Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Pick Your Poison

Who: Brennan Wulfe, Lee Wyland, Loïc Arkaitz, Imenry Barras, Signy Dagna, anyone else in G1 who wants to herb it up
Where: Redcliffe.
When: 30 Molioris, 9:45
Summary: On her last stop before some fun-for-the-whole-family herb gathering Lee runs into Signy and the dwarf's trusty posse who seem interested in helping out.
Rating: K
In progress

every poison has its cure, it's ripe and on the vine )
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Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

attack of the 4'5" woman

Who: Loic Arkaitz, Lee Wyland, Johann Bronson, Nerys Ronain, Signy Dagna, any other members of G1 who want in.
Where: Redcliffe.
When: Late morning. 1 Ferventis, 9:45.
Summary: Johann arrives at Redcliffe to recruit help for the family and friends she's left barricaded in her home, and finds that the situation is more complicated than she hoped.
Rating: There will be swears.
In progress.

No matter how fit, no matter how determined, one person can only keep rowing for so long before exhaustion takes hold. )
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Saturday, October 16th, 2010

With the Face of a Ghost

Who: Brennan Wulfe, Imenry Barras, Elsa Vargas, Hilda Aelricsdottr, Signy Dagna, anyone from G1 who would like to join, or gawk.
Where: Redcliffe
When: 30 Molioris, 9:45
Summary: When the group from the Orchard arrives back in Redcliffe the following day Imenry runs into someone who looks very familiar. But no, he can't be alive? Can he?
Rating: T for possible language

Sometimes, there were ghosts all around her, but usually she was asleep. )
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Friday, July 30th, 2010

the devil's orchard

Who: Nerys Ronain, Coan Bryland, Signy Dagna, Imenry Barras, Raelias Loravarnion, Ekaterina Davor
Where: The Kelly Orchards, Redcliffe province
When: Late morning, 29 Molioris, 9:45 Dragon
Summary: The Wardens take a scouting party to the darkspawn nest outside of the village.
Rating: M for potential violence, language.
Status: Complete
The sun had not yet reached its apex by the time the party had approached the edge of the orchards. )
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Sunday, July 18th, 2010

Who: Signy Dagna and anyone from Group 1.
Where: Redcliffe, down in the town. Lakeside.
When: 28 Molioris, 9:45 Dragon. Evening.
Summary: Redcliffe hasn't changed, but it seems different.
Status: In Progress.

She wasn't terrified of the lake anymore, no, but that didn't mean she was going to to trying to fall into it. A wind might pick up. She might stumble. Maybe water was mildly magnetic. )
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Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

The Spoiled Princess

Who: Signy Dagna and members of Group One not at the docks.
Where: The Spoiled Princess, Kinloch Hold.
When: 23 Molioris, 9:45 Dragon.
Summary: The alcohol might not be good at the Spoiled Princess, but at least it's there.
Rating: TBD.

The brandy? It's just terrible. We got it from a shady Orlesian trader and I think it might really be turpentine. )
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Monday, April 12th, 2010

Who: Signy Dagna, Vienne Reyer
Where: Group One's Camp
When: 20 Molioris. An hour or two after nightfall.
Summary: Vienne tries to set the dwarf mage at ease.
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress

In all my life I ne’er did see a maid so shy as the Antivan lady. )
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Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Group 1 : Chanter Davor

Who: Ekaterina Davor, Wardens and Companions of Group 1
Where: The Bannorn
When: Evening, 19 Molioris
What: Chanter Davor is about to find out exactly how inhospitable Ferelden's Bannorn can be...

The Light shall lead her safely - Through the paths of this world, and into the next. )
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Saturday, March 13th, 2010

scene: short girl tent

Who: Signy Dagna, Ashya Devar
Where: Camp, somewhere between Amaranthine and Kinloch Hold.
When: 16 Molioris, bed time.
Summary: Ashya and Signy are sharing a tent. This is sort of like a slumber party. Kinda.
Rating: G? Then again. Slumber party.

we are young girls but we are not little girls )
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Monday, March 1st, 2010

Who: Wardens & companions leaving Amaranthine for Redcliffe.
When: Early evening, 16 Molioris
Where: Campsite just off of the North Road
What: Group one stops to rest before continuing to Redcliffe.

There was serious trouble headed for the arling... )
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Friday, February 26th, 2010

what do you mean you've never owned a gown before

Who: Signy Dagna, Falina Bjyr
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: 15 Molioris. Daytime. After the meetings.
Summary: Shopping. Serious business here.
Rating: G.

the two of you should be playing with flowers and trying on gowns, not heading off to war )
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Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Conlan's post joining night Thread 3

Who: Conlan Delaine, Signy Dagna
Where: Vigil's Keep Privy
When: very very early morning 14 Molioris, 9:45 Dragon.
Summary: Conlan meets Signy, the two of them talk about the joining, their lives, and things they have imbibed that they really shouldn't have. All the while throwing up.
Rating: V for... well yeah...

There are just some things you don't put in your body. )
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Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Who: Signy Dagna, Imenry Barras, Open
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: Night, 13 Molioris. Just after the Joining.
Summary: To at least some people who have been waiting, answers and Wardens are made apparent.
Rating: Probably fine for all?

Being a Grey Warden was hardly something you did and then just went home in time enough for supper. )
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Who: Bethen Avilla & Signy Dagna
Where: The Library of Vigil's Keep
When: Before dawn, 14 Molioris, 9:45 Dragon.
Summary: After the Joining, Beth finds that she can't sleep and meets with one of her fellow Wardens.
Rating: K
This time, she'd dreamed, briefly. )
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Friday, February 19th, 2010

Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant.

Who: The Grey Warden recruits
NPCs: Alistair Theirin, Allan Maivia, Mona Seward, Aedan Maivia, Rudyerd Franklin
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: Evening, 13 Molioris, 9:45.
Summary: The Joining ceremony commences.
Rating: T.
Join us brothers and sisters. )
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Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

scene: a meeting of mages

Who: Signy, Faer Arandil
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: Second Week of Moloiris
Summary: Signy and Faer are both in awe of the home of the Ferelden Grey Wardens.
Rating: Should be fine for all / G.

The air is the magic, we do not know where it comes from, or where it is. It's just...there. )
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Who: Jaden Tahal and whoever wants to show up!
Where: Amaranthine, outside of the Keep
When: Before the Joining
Summary: Jaden is musing over the Joining coming up, and spending time in a human village for the first time.
Rating: PG/PG-13

At first, it would have been all-too easy to claim that Jaden was simply overwhelmed )
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Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Who: Savio Corleoni, Signy Dagna, Deidre Aisli, Ordhan Wyland, Anyone else who shows up.
NPCs: Unnamed (for now) Culture Hound
When: 9:45, the day before the Joining
Where: Amaranthine
What: People talk in the dining room in the presence of poor soup and a yappy dog.
Rating: Currently PG.

A Heartwarming Story of an Assassin and his Dog... And some other people. )
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Friday, February 12th, 2010

Amaranthine Arrival Thread: Where Our Travels Take Us

One of the many arrival threads.

: Imenry Barras, Signy Dagna, Falina Bjyr, Cormac Murrough,Ordhan Wyland, Jaden Tahal, Conlan Delaine, Ashya Devar, Any people who wish to jump in!(Seriously)
Where: Amaranthine
When: 9:45  Current Date
Summary: As part of the party that has just arrived at Amaranthine, these travelers are weary, some are overwhelmed, and all are in a place they have never been. Will they be made welcome, or perhaps find some familiar faces among the crowded halls?
Rating: Should be fine for all
Status: In Progress

They'd been traveling for hours... )
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Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Backscene: A Stroll Around Redcliffe

Who: Rhocanth Garal, Signy Dagna
Where: Redcliffe
When: 9:45, the day Alistair's group stays over in Redcliffe.
Summary: Curious about the sights, Rhocanth asks Signy if she would like to go and see them.
Rating: G-PG-Probably fine.

Rhocanth approved of the good sense they had to put the inn beside the main gates. )
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