these asshole demons try to kill us because of my great-granddad, and the heir's the one with the power to send them back to hell where they belong. Willa was the oldest, so she got all the attention, and I was only worth something as a back-up in case something bad happened. So, of course, something bad happened. I was twelve, and I knew jack shit about what daddy had to deal with, compared to what he knew, anyway, and there wasn't anyone around to each us. I always figured I wouldn't make it to thirty, so what the hell did school or anything else matter? Barely finished high school, never went to college. Never gave a second thought to a future I wasn't ever going to have.

I don't have to deal with that damn curse here, so now I can't stop thinking about how I never had a plan for anything and I have no goddamn clue who I am if I'm not the heir. I liked it more when we were in space and I didn't have to think about any of this. How the hell does anyone decide what they're supposed to do with their lives? Shit.

I'm out of whisky.

[info]billiamweasley in [info]thedisplaced

Still trying to wrap my head around the whole [...] not at my wedding reception thing. Charlie, I heard you were here and that there weren't Death Eaters to worry about.

Is there anything to do while we're stuck in here? I don't have anything to read or focus on, which will probably drive me up a wall. I'm guessing that Fleur isn't here since no one mentioned her.